Brazzers x LongIsland Joe + FGC Discussion

may Joe have the best of luck. My feelings about this is mixed. I’ll wait to see how this opens up. But for now I’m not very optimistic.

Oh my god, that triforce stream was HYSTERICAL.

I think I’m going to bust out my powerglove and become BRZ | EMP | Tri-Force. Already setting up the voice changer.

are people really upset by this? this is money coming in for a player. a sponsorship. ya’ll acting this is whats going to ruin our community when its tons of other shit that’ll fuck this community over.

anyway im glad he got a sponsor ship and kudo to him for doing business with a porn company at that. so long island joe if you reading this let me get like a years worth subscription to they site.

I’m still waiting for MyLifeIsAnRPG to post a front page essay about this.

this is godlike

i love tits

hd tits.

fuck the haters

noah + winrich

Welcome to the internets.

This definitely is the best of 2012 thread shit.

I’m kinda excited about this. LongIslandJoe has proven to be a smart man over the years and I can only expect great things from him. II can’t imagine any straight man/boy/manchild not liking this idea.

I got the same. Yet again he is the EVENT PLANNER. Its like us or him [joe] getting hype at the car dealership cause the salesman said he is gonna throw this, this an this in as well if we act on it now AND knock the price down 20%. Yet when you walk through that door that say Financial Office amazing how the game changes and all those ‘perks’ - ‘offers’ are not so true.

What has happened now is exposing your moves too early. He hasn’t signed, hell he hasn’t even read over what is wanted of HIM. I listened to the same guy speak as a pure outside person barely knowing the community and barely knowing if he can pull off the moves. Please note how any other gamer that has been given sponsorship has already been signed off on the dotted line and a announcement is made VIA that company’s rep. Not saying Joe CANT get it… its just Joe doesn’t know the fine print just yet and we may get a “hey guys i dont think this is gonna happen…” or they may take the silent support route so its not all out there… again dont know till Joe discloses the final word.

So before he looked at the fine print and Brazzers finest has actually COMBED the community (again business) to protect themselves people have already started the drama that I simply wanted to note that was going to happen. He can get the sponsorship and I TRUST [speaking as a member of this community] he will not mess up the growing rep that is happening. I just hope he is prepared for the drama - event hosting situations - complaints from multiple factions that will/are coming down the pipeline. HE… LI JOE has to face it cause no one else will. It will be the same ones giving hi fives and such that will sit back and just watch when certain storms come and use IT as a tool to advance their situations (streams…articles…etc.).

I am not going to be like some running on twitter saying what they REALLY feel then when someone comes at them they switch it up or try to “explain” by switching it up. I was called a hater so be it…but I never bite my tongue and you will always get an honest view opinion from me like it or not. An I am the first to humble myself an apologize IF I am wrong. Amazing when I said what I said people (even gootecks) was like I don’t get how he can say such a thing…yet no more than 15 minutes later you got the ‘grandaddy of them all’ making sure to separate themselves as a entity from that referenced sponsorship if you partake in it and they are RETWEETING IT…nice.

THIS is my response…

Oh wait… thats a little bit immature… My bad

A more appropriate response…

I wonder how long till we see BRAZZERS “Long Island” Joe in an episode… sorry but that was just real bad.

All bases were covered.

I honestly don’t see what the big deal is. It’s a smart partnership from the sponsor. The FGC is almost all male. All males watch porn several times a week. The FGC is more “nerdy” than the average population and so are more prone to watch porn.

And come on guys. We don’t pay for the stuff, but whenever you run across a free Brazzers video it’s high quality and good stuff. Don’t lie to yourselves.

Anyone who doesn’t think this is amazing needs their head checked

People are simply blowing this out of proportion, its simply a sponsor, you aint gonna see porns stars running wild in tournaments your just gonna see Joe and his team repping the brand that is all and having their own SEPRATE events, which probably are going to be restricted to 18+ years only and unlike MLG, i can trust Joe to not run a Brazzers event on the same day as an another major.

Looking at a lot of people in the community, its safe to say it will be their first time actually touching a girl.

Whats Brazzers…


I will travel across the Continent just for the Brazzers Cosplay…

I know who exactly is to blame, but I’ll just keep it to myself. I know we’re all thinking but no one will admit it because there are so many.