Brazzers x LongIsland Joe + FGC Discussion


FGC: Giving new meaning to the term "Getting in there"
I love you guys. :smiley:

The response to this, from the players themselves:

“Doesn’t matter; had sex”

rare footage of daigo actually creeping.


“Grow the fuck up” concluding a post like this is the epitome of irony.

Tom Cannon clarified that nothing 18+ would be shown as sponsors of EVO, so no liquor and porno at least and not isolated to BRZ.

Can I get sponsored by Depends and Trustworthy Dave’s Funeral Services? Everyone shits and everyone dies. Especially Kids!

Don’t forget dreams die too.

I’m glad Joe got sponsored by Brazzers. Now they just need to announce Rockefeller’s sponsorship too…

Have fun arguing about sexism on the internet, guys! :party:

You probably didn’t care about the community in the first place then. It’s all good we need to weed out the weak, and undedicated.

I don’t like this either, down the road it could be a good thing, but as of right now… I don’t think it is the best idea. Then again we will see what the future holds.

so let me get this straight…

Evo is in Las Vegas, NV (“Sin City”) a 21+ city more or less.hookers walking around the casinos at late hours (when the venue closes) people say all sorts of things on streams (“Fuck, bitch, ass, etc”) players openly talk about drinking alcohol, gambling, and “concept matches” and that’s all good and cool.

But named player gets a sponsorship from a Porn company that’s 18+ and the people running Evo want to start using censorship??


Re: @LI Joe It’s a business prospective/proposition. That’s the part the general public is having a hard time comprehending. I’d get a sponsorship from McDonalds or Tide if I could. Doesn’t matter to me. Look at nascar for instance, do those drivers endorse or use all of those products… Don’t think so but is it free advertisement and some extra $$$ on the side… Why yes… I’m tired of shitbag reporters Kotaku taking it upon themselves to brow bash our community once again.

We aren’t like e-Sports, we can and will keep growing and I have no problem with this turning into a manly sport but the truth of the matter is it won’t. Sure we have stream monsters now and eSports but the truth of the matter is we are and always be a free community.

People cried about that MLG event being on the same weekend as NCR but look where most of the top players went to the $$$. No one bitched about that, what we need is another form of events that isn’t MLG “Bad Blood” that will stick with the program and trim off the fat and provide what we all want, get ready for this… A good event, I’m tired of getting beat over the head for venue fee and it’s in a college auditorium…

FPS/RTS players are all tighknitt they hide behind curtains and have no real exposure to a fan base, it’s like they are lifeless all stars. MLG events are really toned down and boring… If I wanted that I’d go watch golf, which was brought back to life by Tiger Woods now go figure…

We are an electronic MMA, we are all competitors watched in homes all over the world, we aren’t liked by the majority yet at any giving moment they’ll break a limb to smear us. What are we in Nazi Germany with propaganda fresh of the press?

This over exposure is pathetic and uncalled for… Ever see Phizer pharmaceutical advertisement… NEWS FLASH they produce Viagra why isn’t that frowned upon?..
Oh because it brings money to the table…

Moral of the story is someone thought outside of the box and while it’s not politically correct it’s still a sponsorship and it’s still going to help the community grow.
P.s. We stay away from the 18+ Game yet we support energy drinks…

Oh whats this? [media=vimeo]13324213[/media] @1:37…

These double standards are bullshit and need to get out of our FGC.


Once Brazzers shows up they are going to be promoting a lot of Tier Whoring.

It’s really just an American thing, other countries shun violence. For some reason we have a boner for people getting slaughtered and the only thing we’re ashamed of is the actual boner, not the fact that people are getting slaughtered.

I fucking love Joe.

I fucking looooooooooooooooooooooove Joe, I’ve known him forever and this makes me retardedly happy.

Joe has this on lock, and if there are any signs of it possibly backfiring he’ll cut it off because he knows better.

I hope that doesn’t happen, and he enjoys the living shit out of this because he’s got the biggest fucking heart out of anyone I’ve ever met in this entire community for the past 12 years.

Good for him.

Good. Get the fuck out.

Welcome to the FGC. :cool:

i don’t get it

does this mean theres gonna be like chunli cosplay porn