Bugs and glitches, take 2

I started this exact same thread but deleted it as it had become a kara-cancel discussion thread and not the glitch thread that was intended.

Let me get this out of the way right now, kara cancels(empty cancels) are not bugs. They were added to the game intentionally and purposefully. However, they do allow some bugs. Roll cancels are a specific form of kara cancel. Roll cancels ARE bugs. At any rate, this is not the best forum for discussing kara cancels. This IS the correct forum for posting unlisted bugs/glitches.

Ok, with that said, TAKE 2!!!

  1. RC, or roll cancelling. First utilized in cvs2, but discovered in cvs. Roll cancels only give invincibility in cvs2. Performed by starting a roll, and then cancelling it into a special/taunt/super within the first few frames. The roll invincibilty from hits continues for a good 20+ frames, even WHILE you’re doing a special/super. Note: roll cancelled moves can still be thrown.

  2. Tech throw reversal glitch. If any player performs a reversal after a teched throw, weird stuff starts happening. If both players perform a reversal with a special/super, some really crazy shit can happen. Super freeze becomes longer, supers get nullified, invincibility can be gained. My favorite example is Rolento/Kim. After they tech a throw attempt, Rolento does his QCFx2 + K super, kim does the QCB, DB, F + K super. The super freeze is very long, Rolento might even break dance for a while, then HELLA knives fall from the sky, while Kim is still completely invincible, causing them all to bounce off. The invincibility is only apparent if Kim is close to and facing the corner.

  3. Fireball realignment. A bug of little consequence. Performed by throwing your opponent just as he’s about to release a fireball. Personally, I’ve only verified it for ground fireballs, such as Rock’s reppuken. The fireball is sent in the opposite direction, and elevated off the ground to just below the height of a hadoken.

  4. Super freeze after KO. I’m not even sure if this would qualify as a bug. At any rate, if a super is begun before the KO, but the flash happens after the KO, the freeze is longer and no meter is used. Classic example: kim doing a super after he kills with a foot stomp. That particular super can be started after the KO, guaranteeing no meter is ever wasted.

  5. Eagle Kyosuke super fireball reflect glitch. Eagle’s reflect(dp+p) can send back ALL of Kyosuke’s super fireball hits into one massive yellow ball of death. On top of that, Eagle can get raged for it. Since the reflected ball is not a super, it can stun. Can it ever stun, too. It’s basically a guaranteed dizzy, delivering roughly 80 stun. If you are Eagle and Kyosuke does this super from far away, REFLECT THAT SHIT. You set up a nice guessing game, since the reflected ball can be sent in various directions.

  6. Continue a combo after the KO. Only ever seen this possible with yamazaki in C groove. Custom combos obviously do not count. When you are Yama and you’re opponent is low on life, do a lvl 2 grab super, and when it scales to 0 damage to prevent the opponent from dying early, cancel into dust kick. The dust kick will KO the opponent, but you can cancel the dust kick into serpent slash and hold it for a tiny bit. Since the grab super has the OTG property, and you cancelled into dust kick xx serpent slash, it isn’t yet over. What happens is that the slash adds a hit to the combo, even though the opponent is obviously lying dead already.

  7. Maki alpha counter bug? After her alpha counter, she jumps back and crouches for a few frames. If she is hit in this crouching state by anything, she will fly back, and can be juggled. If the counter whiffs, she’ll end the spin kick and jump back as normal. But you can normal jump or even walk up to her in time to start a combo as she’s still crouching. An example is with yamazaki. He does a sweep at max range, maki alpha counters and whiffs. Then yama does j. hk, s. hp xx fierce knife. When he recovers from the double slash, he can super, catch her and continue to combo. That’s right, combo a super after the knife. Although fairly difficult, and not likely to happen, it allows big damage in a single combo.

  8. Kyosuke’s final grade remix bug. When he does this super, all hits are supposed to connect, much like raging demon. But after the first hit, he jumps back and is not invincible. If you can deliver a hit after he jumps back but before the second hit connects, the super will be stopped. You go flying into the air and are knocked down. If you can connect Iori’s winecup super(pillar thingy), Kyosuke can stay stunned long enough for Iori to combo. Here’s the fun part, Kyosuke can still be in the air, frozen purple, but you can perform ground combos on him. As long as the combo hits high enough to connect.

  9. Iori maiden masher bug. Easily executed with iori/blanka or iori/rolento. Much like the final grade remix bug, this is about interrupting an uninterruptible super. Take Iori, stand full screen and do a bunch of fireballs. Against blanka, you would do one jab fireball followed by 6 fierce fireballs, Blanka is now roughly at 68/70 stun. Then you do one last jab fireball, followed by maiden masher - lvl 3. There is no timing involved for Iori’s side, just do everything as early as possible, and full screen. All that is left is for Blanka to hop back twice, not too early either.
    Since the maiden masher travels faster than the jab fireball, you can catch up to it and surpass the fireball. When you perform the glitch properly, blanka moves the screen back, enough to give you time to get in front of the fireball. The super does 1 hit, holds the stun at 68, but then the fireball connects with blanka, DIZZY!!! The super is uninterruptible(and iori does not get hit), so iori keeps going, empty handed. When blanka starts to wake up from the knockdown, he gets sucked across the screen into the super, instead of seeing little birdies.

  10. kattobi cancel? Back in full force since sfa3, the act of kara cancelling a normal into CC activation is a kattobi cancel. Bug or not, it sets up some weird stuff. Ex: guile does jab sonic boom(from full screen), then s.rh kara cancelled into CC activation, then does another s. rh as soon as the sonic boom hits. Result: Guile covers about 3/4 of the screen and combos off of the sonic boom. Sonic Hurricane has great information on kattobi cancels, check it.

  11. 2p corner glitch. Knock the 1p down in the corner so that their feet are off screen, or facing it at least. Then cross-up(corpse hop/jump/roll) like you normally would. Hazzah! You just put yourself in the corner against a knocked down cornered opponent, something which is normally forbidden.

  12. Red impact charge bug. With vega(claw), you can walk forward into his red impact. Step one, charge back. Step two, get your claws knocked off. Step three, IMMEDIATELY after picking up your claws, press f, b, f + p for the red impact super. So if you get your claws knocked off and walk forward to pick them up, you already have that first f, just press b, f + p. Too easy!!!

  13. Kim handcuffs(on cammy only). It involves kim doing his air super and cammy doing a spiral arrow. If their feet connect, cammy will be frozen in the air. The easiest way to do it is both players stand full screen, kim superjumps. Cammy reacts to the superjump up with rh spiral arrow. Kim does the level 3 air super at the peak of his jump, nothing special. That’s it, cammy should freeze, and kim is free to charge up and taunt till the timer runs out. If he wants, any air special/super that kim does will connect and knock her out of the cuffs.

  14. Same character select glitch. Pick your 1st char. Go to random, then go back between random and end until the last character you see in random is who you want to clone. Pick the desired clone character manually, then go back to end. Random will ‘hold’ the last character it was on. AS SOON as you go from end to random, press a button to get the character it was holding. If you do it correctly, you can pick cammy, then go to random until you see sagat. Pick sagat normally, then use the glitch to pick sagat again. Note: you have to setup the random/end thing to the cloned character before picking the cloned character normally.

Notes: for glitch 2, if you take iori/iori or vice/vice and they both do a reversal command grab, both characters will freeze and become unresponsive. In iori’s case, standing up, and vice, laying down. Just another form of handcuffs. Except these handcuffs have no key.

Roll cancels were actually discovered in CVS1. They weren’t of any use in CVS1, unlike RC’s in CVS2.

I’ve never really played cvs, but thanks for the tidbit.

I’ve changed discovered to utilized, seeing as RCs are of no use in cvs.

it’s 84 stun, and it’s freaking SWEET! free super if ur in K :eek: :smiley:

If you’re 1/2 screen away, it’s an automatic counter hit with 96 stun. I’d like to see kyosuke not get dizzy from THAT.

Not to start a flame war or anything, but roll cancels weren’t discovered in cvs 1. The were discovered in cvs 2. They work in cvs 1 but you can’t really tell because you get no invincibilty from them, you only get glitchy sounds and stuff like other kara’s.

that means it was found out in cvs1. they just didnt have any use


How many threads are there on roll cancelling? Too many. Do we really need another one? No, we don’t.

I know for a fact that there are more bugs out there. I’ll post another once I do a little R&D. For now, eat this.

  1. kara cancelled specials that move you forward. Most notably, Todo’s c. fp xx command grab. Iori also with f+mp xx rekka. Ken’s f+hk xx shoryuken. Iori should be able to do f+mp into command grab. And yamazaki should be able to do f+fp xx command grab. I have had no success with those 2.
    If you watch the obot video for ken, he does f+hk, then d, df + punch. Well, since ken doesn’t have a dp+k, just do dp+k xx p. That notation looks weird, I know. It means do the dragonpunch with kick, then immediately but seperately hit punch. That’s it. I’ve tried doing it the tutorial way, but never managed to do a single one. A few friends tried it too, and not a single kara dp. But now after trying this new method, I’m more than 50/50 after my first 10 tries. I will definitely add this to my arsenal. The timing for pressing rh then punch is the same as RC timing.

Shin ace said…

“Let me get this out of the way right now, kara cancels(empty cancels) are not bugs. They were added to the game intentionally and purposefully. However, they do allow some bugs. Roll cancels are a specific form of kara cancel. Roll cancels ARE bugs. At any rate, this is not the best forum for discussing kara cancels. This IS the correct forum for posting unlisted bugs/glitches.”“15) kara cancelled specials that move you forward. Most notably, Todo’s c. fp xx command grab. Iori also with f+mp xx rekka. Ken’s f+hk xx shoryuken. Iori should be able to do f+mp into command grab. And yamazaki should be able to do f+fp xx command grab. I have had no success with those 2.
If you watch the obot video for ken, he does f+hk, then d, df + punch. Well, since ken doesn’t have a dp+k, just do dp+k xx p. That notation looks weird, I know. It means do the dragonpunch with kick, then immediately but seperately hit punch. That’s it. I’ve tried doing it the tutorial way, but never managed to do a single one. A few friends tried it too, and not a single kara dp. But now after trying this new method, I’m more than 50/50 after my first 10 tries. I will definitely add this to my arsenal. The timing for pressing rh then punch is the same as RC timing.”

Umm yea right guy, so what do you think they are bugs or not? Oh are they only bugs when teh move you foward? Thats laughable.:lame:

Kara-DPing with Ken in CvS2 is some seriously useless shit. Do you guys know why people do it in 3S? It’s so they can juggle with two shoryukens when they’re midscreen. Last I checked, Ken doesn’t have any launch, shoryuken, shoryuken combos in CvS2.

The real way people are going to use it…

“Damn, I’m getting my ass beat. What do I do now?”

random kara-DP at midscreen out of desperation

Good shit, champ. :lol:

The focus of bug 15 is to move forward into command grab. That extends the range of the grab. How often do you expect a command grab when he’s out of range?

If it weren’t for selective reading, this forum would be empty.

But thanks anyways for your contributions guys.

I wouldn’t say that Ken’s kara dp has no practical application, cause you can use it to poke out people, especially since it’s pretty much the same as using a lp dp for counter poke. Also, I forgot whether Obot put it in a combo or not, but I vaguely remember he did (although intuition would tell me that you can’t combo into a f+hk), so in that case I guess it would have an application.
Granted, 3S Ken’s kara dp owns CvS 2 Ken’s kara dp.

Used the kara dp in a combo, from the kara dp tutorial vid? Nope. All he did show was that it would be good follow up after a bait, and even that was sketchy.

The only way to use it IN a combo I can think of is in a CC.
c. lk, c. lp, CC activation, c. mk xx [f+hk x N, until the corner] xx kara dp, super. If you have to go cross screen with the combo, you’ll likely be too far to just go from f+hk into dp when you get to the corner. You would need to do a hurricane kick before the uppercut. But using kara dp lets you go directly from the f+hk’s into dp, then super.

Because of the fact that you can option select it(the only way I can even perform the kara dp), it is not a desperation move. After doing the dp motion(go to and hold forward, instead of down-forward), either press punch for you guessed it, DP, or press hk into punch for kara dp.

Also, I recall someone saying that if it isn’t a bug, then what is it? An oversight.
Well, all bugs are oversights, otherwise they would have been removed during development. The other possibility is that the programmers knew and left it untouched, and then it just becomes part of the game. And since I don’t see any cvs2 game developers in here, the list of bugs is going to get longer, not shorter.

Is someone other than me going to post bugs and have this thread serve its purpose, or is this one going to get deleted too?

Umm lets remind everyone what you said earlier inthe thread…

"Let me get this out of the way right now, kara cancels(empty cancels) are not bugs. "

I also said thay if a programmer knew about the feature, and did nothing about it, it is not a bug. They knew about kara cancels, and they left them.

Kara cancelling a punch normal into a kick special is not something that was intended. You’re supposed to cancel a jab punch into jab fireball(the real intended kara), not a roundhouse into dp.

Shall we continue to dance in circles, or actually do something productive?

Uhh, so they know about kara cancelling, but they don’t know about using kara cancelling to give a move extra range? Especially after the concept has been around for like 8 years? I think you need to stop being so uptight on your definition of bugs and just let people contribute what they can. Besides, if you’re going by the definition of a bug as something that happens in the game that the programmers didn’t intend, you’re going to have a HUGE list of bugs.

Did the programmers intend Sagat’s low fierce to be the way it is? Probably not. Sakura CC? Yeah, right. Bison CC? Definitely not.

You get the point.

Anyway, some more bugs that I listed in my systems guide:


(added 12/20/03)

I couldn’t think of anything better to name it. =P

Certain characters can be juggled at a much lower height than other characters.
As long as those characters are in a juggle-able state (during a CC, after a
level 2 C-Groove cancel, etc) moves like a Shoto sweep or a Bison slide can
juggle these characters. Naturally, these lead to extended combo options on
these characters.

The book states that Chun Li, Guile and Cammy are all much more succeptible to
the Low Juggle Glitch than other characters (all top tiers, how nice!).
However, most people have only been able to reproduce any meaningful results on
Chun Li. Shrug.


(added 12/20/03)

In case you didn’t know, “OTG” stands for “Off The Ground”. A move that can OTG
connect with a fully grounded opponent, which is normally impossible in CvS2.

2 characters in the game are succeptible to the OTG Glitch: Rolento and Dan.
These 2 characters can be picked up off the ground by pretty much all special
grabs and most normal grabs. The catch is, their opponent must be in the middle
of Custom Combo mode. This makes a huge number of extended combos possible:
Iori can rekka ken Rolento into the corner, activate CC, pick Rolento up off
the ground with his Scum Gale, and proceed to do the generic ground CC.


(added 12/20/03)

This is completely new to me. Dan can be thrown out of the start up frames of
his CC activation (before the actual CC flash). For every other character the
few frames before the CC flash are completely invincible, but Dan can be
thrown easily. Poor Dan :frowning:

Even weirder, Dan has a trick to make his CC activation invincible to throws.
Since every throw can be jumped out of, Dan needs to hit up on the stick to
jump, then IMMEDIATELY (like within 1~2 frames) cancel the initial jumping
frames into the CC activation before Dan leaves the ground. Weird. I wonder if
this little trick can apply to other moves?


(added 12/20/03)

Also known as the “Tom Cannon A-Terry Glitch”, this glitch isn’t really
understood yet. The only thing that is known is that juggled opponents have a
much higher rate of popping out of the corner in the left corner. This
phenomenon happens especially often during CCs.

That is the entire paragraph I wrote. Dialupsucky took one line and quoted it out of context. My point is that we can’t just say the word kara cancel and expect everyone to understand you actually mean kara dp, or RC, or plain old jab into fireball. Specifics are good. Contributions are good. I see neither in his posts.

Apparently Buk, you read the whole paragraph and went out of your way to post something new. And for that, you are a role model. Do you mind if I add those to the first post?

Looks like I quoted the whole paragraph to me dude. Oh well guess you gotta make up lies to try to discredit me, thats nice. Or maybe you can deleted the thread again like last time when you start talking nonsence.

I’ve had a match with someone where I did my went for my Rolento lvl3 trip wire super and have been thrown out before the flash came out, and I lost all my super. I don’t if this glitch was stated before.

If people post clear definitions of bugs not already mentionned, then the thread is serving its purpose. Ducky, SoleEmu, Buk and cheese master have all added to the wealth of knowledge, so this thread is going nowhere.

And read your 2nd post in this thread dialupsucky, what do you call that? That’s called taking something out of context. You quoted only the part that supports your argument, whatever that is. At any rate, stop wasting our time unless you actually have something to say. If you do, then say it.

Hmm, losing meter without a flash? That’s interesting…2 minutes later. I watched a clip frame by frame and the meter does in fact drain on what seems to be the frame preceding the flash animation. So although it seems possible to get thrown out of it, it is extremely tight. Also, it’s hard to say if that’s a bug or not. It is definitely noteworthy. An honorable mention perhaps?