Brazzers x LongIsland Joe + FGC Discussion

Everyone should listen to that Triforce stream lol

Man I can’t see how black folk up in here are getting hyped by brazzers, ain’t that shit a lily white company?

lol, it’s porn dude.

Who doesn’t like White girls?

Anyway… this whole thing is 100% great for the FGC.

Fuck the misogyny, fuck whatever… people are taking everything way too seriously right now. Fuck these fictional “sponsors” that hardly give any money, and whatever the fuck they think about it. Fuck everything honestly. We had a strong scene before all of this shit, and we would continue to without them.

This shit has potential to be a lot of fun, so I’m all for it. Nothing else matters. Fuck sponsors. I don’t care about children. This scene has never been for the kids. They can’t understand high-level play, so who cares. Fuck people that like to whine from behind their keyboards. I’m tired of everything catering to people that don’t play. Moral cops… fuck it all.

This is great.

Have you seen the ass on Lisa Ann and Alexis Texas?

Yeah I have seen Lisa Ann she can get it(plus she does interracial). But as a whole brazzers is just an okay site.

No you think? I thought it was a comedy site. Yes Hav everybody loves white girls my bad. Seeing as you think for everybody.

D-Sports anyone?


No but seriously, when I saw that brazzers thing with the SRK motion I thought it was photoshopped.

I guess it’s a good idea business wise…but this could potentially be horrible for PR for tourneys and what not. Think about it, money matches, porn? People will think it’s a new age casino/brothel.

Majority rules.

You didn’t really expect any syndicated sponsors would stick around after the demographic passed their peak age, right? This is business. It’s what I had been worried about from the very beginning. Now we’ll at least have a sponsor that will keep the machine oiled up and roaring to go while we get to enjoy playing the games we’ve always enjoyed playing without having to worry about anything under 17 getting upset because he heard you say something his mommy told him was bad.

Gootecks should talk to brazzers too.

They jumped on the whole gonzo/POV thing and ran with it better than most.

Spring Thomas says hi! re: interracial porn

How do you think he got or is getting the sponsorship? Stream monsters blew that up on twitter asking brazzers to consider him, Your arguement of the scene is not for kids is wrong most of the folks who started playing these games started as kids. Wheather you like it or not the FGC is going the route of catering to folks that don’t play,Hell that has already happened. So your rant is not really going to change peoples minds about the subject. Well folks got what they asked for that sponsorship money but the same folks bitch about MLG. I don’t see how it is great for the FGC. So far as I can tell they are sponsoring one person. It is what it is man.

fuck evo, and the cannon brothers. I am down for bang brothers.

Dude spring Thomas was worse then a minstrel show.

That’s the spirit.

I don’t see a problem with the sponsor backing LI Joe. By the way, congrats on the sponsorship. I can, however, see a problem with having Brazzers promote at an event that is supposed to be for all ages. You guys know tournaments still gets kids under 18, right? When I started I was 15. Putting some porn there for kids to see can be problematic for any tournament organizer looking to not get sued for any liability. And before you ask me to claim a case, I don’t know of any but that doesn’t mean it won’t happen.

With all that said, I hope someone gets a beer company (PRAYING for Dogfish Head) to sponsor a tournament. I’d rather some fancy IPA than a Red Bull any day.

That is all I saw.

So I guess if you’re C-Tier you get sponsored by these guys?

Now now don’t say that or you will be lumped in with the moral police you know kids don’t play fighting games.

whatever dude, youre telling me you didnt blow your load to porn at 15? FRAUD