Bugs and glitches, take 2

wow, weird stuff. I think the guess about the k-groove thing is correct. most likely a bug in the code.

i woudl try to set it up again with the same amount of health and rage bar and test it out. makes for funky videos, especially if she’s still controlable (imagine if she’s stuck in that pose, but she can actually still move? she’d be hopping around in the win pose lol!)

It probably has to do with special win poses to, if it is recreatable you should try it with other characters like akuma that have special poses that involve super KOs to see if the glitch is universal or just linked to Hibiki

I don’t think she is controllable, only hittable.

i was mashing actually, couldn’t move at all… damn win poses.

we also did try and re-create the glitch, but didn’t manage to do it again :sad:

GLITCH CONFIRMED. I will call it the Hibiki Blackout glitch. I tried to do it with Akuma, but it didn’t work.


What other characters have win poses specific to a super? Sadly, I think it is more specific than that. The super must have some type of OTG property. Examples of this include: Honda’s command grab, Yamazaki’s super grab, Hibiki’s blackout, Todo’s counter super.

its a fairly old bug, but nobodys quite sure how it happens. it seems to have something to do with life totals, but ive heard reports of the bug happening against people how have a noticable chunk of health left. shrug

if you want to help figure out a REALLY crazy bug: one time i was in training mode with a friend; i was n-athena, he was n-kyo (this was hella years ago). the catalyst for the bug isn’t really known, but the result was all of n-kyo’s specials and supers were disabled; he could only do normal moves and stuff. at first i thought my (brand new) stick was broken, but the key display showed no problems. we then switched characters to somebody else and it worked fine. we’ve never been able to replicate the bug, but the one thing we do remember is one time i was in the corner and did an anti-air crystal super which… had something funky about it. maybe it was the way kyo bounced or something, i dont remember. ANYWAY…

also, there’s the arcade-only freeze bug that happens randomly at the start of a round. the round starts, but neither character can move. this actually carries on until the game is reset, i believe. nobody’s sure how this one works either, but the prevailing theory is that both people performed a reversal super jump backwards as the round begins

allen and i were playing and i was using a-sak and he was k-rolento and i was rc taunting and he was just regular taunting and all of a sudden the slouched down like they just lost by time over and all the gauges disappeared. eventually we heard “TIME OVER” and they just sat there. the next round started and i guess since i had more life at the time sakrua stayed in but the gauges were still gone, life bars, meters n everything but everything still worked, i could still activate and do specials and so could he. even when the next challenger came up the machine was still glitched (ithink) and this was at the arcade.

didn’t they find out that bug with the specials not coming out for kyo already? I don’t know if they can explain it but i think i’ve heard about this glitch.

about the hibiki blackout glitch…it only works when Hibiki is standing right? For example it doesn’t work if you do hcf + k, then blackout.

acctualy the kyo bug I dont think has anything to do with other characters at all. At least not specificly…kinda…

I remember I had wanted to do the bug for my combo video 3, 4 years ago when ever I did that thing. I “assumed” when I was fooling around for some reason once you do a certain amount of moves and hit with a certain number or something kyos supers just stop working. I remember one of the times I acctualy had it happen was at the very first part of my first video, the rock and kyo part. Kyo stopped doing the final showdown. And I was like dammit not now. So I had to rerecord it lol. Oh well… Guess maybe I Shoulda taped that part eh?

I posted about it a loooooooooooooooooooooooong long time ago, but this was way before srk crashed a couple years ago. So yea it way lost now.

But anyway yea I always assumed its something wierd with the game gets “tired” (Lol) of doing kyos moves and you hit with it to many times? or something strange like that, as this has been the only ways I was ever able to get it. Like the game just ended up running out of final showdowns with kyo. I never really could think of any other reasonable way to explain it when ever I did it.