Blue blazes, he's AWESOME! The Nova Thread!

Hopefully it’s better than MODOK’s verison because MODOK’s barrier is basically similar to Nova/PW’s barriers.

This one apparently actually hits people.

I’m runnin this man on anchor! Whose with me? I think that’s the perfect spot for him with lvl 3 xfactor big damage and to save that red health when u use the beam hyper

This in one of the game play videos he does the barrier then walks his blocking opponent into it

The payoff just wouldn’t be worth it, except in rare circumstances where you really need to finish someone off, I think.

They absorb projectile, and it goes.

Whereas MODOK’s barrier stays until it dissapears.

tbh if you gonna have a ton of red health with him and hes your last character it just sounds like a bad idea

i’d rather take that shit back with xfactor unless it was there last character , imagine using all that up n still having another 2 charactesr to plough through

no thanks

I just like it for the fact that it’s just one more mind game against the opponent akin to “oh no don’t let phoenix get 5 bars”, now we have “aw crap Nova has a lot of red health”. Now we can perhaps force them to snap or just let them make poor decisions due to how they are scared of novas damage/options. I wonder just how far this Nova red health synergy thing stretches into the core of the character.

seth said that his red health sacrifice can make his super almost like a lvl. 3!? that must mean it can add some top-notch dmg ;D

The question is, how much red hp does it take? Is 3/4 or more of your life worth ~400-450k? Of course, it might not be *that * much, but still.

I agree with you on that, but it does add some depth to his character. I think i’d rather burn x-factor or DHC. I wonder if this means he has high health too.

Hmm did anyone here stop to consider what Nova’s flight-based gameplay might mean for TAC combo possibilities?

Because I did… :badboy:

Maybe I wasn’t paying attention all that much to the characters he was fighting, but Nova seems to really hit like a tank while having a lot mobility at the same time.

He definitely seems like a force to be reckoned with.

watch his health drop within the first month or so. the casuals won’t have any more of that high-health, high-mobility Wesker BS, lol.

Nova will become amazing if you get happy birthday’d and survive with him not on point. He would become a level 3 full screen punish :eek:

Nova’s in The club doing Aegis Reflector…!

He already looks like he’s 850/900K.

never stopped Capcom from nerfing Jean’s health, of all people. :\ all depends on how good Nova turns out, really. a character that strong with versatile level 1s and an 8-way air dash sounds way too good on paper.

wondering how much damage a near full super red bar will do… thinking if you keep him as 2nd character and use his assist very carelessly to the point where he gets blown up but doesn’t die then DHC into him and burn his whole red health. gonna be very interesting to see. I already have some thigns goin on in my head like dr. strange counter beam hyper -> dhc into nova and burn his whole red health lol I can’t wait to test this shit. ultimate is gonna be 100x better than vanilla

No matter how hype I am about him, I don’t think he’ll be that good lol.

I’m also hoping that change the Centurian Rush assist back to the low for the final build unless the current one ground bounces.