I’m not sure if anybody else is checking twitter or joined LI Joe’s stream for the Brazzers interview but this is legit now. Brazzers sponsoring LI Joe and maybe even a team of players at FGC events. Also mentioned was possible Brazzers FGC events.
I think this is a good opportunity for more sponsorship events and exposure. What are your thoughts? LI Joe is also part of the team that organizes the East Coast Throwdown tournaments in Jersey every year, third year this year I believe.
I have mixed feelings. On one hand I’m glad that players are able to get sponsored and play these games while making money. On the other… I’m worried about how other companies will react to this. It might make them not want to be involved in the FGC. Time will tell.
Despite what the Cannons and other people say that this is just a personal sponsorship and that this doesn’t reflect on the community as a whole…that’s just not going to happen. This is going to blow the fuck up, and there’s going to be a backlash.