Brazzers x LongIsland Joe + FGC Discussion

Yeah after Kotaku grabbed us by the balls this is like trying to climb back up Mount Everest again. We’ll see.

I like this development, it brings the community back to the hardcore.

Kotaku just couldn’t resist. lol.

FUCK kotaku. haha…

But seriously… What a weird time for the FGC.

Don’t click that link, let Kotaku rot. Also,

They are reaching around for another grab

XXX Hardcore.

@ Momo…that’s hot. Filia is all ready for this shit.

Well this is bad news. The fighting game community already appears kinda misogynistic to “outsiders” and this may solidify this opinion. IN reality this is just one player sponsor but people know how others will blow this out of proportion. I’d like to hear Sven and Seth’s opinion on this…

“We in there” just got a whole new meaning.

props to joe for that sponsorship… That is tight

There is already a 1000+ post thread about this on NeoGAF. Real talk this is great marketing for Brazzers. The mention of the possibility of sponsoring one player got his much attention. Good luck to LI Joe and well played Brazzers.

Spam that Kotaku article with Joe’s face

He made that in advance.

LI Joe gonna get in dat ass now

So EVO is talking about denying Brazzers sponsorship entry or involvement? Yeah… we’ll hear about that after Brazzers is willing to throw in serious $ because they’re actually able to. Hell, they’re better off putting together their own major since they can probably get other major companies involved (outside of the porn biz).

Hahaha if anyone has Twitter go look at Eventhub’s latest tweet.

And, as always, Fuck Eventhubs.

I’m just exxxcited to see where this thing goes. Just the conversation is going to make people take notice. Hopefully it opens some more doors for people, but my prediction is that there’s going to be more opposition to this than support, especially by those who don’t want their product or event to be anywhere near associated with a porn company.

totaly legit. I fully approve. FGC needs to open up its doors to any sponsor willing to pump money in it. just look at all the f-1 / nascar / football etc sponsors, ain’t nothing to do with their sports either.

and on a side note, I’dn’t mind to see some hot gurlz on major tournaments just for the sake of it.

Well one things for sure brazzers is gonna get mad air time from this. Which just about guarantees another porn sponsor jumping on board.

tbh I had no clue what it was before 2 weeks ago… almost looked it up at work lol.

The biggest hurdle is going to be EVO and srk sponsored events. They are making money now and things to be a family fun event…

It would be amazing if the 1st Brazzer event pulled more than evo.

Starting here…

I tried to explain a view but I was given the ‘hater’ title so ill fall back