Blanka Match Up Thread Round 2

turtle blanka >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> rushdown blanka

can someone explain to me how to play the guile matchup?

I’m still learning this game.

don’t tell me I need a stronger rushdown/mixup. I know I was using basiclaly one pattern the entire time.

but I was drunk, and neither of us know how to play the game.

SF2 tactics weren’t very effective.

I would say that your spacing was not right. That Guile was just zoning you pretty hard. You need to be able to reach out with cr. mp and make contact. I also think that even though Blanka has an advantage here, this fight comes down to reading your opponent moreso than the counter-this, counter-that scenario.

Here’s one of my match sets from a recent tournament:

The first match I have him pretty dead to rights. I get the spacing correct for most of it. During the second match, he adjusts and if you notice, it seems like I’m always about half a sweep outside of where I need to be in order to scare.

Blanka is supposed to destroy Vega, but I get raped by good ones. How am I supposed to win that match? I get torn apart by his s.fp when he has his claw equipped. What can I do against it?

Not sure if this question pertains more to matchups or general questions but I’m having problems with Ryu’s overhead( My friend who i consistently spar against plays as ryu and on the occasion that he gets near me, he wreaks havoc with the mix up game. For some reason i can’t force myself to block the overhead which he usually follows up with a sweep after and he inputs faster than i can react to block low after blocking high. I believe any form of lp is faster and will stuff his overhead but than i risk a random srk so i focus solely on blocking and end up getting grabbed. Any suggestions ?

don’t mash lp to beat out moves

work on looking out for the beginning animation of the overhead

also, crouch tech is your friend

yes, this is a smart list. This is something we need to see on the OP post all nice and organized.

lol I’m sure my old thread is still missing stuff or has some inaccurate information. I’ll update it in a bit when I get the chance.

Here it is if any of you want to contribute:

A good, patient Blanka overall, but you give up too many free hits with the slide. That Guile didn’t punish half of them. You make a good point about how important spacing is against a fireball character. You do a great job of punishing Guile’s sonic booms on reaction. The Guile seems to get a bit more gutsy toward the end, and he risked quite a bit by throwing sonic booms too often and when you were too close. In my experience, good Guiles against Blanka tend to run away and keep out of range of the slide - at least, that’s what I do. You’re really lucky that guile didn’t down-back it and kept aggressive. Turtling Guiles are so damn difficult to get in on. Best hope is to bait out a flash kick or to get him to lose his crouching charge so you can cross him up and work the game.

Nice work in that tourney, I saw the reversal Ultra coming, but apparently the Guile didn’t. :bgrin:

Yeah. ILoveYouJoe got me with this at SB4. Shitty matchup…

Gen can punish any blanka ball on hit with super. Once Yeb learned this, my life started to suck ass.
2:42 in this video. Note that I hit him with the “safe” version of the ball, and got hit anyways. That sucked.

Detail on safe ball here: when putting together a list of blanka ball punishes. There isn’t a set pushback on the blanka ball. It depends what part of Blanka’s body makes contact with you. For example, the very edge of Blanka’s range on the ball is slightly safer than standard mid-flight or early flight. You can test this with doing jab balls vs. something that barely punishes a mid-flight ball, like another Blanka’s slide. Mid-flight, the slide punishes. End of flight, slide comes up short. This is very exploitable (hint: free ultra). Gouken palm is another that will frustratingly miss.

Sometimes mid-flight balls will act like end-of-flight balls simply because of how Blanka made contact with the opponent’s animation. This can make it frustratingly random. I sat down a few months ago trying to find “sweet spots” but had no luck. It really did seem random.

Just something to think about as you think about (un)safety of the ball and how to punish.

–Jay Snyder

This makes a tremendous amount of sense, especially after I spent a ton of time in training mode trying to figure out how to respond in a Blanka mirror match to certain things.

vega blanka is a tough one, you should hit training mode to find out what beats his pokes and capitalise on jump ins. lots of tick throws and counterhit traps.

Guile is a really tough match, especially online. I find vs good guiles the match turns on a knockdown as you can then crossup and play a tick throw or counter hit trap. Again your footsies need to be excellent. i’ve only ever played one good guile online so most of the time you can get away with jumping in for free vs average guiles when in reality jumping in should be incredibly difficult.

Yea, this is very true because on-line, Guile can sonic boom you with impunity. Sliding sonic booms at mid range is easy, but timing dependent off-line, on-line you really lose that part of the game and end up walking into ones you’d normally score a hit off of.

So it’s not just me. I’ve had to abandon even trying to slide under booms. He gets the boom out and still blocks, assuming I didn’t get hit in the face first. So many attempted slides end up with a boom/fireball to my face. I look like Rocky, just walking into hits with my noggin over and over.

Since it was brought up
here are my guile 2 cents

First, I play the best American guile (dagger g( more times then I can count
in the finals of tournaments
here is the end of the most latest but there are probably over 20 some odd matches between us overall on the site.

Guile can punish ball rolls, though its kinda random, so while I do like to ball, its risky.

Second, ex balls through fireballs, unless your very close and are likely to get a hit are to my dismay, a bad idea. (in other words, horizontal ex ball = on sparingly and correctly timed).

Ground strategy: Don’t really jump at guile, though if you watch the vids, you’ll notice blanka has a jump fierce timing that will frequently and successfully beat guile’s low fierce, but I think a lot of that depends on guile’s timing of the low fierce.

Low strong and low fierce are your friends here. Standing strong is not really adviced because you dont get much, and guile’s fierce will just fuck you up, and if is CH fierce, guile gets 2 in a row for free, yay!

Slide must be used sparingly, really only when you see and can punish the sonic boom. Watch out though, smart guile can fadc his sonic boom backwards for some cute little damage.

When guile is on the ground, cross up electricity/throw setups are key. In fact, tick damage is extremely important overall in this match, both for guile and blanka.

To cut it short, the match, regardless of what it may have been at the beginning, is a 5-5, when both people know how the match plays out.

P.S: so me been losing more often than not recently to guile, and I haven’t been playing much. Any tips are appreciated.


P.S: Almost forgot the importance of blankas focus attack. compared to any of his other matches, blankas focus attack is uber important, both for spacing, damage, etc. Te trick here is to make sure you get at least a level 2, and have the right spacing, and a lv 2 focus, dash forward electricity, or jab electricity, is nice tick if he blocks, or much more if he doesn’t . If done from the right distance, guile cannot throw you if you try to jab electrciity, and if he tries to jab or throw, he will be punished. Right range is close to max focus distance.

I don’t think I know any match up in this game SUPER well, but these matches in particular give me the most shit.

Bison - I can not stop this character from doing anything he wants. He wants to rush me down, I have to let him. He wants to sit back and gain meter, I have to let him. It’s insanely hard trying to keep him away from me. I only don’t fear Bison when he does not have meter which is only the beginning of the first round it seems.

Chun - I haven’t played many Chun but she gives me problems. Crouching Roundhouse seems to beat all my jump ins except jump in fierce and that trades. When she has meter, you can’t jump in at all. Her footsies are way better then Blanka’s. Whats left to do? When she throws a fireball and follows it, is there anything you can do or is that basically just a free mixup for her?

Dhalsim - I am completely lost on how to get in. I think I can figure it out over time but right now I’m lost.

Sagat - Tiger knee is just like this moving force field that Blanka can not get through. He doesn’t have a move with a low hitbox to counter it like shoto’s and other characters do. Sometimes tiger knee even crosses Blanka up. When that happens, I just throw my arms up in disgust.

Seth - See Dhalsim

I have not read all of this thread yet so please forgive me if any of these issues have been spoken on already.

fighting bison is all about evasion: Dont stay in one place and keep moving around. However, dont attack either, its really about being mobilly passive aggressive. You’re movement is an attempt to bait out stupid moves from bison that can then be punished. either a bad distance scissor kick, or a jump of some kind.

Standing jab is a great move against bison. especially after scissor kicks, as it stuffs most of his poke attempts, though if you are really far away and jab you i think bison can rh.

When bison is on the ground, you want to get a multi-hit electricity tick, either after a low rh, hop over and elec, or after a throw, there are several tick electricity setups. If you get enough elec ticks, its almost a free fierce. against bison you can get at least 3 ticks, though 4 if you really mash. Most I have ever gotten against someone is balrog, at 5 ticks --> that = free fierce.

Obviously, avoid rolling too much against bison, though using rolls for spacing and meter gain is fine, not too much bison can do as long as your not predictable/stupid.

Chun li: Hhahahha, everyone’s favorite. I truly adore this match, and find it fun. You win in the damage race, she wins in the zoning poke race. One thing to learn about chun is her HUGE hit box, its very easy to connect low forward into electricity combos, which do much more damage than just low short-elec. Electricity strings are very effective against her due to her large box size.

Poking chun li = low strong/stand jab, stand forward, though low strong = best… anything else can be ultra/supered. Low strong will be many a chun poke, especially if timed right.

Chun’s low rh should not beat blanka’s jump rh. Though depends on angle, at a minimum you should trade. but you really shouldn’t be jumping at her anyway, as she can jump fierce in response, focus attack, or just evade.

Chun’s fireballs are terrible in this match, easily punished with slide. Carefull about using ex ball against fireball, she can get a free ultra, even if hit.

Last inside trick for chun. If you accidently ball combo, and she has ultra, if you cancel the ball, get your little hit and then back dash, you can get hit by a free ultra. If you cancel the ball, get your hit, and dash forward and just block, no ultra for her.

Sagat: Most people here hate the match. I love it. Many videos of me against sagat at While I admit, these sagats are not japanese level, they are not dummies, and can do the bnb stuff. Bottom line is zoning, evasion, and turtling. Avoid fireballs, stay away, but use low strong/low fierce to poke, though careful with the fierce. If you do it too close they get a free uppercut. Watch the vids for this one, me no want explain.

Seth: Short rolls to get in. air-to-air with jump fierce. You don’t need to hit him much, you can always get close with your rolls, just stay on him and don’t let him do shinanigans. stay in his face, poke, and annoy. only need about 7 or 8 blanka hits to win.

Dhaslim: Been a while since I played a lot of this. But bottom line is he can’t hurt you much, and your few hits hurt him a lot. Meaning --> stay patient. Slowly move him to the corner by controlling the ground. Once in corner, electricity the fuck outta him. Dont need to jump at him to get in, except from far away… Focus dash forward, or just slowly walk forward, block,

gotta go.


With Chun- Try and stay in slide range 'cause her fireballs are really easy to punish with a slide i find. I also tend to spam balls to Chuns before she has any ultra as there is literally nothing she can do to punish them. They will start to spam their jab but if you do an ex ball its very hard to counter that with just mashing jab. Chun’s should always have meter, try and bait out the EXSBK which they tend to use everytime you jump at them. When she has a super you have to be very careful 'cause one hp and that = a free super for them. I find this match up difficult as well but slowly seem to be getting better at it.

Sim- I recently went to Sweden and played a sim there that qualified from Singapore. No hype but probably after Arturo, this guy has the best sim outside of japan. He was god like- Ask gootecks how good this guy was!! I played a long set against him and all i did was turtle. All sim can do is just yoga fire and their pokes pressure. Just jump the fire balls and let them pokes hit you. Sim tend to usually move closer so they can hit you when you jump but they will then be in sliding distance. As soon as you knock this guy down, pressure the fuck out of him with elec and mix ups. You can not rush this guy down if he’s not on the floor. He has so many mix ups on how to punish you its ridiculous. Blocked ball = a free hp but i think if the ball hits the trade is in our favour. One thing i struggle on is his super set up. When he does the fire ball and teleports on the other side, i don’t know what way to block!! Do i block the fire ball or do i block the crossover?

Sagat- Match up is just fucked for us. Alot of Sagat players don’t know the match up properly. However, if any of you guys have seen the recent 3 vs 3 match with Saikyo vs some Sagat (Chari was also on his team) you can tell its over for us. Blanka player got an EX up ball to hit, sagat gets a free ultra set up :annoy: I played Allioune (one of the best Sagat players outside Japan imo) and the results were disgusting lol. Sagat can just walk up to Blanka and start mashing lk and theres nothing to do on wake up apart from block, ex up ball (free dmg for Sagat) or wake up ultra. The match up is seriously fucked!! Luckily alot of Sagat players still don’t know the match up fully so you get away with shit like that :rofl:

Is it not possible to for Chun to punish a blocked Ultra with her own? It either seems to whiff, or Blanka recovers in time to block.