Also this has to be the best thread in FGD in a while, thanks for all the laughs.
Also this has to be the best thread in FGD in a while, thanks for all the laughs.
Dudes got a point. If a youtube video asking a celebrity to a ball or the 16 year old kid asking porn stars to his prom is cool. Nothing stopping people who are SERIOUSLY trying to invest in FGs as a profitable sport to send waves of e-mails, videos, and requests to corporations for sponsorships.
Remember Brink? Dude had to get a puppy washing company to sponsor so he could compete in the tournament and play the sport he loved so much.
Yeah, I referenced a Disney movie.
I’m hoping for more bizarre sponsorships spawn out of this.
So let me get this straight; all this hysteria is down to the fact people are morally outraged over porn? No one actually thinks this going to change anything within the FGC, they’re just offended by any association to porn? Are you fucking kidding me? Americans, I swear…
Pine Sol
Meow Mix
I’m gonna be serious for one second. Brazzers is a legitimate company who knows what they are and what they are doing. They’ve been getting free publicity from us for awhile, and now they’re seriously approaching the community. They know that they are a company who provides pornographic material, but they also are going to be talking to FGC members to be able to represent themselves in a tasteful manner. This community has been talking about getting bigger and seeking sponsor attention. A company enters the ring and discussed putting up money to support the community, but because they are a porn company, they get a lot of backlash from the community. That’s like them saying they are willing to support us, when we’ve been seeking support, and then we smack them in the face. We needed a reality check to grow up and we’ve gotten one after the other for the past 3 months, and I guess nobody has learned this yet.
Grats to Based Jaha for Brazzers sponsorship
Sir Bobby Blake is destined to obtain this sponsorship. He’ll do it for papi.
Not gonna lie I could use the Meow Mix sponsor for my cats.
Haters Gonna Hate
On some real shit I must say again. Hella respect for even being able to pick up this type of sponsor from playing FG’s…
Lexington Steel says he’s looking for a fluffer. Any mention of LI Joe having a casting couch?
Parental discretion of what their kids are exposed to. It is pretty universal that parents don’t want to expose their children to pornographic material. Unless Brazzers got a new alias, I don’t see them becoming a successful FGC sponsor. Nobody would want them.
lmao this stream got me crying.
I hope you’re right.
Im not morally against this or anything like that, but dont you think the FGC is gettigna bit crazy?
This has turned from a friendly and productive community to one big attention seeking story after another. Any PR may be good PR, but after a while you run the risk of alienating outsiders, as they wont be able to look at this community with any seriousness or respect.
Again, I am not one of these people, I wish Joe all the best, but this is surreal, you have to admit that…right?
I just think a bubble is going to have to burst at this rate.
The fightgame developers< capcom> the most dont create massive games, that storys and graphics that compel people to the pc games or halos that mlg Does to have large audiences,the most i can see the canons doing is trying to keep the fgc sterile as to be able to hopefully sell the SRK brand to some larger entity at some point and rightfully so for all the years they put into building the name and brand…or why would they give a slight fuck on who sponsers who…just im watching the decline in fighting games with mediocre sales compared to AAA titles built AAA++ with Big budgets…instead its very unpolished fighting games that take 2 seconds to install onto a harddrive with the whole miniscule 2gb most games if that…i see only the hardcore keepin it going again as i believe the hype has hit its peak and that after all these companys release the fighting games there already developing doa tekkens yadda yadda yadda…there will be the drought again,
The fgc community is the porn stars of the gaming world…always have been and it cant be washed away no matter how hard ya try…porn , energy drinks and rowdy nerds and males…Wanna be gansters and hoods wiggas and niggas…we were made for each other, they have much in common no story and bad production and all about the action…in 2 years if the canons, if they still own the srk brand will be in there living room going , SO you think them porno guys still interested…i like the canons because they have a dream that The fgc will be this family fun time , fans with aurtoro posters crying holding up signs Things that will never be …its admirable but will never happen…
Me i want porno bitchs and mma fights mixed in to the same event as tourneys and some bang bros mixed with axe body spray are About as high class as the fgc ever getting for sponsors and should be damn thankfull…
they spend more money renting a mansion to film a shoot for a day of fucking or a yacht then capcom probably gives to all of evo or madcats
I’m not sure why people care so much about this.