Blue blazes, he's AWESOME! The Nova Thread!

It’s Mr. One Punch lol. Now all I need is Rocket and I have my new team that I am gonna try. Nova/Zero/Rocket or Rocket/Zero/Nova. “Can’t Wait”-Bart Scott lol

No change in lights.


Hopefully he does get something by release.
EDIT: Unless that’s somehow still the first level.

Did anybody else immediately think of Cables Psimitar/Javelin throw when they saw that?

I did. I wonder if it hits on the way up…?

I just hope there’s a small gap between the levels. Like I would like to see the amount of red life shown above to be lvl 3. lvl 2 at the very least

I’m not sure you ever see it coming down so I presume so

Isn’t that the move where the bolt comes crashing down on the opponent’s head? Or are we talking about another move?

I’m surprised considering how much he LOVES Wesker and Vergil.

I haven’t really watched any footage except the first set of vids, so I might well have just never seen it hit.

I’d bet $$$ it hits on the way up either way.

Seth said it hits on the way up…

Energy lance hits on the way up, and down.

I think down was a given, but the more you know I guess.

Thanks for this. Good info here.

seth said this was removed. his transcript says the 3rd assist is nova strike, which i’m assuming is one of his rocket punches, or the OH.
seth certainly cleared up a lot of questions i had. now i got some tech and some devastating combos i’d like to experiment with.

Was there a stream archive or something to watch? Or are all the main questions already answered?

There was a stream earlier. Should be on capcomunity’s stream as archive.

Nova’s assist is rocket punch, shield, and I believe the dive kick now instead of the slide.

Huh… that’s strange. But thanks for the head’s up.


That sounds fun. If it’s an assist, I can imagine some dirty stuff with it. Not on Aegis level, but pretty dirty nonetheless.

So wait, the rocket punch that crumples is the assist one? Trying to follow all of this is rough, he has so may options its hard to keep a handle on all of them.

Is he going to get his mini Aegis shield as an assist? If he is I can see it being one of the best assists in this game. Tokido to win EVO2012 UMvC3?

the aegis takes red life, that’d be pretty freaking brutal on an assist.