Bugs and glitches, take 2

My american dreamcast cvs2 does not allow me to charge between rounds.

The local arcade cabinet is the same.

so back to weirdness… me and Shinace were playing the other day, and when kim kills an opponent with the infinite, the super can still be canceled into after the KO comes up, but the weird thing is that kim actually gets 1 hit of his rush super (then whiffs rest)… any other characters can do this?

That’s pretty crazy. I don’t think that has anything to do with the infinite. If you pick EX-Groove Kim with special move cancels and you kill the guy with that stomp kick, then cancel into his rushing super, it will only hit once. I think somewhere in there, a throw happens. But it doesn’t happen after KO so that’s why the rest of it whiffs.

I think it’s analogous to CFE, how the air grab part of Rose’s anti-air super whiffs only if the first two hits KO the opponent. Same goes with Hauzer’s rushing super and Urien’s shoulder tackle super.

But this doesn’t happen if you don’t use special move cancels because the special move cancel is what gives you the juggle opportunity to get the super to connect in the first place. That’s where the infinite comes in - canceling shit during the infinite creates that same type of free juggle opportunities because you’re in lvl2 cancel state.

Also, i dunno what’s up, but when i cancel his stomp into his super, his meter doesn’t go away. I’m just using the Japanese DC version. Maybe that’s version-dependent too.

You only lose meter if the super was started before the KO, and the flash happens before/after the KO. If you start the super after a KO(just mash it out), you get to show off and keep your meter.

Kim starts a super after the KO, using no meter, that does an extra hit to the combo meter. Stupid kim.

I originally sent this to Maj but I’ll post this glitch I found here.

"In CVS2, have this ever happened to you? Your opponent is right next to you and they do a level 3 super and you do a command throw. The command throw isn’t RCed and somehow the level 3 is beaten out. This happened to me twice: first time I used Rock in K and my opponent used Blanka in C. He did a lvl 3 DL and I did a 360. Blanka started up the super but then it just stopped and Rock finished the 360. You could see the spark come out. Then the whole meter was gone. Another time this happened with Iori in N and Eagle in C. Eagle did a lvl 2 qcf qcf + MP super and I did a Scum Gale. The super was stopped by the Scum Gale. The beginning frames of the super showed but disappeared. "

Oh and if Sakura and Sagat do a fireball together (Sagat with RH low tiger shot), they don’t hit each other. The fireball just goes past each other but it’s not a RC.

I’ve known about it for a while. A person is always throwable. The only exception I know of is activation.

So someone starts doing a super motion, and you grab them. It does not need to be a command throw. You can grab them before anything happens, before the super flash, or after the flash. If you grab them before teh flash, there’s a possibility they will lose meter without ever actually starting the super. That’s the part I was interested in.

As for sakura and sagat. I think it’s just sakura. Her close fierce has a weird hitbox, same goes with her fireball. If you time it right, a point blank hadoken will pass thru you. I’ve done it many times, especially in a CC. mess up cc, wait for them to wake up, meaty close fierce.

If that was the case, then wouldn’t Zangief’s FAB super beat every other super instead of losing to every other super? Seems a little more complicated than that.

What about Zangief’s aerial slam super? That shit destroys about half the supers in the game.

I wonder what would happen if Zangief does his air super, then kim does HIS air super just frames before getting grabbed. Would kim be grabbed? Would kim connect his super, or would they both whiff?

So many questions, so few answers.

Well aerial slam can’t really be countered…you can’t JD or Parry or Airguard it. The only thing you could probably do is use an air super (the ones i can think of off the top of my head is Morrigan’s, Kim’s, and Maki). I think that maybe the throws should be started early so that the supers start up late. Maybe the supers’ invincibility frames run out just in time so that the throw connects. Just babbling lol.

i have a quick question about tech reversal glitches… shin u can check that out i’m sure.

do tech reversals keep their “properties”?

like the lvl 2 cancel can be extended by not going into neutral, does the same apply to reversal glitches?

shin, you mentionned in the kim thread the stomp weirdness and trading, but what if lvl 3s come out as reversals after the trade… would the glitch come out still?

Kim trading with Kim is unrelated to tech throws. That was just me warming up with 2 kim’s. I decided to trade with stomp, and sure enough, the game didn’t like that.

If it’s a tech throw reversal stomp on both sides, that’s a different glitch that I won’t be discussing yet.

lvl 3 reversal super after a trade…hmmm…I can’t think of anything crazy. But I’ll see if I can implement that shit somehow.

Some info on tech reversals. They have 1 main property, and a minor detail connected to that. Tech throw reversals are invincible for the entire duration of the cancelling move. Here’s the minor detail…The first person to return to neutral from the reversal also resets the opponent to a neutral state. So if ken does reversal hurricane kick(short) and cammy does reversal super, ken will recover when cammy is only half way through. So for 1 frame cammy is in the air as part of her level 3, ken recovers, and the next frame she’s standing on the ground.

Some more examples. Take Eagle, and I also picked Yamazaki. Eagle does a tech reversal counter(and holds it), yama does a sand scatter or serpent slash(do not hold for more than a second). What will happen is that yama finishes first, but Eagle is still twirling his stick. The counter is cancelled before Eagle throw his hit and he’s put into neutral. Funny thing about that is there’s a slightly more advanced glitch that happens when you do that. The sound of Eagle stick spinning is cancelled by you letting go of punch. Once you’re put back into neutral, you can let go of punch, but that won’t cancel the sound.
The sound continues until a hit is landed/blocked by someone. You can whiff moves, roll, taunt, etc. and the sound continues.

So now you can figure out how that Geese on Honda combo works in the 2 hit combo vid. Honda recovers right after the first part of the reppuken comes out, and therefore Geese does too. Honda intentionally eats the first hit, and Geese is left with enough time to jump and connect an air reppuken. Tech throw reversals of this kind yield HUGE frame advantage. I mean HUGE!!! You’re at +something before the first hit even connects.

I tried it out, and basically gief can’t win. If they’re close to each other, with Kim in the air, Gief will whiff or get hit.

Even with Zangief on the ground, can’t I just hold up 1 frame before his super starts, have it whiff(since I’m jumping), and cancel my jump animation into a command grab? I’m 99% sure I’ve seen that in a combo vid somewhere.

You mean jump cancel grab against Zangief’s FAB? That was demonstrated by Finest KO.

Anyway that Rock 360 vs Blanka lvl3 super is still a mystery. I can sort of imagine the 360 grabbing Blanka’s lvl1 super because the invincibility for that super lasts until the frame before the hit. So the 1st active frame has no invincibility, and since throws always take precedence over hits if they happen on the same frame, i can imagine Blanka getting owned up. But lvl3 Direct Lightning has way too much invincibility for it to be possible. Maybe RagingStorm101 was mistaken and it was a lvl1, or maybe some crazy fluke glitch happened. Who knows? Too random to worry about imo.

Well I know for a fact it works with the lvl one because I have seen that happen twice

you know whats annoying is how guiles Activate in A-groove always gets Kara’d by his s.FK, so it puts you in the air durring your invicibility.

i’ve seen Blanka getting regular thrown out of Lvl3 super. Happened at ECC9. Josh Wong tried to super to K-blanka, no flash happens, he gets thrown, and loses his rage (he had next to full rage).

Glitches, bitches…

By yours truly.

edit: Bandwidth reclaimed.


Well, it looks like a full fledged video is in the works.


Not massively interesting, but I was just investigating the properties of Ryo’s qcfx2 + p super, and I discovered that if you stand right next to him and press down at a certain point after the flash (I find the easiest way to do this is to pump the qcf motion) then he’ll pass right through you. I have no idea why this would happen, heh.