Blood is bad, but crazy hitsparks are ok?

When I saw this thread, I was wondering how long that would take.

Itt = insecure westerners whining about lack of gorn in fighting games and blaming japan for it.

QQ more. One of the reasons there isn’t a ton of blood in most fighting games is because fighters in general are meant to be competitive. The ‘cleaner’ they are, the bigger the demographic it can be aimed at. Fighting games should not be ‘shock’ games which make you cringe every time you do a move. Players should be able to enjoy the animations and still concentrate on what they’re doing. Squeamish players can still pick up Street Fighter and kick ass/enjoy the detailed fighting moves withough having to look at ugly red splashes all the time. Not only that, but it looks so damn old-fashioned to have blood in a fighting game. Developers have thankfully evolved past that.

There is something quite appealing about bloodless combat in games, even though it might not be ‘realistic’ (who the fuck wants realism these days). Also, holy SHIT does that Akatsuki game have ugly hitsparks D:

On the topic of hitsparks, I like them, but I think subtle is better. Screen shake and smaller hitsparks is a good way to make hits look like they have more impact. Hitsparks should also go BEHIND characters, not IN FRONT of them.

uh hitsparks allllllways go in front of characters because it conceals the fact that moves dont really look like theyre hitting a lot of the time. try spectating a 3s match on ggpo, for the first game you spectate the hitsparks dont display and it just looks wrong

Puking in Street Fighter 2? I haven’t played that game in over twelve years when in the game would that happen?

When people would get with Fierce & Roundhouses usually.

Oh right, I didn’t think about that. But even when you do have a hitspark that goes in front, what’s important is that it doesn’t hang around on screen FOREVER before disappearing.

Also, another reason blood isn’t so common in fighting games I think - A lot of newer fighting games are character-based. Nobody likes thinking that their character dies at the end of a match because their character for them is usually the hero. Things like fatalities, bleeding and reference to actual injury aren’t so common anymore. Blazblue had a few moves that would remove the opponent from the field, and that was kind of surprising, honestly.

Japan is basically bizarro world America in terms of societal taboos.

America= Sex BAD Violence GOOD
Japan= Sex GOOD Violence BAD

Now considering that most fighting games are made in Japan, do you really have to ask why there is no blood in these games?

I think making the game for the kiddies is lame. I think someone else needs to make a fg with blood in it besides MK, because that seems like the only person doing it right now. Does Melty blood have blood?

I don’t think it should be over used though for instance blood flying from poking someone in the leg. Doesn’t make much sense. IMO blood should only come from hard hitting attacks. Blood should only fly from light hitting attacks from characters who use sharp weapons.

oh, so now blood automatically = adult now?

Making the game with blood for the sake of blood is what’s for kiddies.

I didn’t say that someone else said one the first page that they have to be mindful of the children in the arcades in Japan and my response was basically f*k them!

Well that’s pretty selfish and stupid from a design perspective. If you’re selling a game via arcade, you have to consider that arcades are PUBLIC. You are not allowed by law, for example, to show off a movie with an MA or R rating in a shop window where anyone can see it.

Basically, bloody fighting games have their showing restricted to private consoles or booths. And who wants to play a fighting game in a booth?

We need less hitsparks and more blood and we need a new series for Japan to respond to Mortal Kombat, lest their girls become punching bags for Mortal Kombat Characters :lol:

Make it happen Japan.

i want more blood in my games! i am also 13 years old and my favorite band is ICP.

im ok with a little blod in my fighting games. i mean, im not expecting MK level or anything. but a little blood, bruising, and torn clothing can sure go a long way to adding tension to a drawn out match besides simple energy bars.

That reminds me about my first trip to an adult bookstore. There was a sign over a doorway in the back that said “Arcade”. I got change for a dollar from the guy at the counter, went through the door and saw rows of booths with doors. Inside each booth was a wall-mounted monitor showing pron, a bench in front of it, and a waste-basket beside the bench. Worst disappointment ever.

Well I don’t know about you guys but when I get into fights in real life people seldom bleed. Usually giant hit sparks appear at the point of impact.

On a serious note, I don’t expect every attack to cause bloodshed. When a character has a weapon that is obviously sharp or can cause some sort of cut, scrape, or wound it just doesn’t seem logical for the attack to have giant hit sparks.

I mean take Marvel 2 for instance. Bulleta has a grab where she slices the throat of the opponent. How in the fuck do they not bleed? At least the obvious human characters. Mutants I could see a little more reasoning behind.

Don’t use naomi games as an example. That’s when Capcom went all light-based hitsparks and sanitized the games. In Bulleta’s native game, Vampire Savior, there’s a nice, healthy gout of blood when she slits a throat.

Wow, really wish we got more bloody fighting games that wasn’t MK

The blood shouldn’t matter.

Blood doesn’t make the fighting game. It is the entertainment that counts.
Take the blood in 'Gang Wars" for instance, it looked terrible almost like red cough medicine.