Blanka Match Up Thread Round 2

Vega’s j.hp has no box for you to hit on the claw, but the claw can hit you, why it beats a lot of things you wouldn’t think it would beat. I generally just use normal upball and it at worst trades with him generally, ex if I have the meter.

Was playing XBL at a friends house waiting for something and I was matched up against a Gouken. Was doing coward’s crouch xx electricity or backhop against fireballs. I did elec too quickly the one time and still didn’t get hit. Blanka electricity goes completely under his fireballs all off the time. Don’t know how useful that is, or well known, but it is pretty interesting.

good to know. makes it easy to build meter in that match.

Also goes under seths booms.

I’m still trying out standing fierce against Ryu’s low short. Is there a correct timing for this?


noob question… meaty stands for doing an attack after knockdown that the opponent can pretty much only block or pefectly execute a move with the initial frames of being invincible right?

meaning if i’m timing a meaty ball after the opponent is knocked down… they can either block it or maybe do something like DP it correct?

anyways… not sure if someone already did this full research and I plan to do more…

here’s a list of what the opponent can do to avoid blocking chip damage and what they can’t do after you bite throw them into a regular Ultra (not cross up). I’m assuming this will be called bite throw into meaty ultra? correct me if i’m wrong… i can’t find a place where i can learn these terms…

anything I don’t list probably doesn’t work but since I don’t know other characters that well I use the best of my ability. I also suck with guile/vega’s super’s motion so i don’t know if it doesn’t work or if i’m just doing the timing wrong.

Here’s the stuff that works against Blanka… I only listed Arcade characters now but will finish off the console characters soon. Also I’m ASSUMING that doing the cross over version is more or less the same except the fact that the execution might be a bit harder… but that’s about it.

I think this guide will be good so if you see your opponent lacks a certain meter maybe you can abuse that for the win.

hits = blanka’s ultra gets completely beaten out.
trades = both gets hit
escapes = nobody gets hit, or the move teleports away

Abel: LP Super hits, ex roll escapes
Akuma: teleport only, ex-DP doesn’t work (someone can retest this)…
Blanka: ex up-ball hits, ultra hits
Boxer: ultra hits, super escapes
Chun-Li: ultra escapes, ex SPK hits
Claw: Flips escapes, can’t really do the super/ultra… would be nice if someone else can test
C.Viper: ultra hits, honestly i don’t know any other moves c.viper got that got invicible timing… but from my brief test i can’t find anything.
Dhalsim: Ultra trade, Super hits, teleport escape
Dictator: Ultra hit, Super hit, ex stomp hit, ex devil reversal escapes, ex pyscho crusher trade, ex scissors one hit… god this sucks.
E.Honda: Ultra Hits, Super trades (i should test again with LP probably), ex headbutt hits, ex butt escapes
El Fuerte: super hits/trade i think LK super probably hits consistently, ultra escapes, ex GLT (airthrow) escapes,
Guile: Ultra hit, ex flash kick hits, someone can try his super
Ken: super hit, ultra hit, ex-DP hit
Rufus: super trade, ultra hit, ex Messiah first part hit only then blanka is behind him for the second part
Ryu: Ultra trade, super hit, ex-DP hit
Sagat: ultra hit, LK Super hit, EX-tiger uppercut hit
Zangief: LOL! even EX GH - it avoids at first but not far enough to get completely away so still gets zapped lol


will finish off the console characters

unnecessary info is unnecessary

meaty ball is not really something you wanna do unless you have a lot of life and your opponent is about to die. You’ll always get hit with a fat combo otherwise.


well in that case i’ll leave the rest of the list for my own information.

really posted it just for the sake of when the match is coming to an end… you have a ultra charged up you can finish your opponent with a meaty ball for chip damage… what’s your risk…

obviously if the guy got plenty of life i’m really asking to get punished… and if that’s the case might end up mixing up cross up meaty ultra with regular… but the point of this study at least for me… was really for those scenarios where i scored a un-techable knockdown should i go for meaty ball for ultra to finish them off… that’s all

but anyways… since i guess i’m the only one who find my own research useful i’ll keep it to myself.


Actually, I really appreciate that you took the time to find out all the options that opponents have to stop meaty Blanka ultra. More information is always good. I don’t think it’s useless to know what your opponent’s options are.

Makes me want to finish my list of everything that coward crouch avoids!

has somebody listed blocked blanka ball punishes and with what?

I’m still learning the game

and so far I know:

rufus: free low fierce
boxer: free rush punch
Akuma: raging ultra demon
gen: ultra
chun: ultra

i’d like to know the what’s so I can gage when it’s safe to poke with the ball. i.e. boxer with no charge is a safe poke (unless he can tap or something else…)

I’m sure someone has published a list already though, I just can’ find it.


thanks, I’ll probably finish the list later when I get a chance. I really made the list because I feel like I often end up in similar scenario at the end of the match.

As for coward crouch take a look at Cammy ccrouch avoids so much stuff she’s got it’s really a valid strat against her


here’s the ones I’m pretty sure or head about

Boxer: ultra or super
Honda: headbutt or super or ultra
dhalsim: hp
ryu: ultra or super
guile: ex sonic boom
sagat: Kara tiger uppercut, maybe ex tiger shot?
Abel: ultra
blanka: hp ball
dictator: scissor kicks
claw: ex jump to wall move

I’m sure there’s more


from the japanese wiki here’s what I’ve learned:

Ryu: super
Ken: no punish
Chun: super and ultra
Honda: strong and EX headbutt?
Blanka: sura walk??? ex rolling over???
Gief: no punish
Guile: EX sonic boom
Dhalsim: fierce
Boxer: various rush punches. ultra and super. but I really want to know if i can poke him without charge which means does he have a normal or TAP?
Claw: walk forward fierce??? and EX barcelona into izuna apparently
Sagat: ???
Dic: ??? and super
Rufus: low fierce
El Fuerte: ??? and ultra
Abel: rush combo, super and ultra
Oni Australia (don’t know who this is supposed to be: Ultra
Sakura: no punish
fei: second stage flame???
Dan: no punish
Cammy: cannon arrow and ultra
original (who is this??): ultra
rose: super and ultra
gouken: something but I dont know what
seth: something and ultra

If anyone knows how to translate, the matchup advice looks pretty in depth. google translate is incoherent :frowning:

I think Original must be Gen. I know we can punish with Super/Ultra Blanka’s roll on block.

added a few I know of to this.

can anyone give me more hints towards how to fight dhalsim?

I’m finding this fight as tough as fighting boxer… but at least with boxer i kinda have an idea with baiting and making boxer lose charge however against Sim I have such a hard time getting in… my best way so far is really to do ex rainbow and work my way through there hoping to hit his limbs or go cross up or fall short but closer.

But once i’m full screen length away because sim is always running away… i’m left clueless on what to do if he does light yoga fire that travels full screen length and have to deal with limbs at the same time. I simply don’t know what i should be doing to get in? maybe more rainbows to jump over the fireball? FA doesn’t seem to work because i’ll be eating the fireball + Fierce punch damage… or if he gets creative and i guess wrong with the teleport i’m also screwed.

Also yoga tower is mad annoying… what’s the properties on that what does it work and not work against?


Stop trying so hard to get in. Sim has nothing when you’re full screen away. If you’re ever at a life lead, turtle the fuck up.

Things to know or look for: trips all kinds of stuff. It trips Sim’s standing hp and a variety of jumping attacks as well (and I do mean the outstretched arms) from the right ranges will beat or trade with limbs if you try to enter.
-look for where Sim places his j.hp attacks, plan accordingly with ex up ball loops when you get in on him, his options are to teleport or slide out, close mp will get him hit. Plan accordingly. You can slide him if he gets the wrong teleport because your cross-up timing screws with him, if he slides, he’s looking to throw, so jump or tech as needed.

Balancing traded hits and working your life lead seem to be the most important parts of the fight for Blanka. Learn to lp ball for placement.

All this is assuming that the basic bullshit of the matches will hold true. Sim won’t fireball at middle to close range, you won’t ball.

Oh, and for the record, I don’t like Blanka’s focus game in this match. I pretty much forget it.

Hope that helps.

Thanks for the advice
I’ll definitely try it out if I get to play against Sim again.

Sorry for no OP updates in a while. I had to take a break from IV overall for a couple of months. You guys are providing a lot of good info to add in.