Bugs and glitches, take 2

old news. its nothing special, he steps through A LOT OF SHIT. hell if you’re just close to him he’ll step through you. he can step through chang and hit choi as demonstrated in old combovideos.

Ah, okay. I did try just trying to walk through him but I always got hit, same if I just crouched right next to him. It was only when I crouched at the right time that he stepped through me, which I thought was weird.

Tech throw reversal properties continued:

Minor detail - Since you are invincible for the entire length of the reversal, sometimes you will go through your opponent. Take yama yama and make them both do a serpent slash after a tech throw. One of them will have his sprite as the foreground layer, the other as the background layer. There is a pattern to it. The person who initiated the throw will have the foreground layer.

Corner bug - When in the midst of a tech reversal, the screen can scroll freely from side to side. Imagine that walking backwards is allowed as a reversal move. Again, the person initiating the throw is the person that the screen will follow, REGARDLESS OF WHERE THE OPPONENT IS!!! It also doesn’t matter if you’re already in the corner, the screen will still ‘try’ to scroll. In this case, it pushes the opponent away from the corner.

That is all for today. Well take a short recess and then there will be a quiz on what you’ve learned.

I kind of invented a clip combo for demonstration. I call it the moonwalk.

haha, that’s awesome. I remember when you posted the kim stomp glitch you also had one for Maki was this it? if not can you send me the maki one I wanted to see it.

Maki ain’t got crap.

if you kill someone with the stomp you can also connect his switch stance fierce kick instead of the super.

not sure if it was posted earlier but Yun can do the glitch also.

I can do cuffs with kim against cammy/morrigan, but nothing with yun(vs cammy). Whether he hits in the feet, torso, or head, no cuffs.

Haha, that was hilarious. Hitboxes are fun! Thanks.

Try it yourself, you’ll never get 2 Maki’s to rapid fire jabs that close unless they’re both invincible.

What the heck was that Maki video?
I dunno what u were trying to demonstrate (invincibility? huh?), but it was pretty funny. I’ll have to test that out…

Yeah, infinite invincibility. As long as you keep chaining jabs or cancelling them into specials.
The setup is HARD!

The original video I posted was 2 maki’s doing a RH thru each other. Kinda like an RC roundhouse, but not RC. Notice that they WALK THROUGH EACH OTHER!!!111!

Here it is again:

If you watch carefully in the crap.wmv video, they stop whiffing near the end, invincibility degradation I guess, :wink:

umm, wait wtf how did you do that?

Please, like I’m gonna tell you now.

It ain’t called a teaser for nuthin.

aaaagh I can’t wait. No just kidding, that’s a good teaser.

ok this bug… I dont kno how it happened or the details… but I was ryu and I was fighting blanka… well I dunno if he jumped over or I crossed but… I did a crouch mp but blanka was behind me… but he was on the ground and I still hit him while my back is 2wards him… then he goes thru me and I hit a noter mp but it was normal.

I’ve had a match of my Sagat versus my friends something. He tries to cross me up, so I go for crouching fierce, it comes out hitting away from him. Like you said, he landed, and I hit him. Did it twice in the same round cuz I saw him go for the same crossup again.

Do it meaty enough and you can do stuff with Sagat like: meaty c.hp facing the wrong way, c.lk, s.lp, s.lp, c.mk xx super. It’s a free move at the beginning of a combo basically.

Not a glitch though, just a hitbox that extends behind you.

heh, you think that’s special?? i whiff more moves than that PER round! :razz:

edit: but seriously, wait for the vid… it’s worth it :slight_smile:
plenty of :wtf: s in there

what is this?

anyone got an explanation?

edit: sorry wasn’t clear enough, get to the point where honda vs geese, and watch it. and some stupid shit will happen

edit no.2: nvm, just figured it out myself. it’s there because geese was doing reversal super after his dizzy is over

geese lvl 3 super + ehonda’s 360 P = this gay shit?

Not sure if this is consdered a bug, but here’s something that has bothered me for a long time.

Can anyone explain why if one cancels into Ryu’s hurricane kick from a low light attack (d.LP or d.LK) that sometimes the opponent is forced to block the hurricane kick even if they’re blocking low? Why doesn’t the hurricane kick sail over them as normal? This only occurs when the cancel is from low light attacks.

I’ve never questioned it, I’ve just always considered it a nice block string :).