Bugs and glitches, take 2

Then you need two humans, a countdown(or have one player watch the other player hit fierce and react to it damn fast), and some patience.

this afternoon i did the rollento vs kim one. i put kim on “rec.” i had him do a s. lp (To signal that he was about to do a throw. walk forward hold forward and HP. and in between (i thought in my mind “okay he just did the tech and now i do the qcb,db, f + k super”) and it worked sometiems… mostly not. so i responded with rollento with a f+hp or b+hp and that caused the tech hit and i did his steel sword(which usually does not “reversal”). Took a shit load of trys…

i dont even know if i did it right, all that happened IIRC is that the screen was freaking out(colors of a freeze super screen) and rollento was break dancing for just a bit and i think… Kim dissapeared??? and rollento just froze for a bit and it went back to normal with the steel rain swords coming down on Rollento?

When they both do reversals, rolento releases HELLA knives(like 30+) and kim is invincible(either the knives whiff or they bounce off of kim). And they breakdance for a good 5 seconds.

Try doing reversals with specials first. The specials will be invincible. So 2 yamazakis can do snake arm and neither gets hit. 2 sakuras can do fierce dp and they’ll go through each other. 2 rugals doing god press will freeze the game until time runs out.

im still finding it close to impossible for me to do. but it looks funny/cool as hell. its just too damn hard. =(

Know any other worthy funny ones? could u post the effects too cuz i can only try the ones that are really worth it.

Here’s the results of a little experimenting i did with Guile’s Sonic Hurricane, along with media so you can see ahead of time what happens:

Also, both of the videos at the bottom of the media page have a few interesting clips made using that glitch. The first one has two clips featuring Rock and the second one has some stuff with Vice, Raiden, and Akuma. Look:

I could never reproduce this, but a while back I threw Raiden out of his grab super. I was right next to him, went for a throw, saw the super flash, and my throw beat the super, weird.

there’s a glitch in the japanese arcade version of cvs2 that lets you build meter after the match ends.

We glitched out the dream cast version so that you could still play, but when blanka walked he just had 1 animation from repeated (so it looked like he was floating)… dont know how its done … and they drunkenly saved over the replay.

did that sai-rec combo video evr get completed?

i saw a cool glitch in a video, it was rock doing a raising storm, and he just had it on him forever

How did you get the training mode dummy to do a reversal? You did it without another human?

rock’s raging storm is a tech throw reversal glitch. It’s normally done with rock and mai.

I just guessed the timing with the Dummy Record feature and kept trying until it worked. Since there’s a three or so frame window for teching a throw, even when i got the Dummy Playback timing right, it would only produce a Reversal like half the time. But that’s not so bad.

I’ve done a lot of trial and error approximating with the Dummy Record feature. A lot of stuff from even my first video uses that. It’s a hassle but at least it’s less ghetto than old school 2P controller toe tactics.

TnD that Sai-Rec video is still somewhat up in the air, but it’s also pretty dead. Don’t worry about it. If it ever does come out, everyone will most definately hear about it.

Hey speaking of the sai-rec video in the preview yamazaki does a combo on maki that I can’t seem to get to work. The combo is (I believe) J.RH, St.Fp, Fp.Knife, maki waits a small sec and then flips out and Yamazaki does the Guillotine. And I can’t get this to work ever the flip out never seems to happen. I have tried it many ways like hitting out of her flip out after the 3k move and such. Does anyone know how this was done?

Also in the Video Bison’s Scissor Kick to Super Psycho Crusher anyone know how that was done. I have tried everything including stuff like old school charging from super turbo and urien combos in 3s.

I had a bad feeling the answer was going to be brute force. :rofl:

I tried the Yamazaki on Maki combo it after reading about it here a couple months ago. It works (although it took me a whole bunch of tries). The timing is really tight that’s all. Make sure Maki’s in the corner and you’re hitting with your j.HK as deep as possible. Yes, you’re kicking her during her KKK move.

edit: nevermind, I’m wrong.



Set dummy as maki, and then set her to ALL COUNTER HIT. To get the combo started, do a sweep from max distance. Then you can jump in, walk up, dash up, whatever. The trick is to watch yama carefully and then do the super once he recovers, which is when he puts his hand back in his pocket.

does the two-of-the-same-character trick count as a glitch?

Do us all a favor and read the first post before replying to a thread.

whats up with all the hate in cvs2 forums =/ i dont see that in 3s

anyway: i never knew bout some glitches, like kattobi-cancel and stuff, is that prohibited from tourneys or not?