Bugs and glitches, take 2

It seems to me that the left corner behaves as it should. In that, it is possible to be directly under the person when they are in the air. How i’ve always seen it, is there is a ledge on the right corner, allowing on in the air to be slightly more to the right (but not enough to effect crossups as far as i know). Im pretty sure you can see the character goes more off screen on the right corner than on the left.

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The screen in my mind looks like this… perhaps not that drastic (ie the part that stops the person from walking might not be that high)

Takeing things out of context? I posted the exact thing you said just a post above it. Not my fault you have short term memory loss and I had to remind you of your stupidness. Why dont YOU read what you said right before my second post.

If you have something to add, or an actual question to ask, post it. Otherwise, I recommend you stop wasting your time.

But the character is supposed to have full invincibility during the startup frames preceding the flash. This isn’t the first I’ve heard of this glitch. Actually, someone posted an XBL match video in the Online Discussion forum where this happened.

I’ve done this against Morrigan’s Peace Out super (HCB+K). I’ve only tested it on PS2. I’ve also heard of something similar with Yun’s air super as the catalyst.

Has anyone mentioned juggling after a throw with CCs? I believe it only works with Hibiki (Kick Throw) and Maki (also Kick Throw?).

I think it’s more useful to be liberal about what a bug is. Just use your judgement; if something seems weird, it’s a bug. Let’s not make it like stepping on eggshells.

BTW, I think you need to clarify (i.e. be more precise about) what you mean in bug #6

because Iori can deliver the KO with the second hit of his rekka, then juggle with the third rekka (after the KO). And there are a few other similar cases.

in #6, it refers to the OTG property carrying on after death. Yamazaki can hit you once you’ve already fallen to the ground and it adds to the combo meter. Even A groove CC’s can’t do that.

I’ll need to try handcuffs with morrigan/cammy vs yun/kim to see how far it extends. If someone can confirm, please do.

Theoretically, Kyo could get an otg after someone dies as well, but I don’t know if any combination of moves would put him into the right position at the right time to do it.

It probably is possible with the rekkas, as long as the first one is started before the KO(good luck with that). As far as I know, his rekkas can’t be cancelled into after super or otherwise. So you need to find a way to get his rekka to be properly timed, and also kill him after the first rekka is started. I’m not a kyo player though, so I can’t say for sure.

Yamazaki is fun because KO appears at the 10th hit(or whichever hit) of your combo, and then the OTG snake arm makes it go up to 11. It’s the pause that makes it look so weird, and also that snake arm does not hit OTG by default. It’s just something you wouldn’t expect, and not really a bug. It would look at home in a bug video though, :wink: .

Here are two things that come to mind. One of the two I mentioned to James Chen years ago, and the other I think I saw at SonicHurricane.com (decided to try it once I saw the vid).

  1. Morrigan’s Raging Demon Super
    Pick Morrigan on any Groove that requires a Lvl3. Your opponent must pick P-Groove. Upon activation of Morrigan’s super, parry the initial hit. Morrigan’s double will appear and continue the super, forcing you to block, get hit, or parry it all. It doesn’t sound like a big deal, but try doing the following after parrying the first hit:

Vice’s HCFx2 P
Any Teleport (PsychoBison, ShinAkuma, etc.)
ShinAkuma’s counter

Basically Morrigan is completely invincible during this animation sequence sans Geese’s high counter and Todo’s counter super, and can actually track some supers, like Vice’s. Teleporting can avoid the invincibility, but the hitbox remains during animation, so you could get sucked back in if you walk too close. Morrigan’s animation goes out of whack in some cases. This was also shown on SonicHurricane. Try it yourself, and see what I mean.

  1. Kyosuke (From SonicHurricane?)
    Pick someone with a projectile, particularly a ground one, like Rugal or Iori (We’ll use Rugal in this case). Throw a jab Reppuken, and immediately after it’s seen, perform Kyosuke’s Lvl3 Super (where the Rival Schools gang comes out). Ensure that the distance is close enough to where the super connects, but far enough so that Kyosuke does not get hit by the Repukken (at least not yet). When the super connects, Kyosuke will jump back, his friends will come out, and then he’ll get hit by the fireball. Kyosuke can then do whatever he chooses while the Lvl3 super (thanks to his friends) is in progress. I’m not sure if there’s a damage increase/decrease due to his absence, but I doubt it.

Your #2 is basically equivalent to 8) in my first post, although I’ve never hit Kyosuke once his buddies come in. Cool variation, thx.

As for Morrigan’s raging demon(darkness illusion???), that is completely new to me. Since her raging demon is a hit, and parrying counts as a hit for the opponent, that makes sense. I wonder if parrying the first hit of Iori’s maiden masher would give the same effect? Or is it unique to Morrigan’s super? I guess it’s time to go to training, set 2p to auto-parry yet human, and have some fun.

So many questions, so little time.

EDIT: Iori’s maiden masher does not work. So far the only hit confirm super that continues after a parry is Morrigan’s RD. Lilith basically tracks you wherever you go, but she won’t hit you. Try it for yourself, it’s weird looking. I also tried Shin gouki’s raging demon, fireball super, and that crazy one hit of death super after the first parry. Nothing, no way to get out of it in a really cool way. You just delay the inevitable. Fireball goes right through and you get hit, RD saves you from getting hit by maybe 4-5 hits. And that one hitter is the same, you still get creamed.

EDIT edit: Rock’s fbx2+k does not work either. Neither does Kyosuke’s final grade remix. Naturally it follows that Rugal’s gigatech pressure and Yamazaki’s guillotine don’t work either.

Hmmm, I wonder what happens if 2 morrigan’s go at it? Parry one hit, then reverse raging demon. Morrigan #2 would probably go right through, and only the first morrigan would execute the super.

triple edit: Apparently, morrigan is considered airborne the entire time she does the super. If you parry the first hit in the air, you’re stuck in the air, and morrigan does the super completely off the ground. For a good laugh, try it.

I’m pretty sure Kim’s rush super keeps going after you parry the first hit, not sure if his air dive kick super is like that thou.

yes it goes through, i felt the hard way with my P-vega :frowning:

Kim’s rush super definitely continues after the first hit, as does Ryo’s.
iirc, Yuri’s does not. Changs does not.

WTF is up with Ryo’s stun super(fbx2 +p)? I was in training with a friend and I noticed that if you cross Ryo up while he’s still holding the super, all motions do not register as they should. The poor cpu thinks you’re still on the side Ryo is facing until the super is over.

Example, I had ryu, he had ryo. Fuck it, I’ll just say I had ken. I start a point blank roll just frames before the flash. Then I get up on the other side soon after the flash. So what do I do? I try to dp his sorry ass, but fireball comes out, GOING THE WRONG WAY(it whiffs)!!! Alright, we try it again but I do rdp+p, this time the dragon comes out, whiffs because I’m hitting the wrong way, and then I land back where I started before the crossup.

Be warned, if you cross up Ryo right after his super flash for that super, just wait and throw. Anything else will disappoint. Unless you’re using for a glitch vid of course.

There use to be some crazy combos with that from back in the day buti dont remember much about the game anymore. ryos hit box is a lot farther then it looks or something like that. YOu could acctualy make supers do weird things as well like there was a lot of crap wtih rock i remember like doing rageing storm and have it move a qaurter of screen or have certain attacks hit differently and you can combo after them. You can do stuff like it vs vice as well.

Some where specific though, and could only be done by the second player or first player cuz of that one bug thing where second player or maybe it was first is acctualy larger ducking then first player is…

Hrmmm Dunnno really vauge i dun remember the game anymore but there was a ton of crap you could do with it.

I think Ryo was 1st player(dummy - human) and I was 2nd(player). I’ll have to try it for both sides and see how specific the bug is.

There’s also Athena, her 2 part super. If you release the ball after a cross-up, it follows. And Todo’s counter super will counter both sides. Unfortunately, that doesn’t belong it this thread.

I just put a few examples of this glitch on tape and this time Ryo was 2nd player. It works on both sides. Although I still haven’t managed to get a raging demon to go the wrong way.

Is there any easier way to do glitch 2…damn took me like 3 hours…

Yeah there is. I have 2 custom joysticks so I connected the up directions together with alligator clips. I did the same for down, fierce and roundhouse. Then take left from one stick to right of the other and vice versa.

To do the glitch, I just walk forward, double tap fierce, then do a reversal. You have to take the same character twice or at least be doing the same motion of special/super. The reason you need to double tap(quickly) fierce is that a single tap will cause a throw. You need to start a throw and then press fierce again to tech. The reason it works so well is because one player controls both sides at the same time, and a reversal on one side means a reversal on both sides.

i do not have a stick or that clip?? your talking about. :sad: