I didn’t notice, but then again I wasn’t looking for it either. Hopefully if there isn’t, they’ll add in some type of indication of what level you’re at so that the best decision can be made.
Gravimetric Pulse uses up red life too. Basically, any move that makes him use the Nova Force will consume red health.
Yea, and the rarely used crossover counters do the same.
Hmm. That’s concerning. I wonder if the Pulse assist will eat up red life too?
Nova seems to good note I did not say Op just said good seems like they took everything that made a good character in vanilla and mashed it all into richard. All of his Hypers only use 1 bar and the Man has a ton of options. Gravimetric Pulse in the air with a good lock down assist (Hidden Missiles,ScatterShot) would really cut off an opponents movement options.(Could close full screen in the air with Human Rocket Punch.) I can see his true low kick special and overhead making for some interesting High low mix ups toss in a tri dash and ooooooweeeeee. Energy Javelin also seems really good for keeping people out of the air… Damn it How many more days until the 15th.
people were saying the circles on his costume shine brighter sometimes, so that may be the damage level indicator.
I was thinking that might be it. But when Seth was demonstrating Nova, I didn’t see any difference. Maybe the first red health level just doesn’t make him light up any more than usual, while level 2 and 3 do. I guess I’ll look through the different clips and screenshots for something.
So it’s confirmed that Nova has an 8 way air dash? Any videos of him using it? If it’s anything like Vanila Iron man’s I’m playing this character.
Seth was using the 8-way airdash in the demo and pretty quick as well.
He has 8 way dash but it’s slow. The archived stream has video of him using it.
Just throwing this out there. Nova seems to be one of the few characters that could take advantage of this since he can cover so much ground while attacking. One of Iron Fist’s assist is hid Dragon Kick which causes a wall bounce. It also comes out very quick, could be a good assist given the reward should it hit. Nova doesn’t seem like he will NEED much in the realm of assist help since he has a lot of bases covered. But of course, every little bit helps.
Nova’s air :s: causes TOOOOOOOOOONS of combo scaling. Remember that for creating combos in the future. I’m pretty sure his air combos will be rocket punch into fly combos followed by the air :s:, OTG, Super. Once you do the air :s: though, you are getting limited hits in the combos.
From Max
I like to point on that Max said he’s putting Nova on his team in a post on gaf. He said he likes the character a lot which is interesting considering the access he has to the game of course.
Hype beyond measure, I wonder how his DHC synergy will be. His hypers more often than not take place in the air (at least in the reveal videos) I wonder how more ground based character will connect dhc wise.
The breakdown kinda felt like a tease now that we know to expect an assist me in three weeks
Anyone have any idea on the inputs? I wanna know what I’m doing at NYCC tomorrow. I’ll definitely be playing Nova.
I’ve been out of the loop all day but from what we’ve confirmed, he has a move with :atk:+:s: and flight.
I’d just fool around with all the standard motions; qcb, qcf, dp, rdp, y’know the usual stuff.
edit- oh yeah, thats the move. Energy Javeline. Looks like it groundbounces airbourne opponents.
Lol not even a clue, apparently Special+attck is his lance move (nova missile)