Bugs and glitches, take 2

I read the whole thread, and my question remains. Is that a “glitch”? When I think of glitches, I think of the xerocrew glitch with all its flashiness. To me, there is nothing “glitchy” about getting two of the same characters. The programmers clearly programmed it so that you aren’t supposed to get two of the same character, you just have to “be quick” and select the character before the programmer’s “prevention method” kicks in. EDIT: For example, they programmed it so that you aren’t supposed to be able to control your character after they kill the opponent, but if you press the button BEFORE that coding kicks in (and also bypass neutral states), then you get appeals. If glitches include doing stuff before coding kicks in, then appeals are glitches too?

Nice attitude, btw. And people wonder why I hid my games section from the general public…

It’s definately a programming bug or glitch. It was obviously not intended by the programmers to allow 2 characters to be selected. These are 2 seperate sections of code, the random character, and then selecting normally… probably developed seperately or taken from earlier versions of the SF engine. Now if they intended you to be able to do this then it would no longer be considered a bug.

A bug is something that does not behave as intended by the designers. Glitch is basically synonomous with bug (when referring to it in the programming sense).

This is a bug that was overlooked by integration testing of the seperate components.

If something isnt functionally supposed to happen it is automatically a bug or a glitch.

However, I dont believe this carries over to kara cancels moving you forward. The behaviour of a kara cancel is that it cancels the starting frames, the move is cancelled. Moving forward has nothing to do with that as it happens before the kara cancel in the start up frames of the move. Ie moving forward is not a result of the kara cancel, it is something that would happen anyway.

Rc’s (invincibility and such) happen as a result of a kara cancel, again 2 things that work on their own, but not properly tested together (the introduction of the roll, and the roll somehow being kara-cancellable).

Sorry gunter, I thought you originally meant to suggest the pick the same character as a new glitch.
Yeah, it’s definitely a bug. The programmers took the time to prevent you from doing such a thing. If you take cammy, and then go to random, you CANNOT pick cammy again. It’s only if cammy was the last one to show up that you can pick her again with random. They messed up, and I don’t see anywhere in tournament rules that you’re not allow to use duped chars. You could potentially use Bison, sakura, bison as your A groove team, assuming you’re damn good with the glitch.

What’s the point of talking down to people all the time? Is it really that offensive?

Hey everyone, i dont know if ya know it or not guys…^_^, i just want to share something like that with ya if you dont know it

The most weirdest bug
Yun’s Bug:
This is one of the weirdest bug that you will never imagine!!
Ok as for whome who know me, i’ll see release a combo vid for yun in CvsS2.the vid contians weird and sick stuff and i shall put this Bug in the vid for sure…So no worries if ya didnt know how to preform it.

First of all, My CvsS2 version is the japanese one, so i dont know if it’s not goin to work on the american version.
As for the Glitch, it’s like the Old Cartrigde games consoles glitches were the game Just stops and no matter what ya do it will never work…
the most weird thing in here is that the Psx2 Games are Cd’s and not cartrigdes, and that means no hella frame stop Bugs due to cartrigde’s Bugs and glitches graphics…
Ok sorry if i was bit boerrin, here’s the glitch.

On any charecter and in any place, Jump toward opponent and then preform the super qcbx2+sk.
Exactly after the super finish’s up and you reach the ground, quickly preform qcb+any punch before opponent recover from Yun’s Super move.
What will happen is, the sound will stop, animation and game will stop and you’ll see that yun had freezed while excuting qcb+wp and opponent freezed while he is still falling/recover from the super move.
It’s done by any groove except A-Groove.
I’ve never seen such a thing like that since my sega/Nintendo/s.Nintendo…etc consoles. What ya think guys? isnt it weird?

Thanks for readin, also if anyone can help me by trying to do it on the american version? i wanna know if its works on both or not.
Also, if anyone of you know this Glitch then am so sorry for bothering you with such a post…Hope its just new…

Anyone heared Bout the infinit Gravity Bug by Koyuske,were colors full the screen depending on koysuke’s custom? any idea? :smiley:

New Glitch!?

here’s a weird glitch that me and my friend discovered today and the process we went through to find it:

we decided we want to glitch out the arcade so i chose a K groove team that’s well suited for the reversal glitch(rolento/kim/zangief). my friend was already playing(using TEAM BAS). Out of pure studity we were both decided to play “taunt wars” with sakura and rolento. so we both ran around, played footsies, but the only attack we could use was taunt. in the process of doing this and i think when we both pressed taunt as the same time… sakura all of a sudden sat down(her “time out” losing pose, i think) and rolento fell to the ground(death pose). the WEIRD part was, the life bar, timer, and super bar ALL disappeared. it doesn’t say the combo #, counterhits, dramatic ko,etc etc. and the big “KO” finisher disappeared as well. this glitch carried over to the next games as well.

This works on ps2 version, haven’t tested in arc and other consoles:

For charge characters–after performing a super in a custom combo, there is a slight time where you maintain your “no need for charge” state.

For example, after blanka does his jump straight up fierces in the corner, do b,f,b,f super (either one). After the super, blanka will bounce off his opponent into the air and land on the ground. right when he lands, input b,f, punch and he’ll perform the blanka ball (no charge necessary). I don’t know of any practical uses yet, but there could be a possibility for good setups. Probably works for other characters…but i haven’t tested it out yet.

Well, I was fucking around trying to reproduce some of these glitches(without success) and found a new old one in the process.

Gwai may have mentionned it a while back in this thread, but there is a glitch that cause your sprite to move forward(or backward) without ever animating. They just glide on over. Welllll, it’s pretty easy to do.

  1. It only works for certain characters. It was first observed with Blanka, I just did it with Sakura now. It does not work for Rolento. That’s as extensive as I’m going to get.
  2. You need some really shoddy controls. In my case, I rigged it up real good, as Tony Montana might say. Anyway, you need to connect one of the directions to ground permanently. So open up a joystick and use alligator clips to connect ‘right’ and ‘jab’ together. Now when you press jab, it’ll jab. When you hold jab, it will go right.
  3. Now one direction is held down and you’re either walking back or forward. We’ll say back for the sake of argument. Now just press forward on the joystick. Hazzah! Sprite now glides toward the opponent.
  4. It works because programmers never expected right and left to be pressed at the same time. Not a surprise, but switches can get stuck, wires shorted and whatnot. This glitch is caused by holding one direction and then also pressing the opposite direction.

(2 minute pause)

ok, more testing done.
-You cannot mix this glitch with run. If the switch for back is shorted and you double tab forward, you will not start running.

-If you are already running and don’t let go of forward, shorting the switch for back will not cause any problems. You will continue to run, only shorting the up direction will have any effect. It will cause you to jump, duh!

-It doesn’t work with blanka. Odd?! The first time I saw anything like this was blanka gliding forward. We even had to unplug and replug the joystick to get out of it. That means there’s another way to do it.

-This only works if you are moving forward. Forward seems to have priority over backward… Hold back and press forward, you glide forward. Hold forward and press back, you glide forward. It’s pretty simple really.

-DOES NOT WORK WITH: blanka, rolento, geese, rugal, yamazaki

-WORKS WITH: ryu, ken, sakura, cammy… anyone see the pattern yet? Okay, so blanka doesn’t fit the pattern.

I can think of at least one use. Terry and his custom. Rising tackle, activate, (rising tackle x N), super, rising tackle. That last rising tackle could be a simple -down, up- instead of even worrying about charge.
And this works on DC.

R | C
In James Chen’s Ode to 2 Hit video, the combo at 16:40 is done using that glitch.

Shin Ace
If you manage to get the game to freeze or get some characters stuck, that would explain a lot of the super random glitches that happen in arcade CvS2. A lot of that wire crossing type of stuff does happen in arcade machines and on numerous occasions i’ve seen an opponent’s button causing my character to move forward, or random junk like that.

Cole slamming the machine at ECC when Josh Wong hit him with the Bison scissors and about to CC, mama slaps. Josh somehow got CC, hat (taunt) instead. The CvS2 machine at the Break is just awesome like that.

When that glitch happened with blanka it happened for both walking forward and backward… i just glid back and forth across the screen…

edit: i hate when the game freezes in the arcade, and the characters just walk into each other >_<

Oh yeah, that sakura-rolento glitch that’s supposed to get rid of half the layers on the screen IS NOT caused by both players taunting on the same frame(this is on DC). Nor will a tech throw reversal taunt done by both players cause any sort of glitch.

Dan has a taunt super, I wonder what kind of properties it may have…

Does anyone know if the demo mode follows normal rules. I ask this because my DC is just sitting there with cvs2 running but I’m not playing. I glance over, and notice it’s Kyo vs Morrigan. Kyo was completely invincible until he got hit by a fireball. After getting hit by the lamest super in the game, everything starts connecting as it should. Fast forward 5 minutes and we’ve got a few seconds of Honda vs Athena. Honda is invincible for what seems like 2 seconds, this repeats every 5 seconds. Not only that, he randomly faces the wrong side for a short while.
Now I’m watching vega vs haohmaru and all of haoh’s attacks whiffed except the last fireball he did. Meanwhile, vega is busting out shit that looks like RC ball, RC fierce and RC slide. But he eats 1 fireball.

Isn’t the demo supposed to play the same way as the game?
What the hell is going on?

haha, RC slide… lmao

and u on crack… why wouldn’t it follow the regular game rules. u think they came up with a seperate engin for the demo? come on! how much did u smoke?

Here’s a couple of interesting things:

Meter building after a KO
Normally after a KO occurs, all action is supposed to stop, including that of the process of meter buliding. Obviously, you can do lots of crazy stuff after a KO occurs, but something quite useful can be exploited. Most of the time after a KOing someone with a normal move, you can crouch and throw out medium or heavy attacks after the round is over, which will bulid up your meter a little bit. You can only get 1-5 points doing this, but it might be enough to get you up to that next level in C-Groove or get a valuable N-Groove stock between rounds.

Hibiki’s Crossup Super
Superflashing after a KO isn’t a secret. You can do this with Hibiki’s running slash crossup into her super coming back the other way. Alls you need to do is to kill someone with the first slash, then input the super command as the action slows down. The difference with Hibiki is that the super will cost you meter, even after the KO. There is no other character that I know of that can lose meter after the round is already over, and believe me, it does suck if costs you a big chunk of meter unintentionally.

Tried Kim?

kim’s super after the KO dosen’t take any meter (when canceled off the stomp)… but all other characters do loose the meter if there is a super freeze KO thingy going on.

Super freeze after KO can be split into 2 distinct categories.
a) supers started before the KO
b) supers started after the KO

Kim falls into the b) category, which I thought cannot lose any meter. Apparently, hibiki can. Other than kim and hibiki, we need to find others in this category.

You can only gain/lose meter between rounds on a Japanese arcade cabinet. All the console versions and American arcade versions fixed this bug.