Brazzers did that before any sponsorship deals. It was released last year I think (or maybe the year before that).
Haters are dumb as shit. This has to be one of the most godlike sponsors I’ve ever seen a player get.
Joe deserves it too, his skills across many FG’s (* SF, Marvel, KOF, MK3 & 9, & More*) are top notch. He’s been putting in work for a LONG time; he deserves a sponsor.
Call me when they finally sign Rockefeller.
The more you know.
Fuck the bullshit , This is what was needed brazzer girls signing autographs and there own booth, fuck if brazzers threw a Event during evo…id be hitting the brazzers Tourney ,You still win even if you lose… the canons are losing there fucking minds , like madcats money cant compete with Porn money…They make it rain…Brazzers evo qualifying cup event… FGC aint never gonna be mlg…NEVER .
Hope they bring the bang bus
I want to see someone sponspored by Brazzers at Brawl at the Beach.
They’re stressing family friendliness this year.
It’s gonna be godlike.
Arturo is way better
he already had that aaaaaAAAAAAaaaaa face back then
I don’t know man. Ricky looks like Peg Bundy.
Isn’t MK a rated Mature game? One that gets plenty of stream time by the way.
Why the fuck is this a big deal.
Plus i see Harada and ONO approving of this very much so
We have to look at the big picture on this.
Finacially, this is great for the people directly involved in this. Brazzers and LI Joe certainly have the right to enter in to an agreement for sponsership. Anyone sponsered by Brazzers is going to get good money without a doubt and Brazzers will gain too since the FGC does largely coicide with there target demographic as well. The FGC is only going to really benifit from this financially if Brazzers sponsers major tournements which certainly looks to be the case, especially since they are large enough to do this.
The problem is that Brazzers, and the porn industry in generally, has a negative stigma attached to it. Despite your or my personaly views on pornography, it still has this stigma. And this has nothing to do with age either. Alcohol is advertised constently on network television, especially during sports brodcasts and there is violence galore everywhere and in the FGC too with MK9. There is just a negative stigma the American culture has attached to porn. This has the pontential to prevent more people from joining and supporting the fighting game community.
But the real issure about this is that the negative stigma may prevent other corporate sponsers from supporting the FGC. Sponser such as Coca-cola, Pepsi, Mcdonalds and other large potenial sponsers may never sponser us while Brazzers is paying us money to let them advertise at our events and on our streams. This news has only broke a few hours ago and there may be more repercussions such already existing sponsers pulling their sponsership because Brazzer’s stigma is bad for business.
While having a large corporate sponser is generally a great thing, the stigma that Brazzers will bring is cappable of stagnating the FGC’s growth in the long run.
Seth - " Show me your Ass… ALL OF IT! … DONT HOLD BACK! "
Honestly with how people are complete okay with kids playing MK9…I don’t think this is any worse than Porn.
Hell I don’t even understand why people were okay with the fatalities on EVO either.
Those Sponsors are never coming … pepsi mcdeez…there never coming,
Triforce putting on the funniest stream in ages.
This is awesome, I don’t know why people are up in arms about this.
I promise close to 100% of the people that play fighting games also look at porn. Porn is pretty much one of the most marketable products to the FG community outside of directly related things like accessories and sticks and shit.
I will be at every brazzers event ever if they make any happen.
Also, the acronym needs to be FAP-LIJoe
And why not? The only reason Brazzers is a sponser is because LI Joe called them up and told them about the joke.
What’s to stop other big name FG players from going out and getting other large sponsers.
Besides those are only examples. There are tons of other corporations. They are all possibilties for major sponsorship.
God damint.
Now I have the urge to put up images of Floe and Marn with Brazzers X Mcdonalds under it.