Brazzers x LongIsland Joe + FGC Discussion

As awesome as this sounds on paper, it could potentially be a problem but Im sure Brazzers won’t do things that’ll bring attention to their own side of the industry. Their PR is well aware fighting games has a fan and player base of those who are not even old enough to watch porn legally. But its definitely a step in a direction, lets hope its the right one.

…but real talk id jump on that brazzers team in a hot minute if they offered me. get a custom brazzers arcade stick!? IN THERE!

fyi you should actually reupload those pics. hotlinking from 4chan guarantees they’ll be 404’d in like a few hours lol.

Brazzers events?

I get to bring my stick!!

And my T.E.

Pretty amused by this. Let’s see where it goes~!

Stream monster’s dream come true.

(pun intended)

Well you cant say “Gamers dont get any” now

What’s the big deal? He’s being sponsored by a legitimate business. It’s not like he’s being sponsored by Shaky Jay’s Coke and Weed Emporium or something like that.

My face is fixed.

Seriously, what the fuck?

congrats to LI Joe haha. thats one hell of a sponsorship.

looking forward to hearing a buncha people jump on the soapbox and pretend fighting game players aren’t 99% men in their 20’s who look at porn

also if Shaky Jay’s Coke and Weed Emporium is looking for players to sponsor I’m your man!

I’m not saying you’re a sexist or anything, I know you were just joking and all-- but man, given the blasting the fgc community got about this shit (arlis) recently can we not go there. We need at least ONE person pretending to give a shit about her Soul cal skills, you can do it.

Capcom and the other devs are more than likely to shutdown any attempt of BRZ running a tournament. I understand the concerns with the BRZ player tag on streams, and even how it could scare potential sponsors.

I see some news telling Joe is being sponsored, that’s not true. The dude didn’t make any commitment to Joe. And I think the BRZ PR was quite shameless on promoting two of their websites on stream. Kinda turned on a yellow light.

My only problem is this assumption that theres going to be these crazy after parties with porn stars and everyone who knows Joe, or at least his name is going to get laid and paid, and that theres going to be all these ladies at events, joes going to be handing out porn stars to top playes and shit ect. Dumb fucking assumption.

If they get joe out to more events and make it easier for him to get around ect. More the fucking better. Its all I expect from them.

I like all the people saying Brazzers/Porn/Sex will ruin the family friendly image of the events.


Men, women, children, animals, half animals, newhalfs, demigods, Gods, demons, angels getting beat the fuck down.

They punch, kick, scratch, bite, electrocute, headbutt, shoot guns, chuck ki blast, swing swords, axes, polearms and shit.

Why is no one questioning why violence is more okay than sex?

Hey hey hey! As a partner and stake holder in Shaky Jay’s Coke and Weed Emporium or something like that, I take serious offense to your comments, sir. That hurts. :tup:

Oh yeah Shady K. Yeah that’s the other one I like. LOL.

This brings the chuckles.

I don’t think anyone actually thinks along these lines. They’re fuckng retarded if they are.

Hopefully it brings in more sponsors. JavJunkies/Motherless sponsor me please?


The big deal is only that this can push the fgc down a long road of unfamily friendly events which the scene has currently sold its soul to.

Ive seen all I need to be happy…maybe life is worth living now.