noob question… meaty stands for doing an attack after knockdown that the opponent can pretty much only block or pefectly execute a move with the initial frames of being invincible right?
meaning if i’m timing a meaty ball after the opponent is knocked down… they can either block it or maybe do something like DP it correct?
anyways… not sure if someone already did this full research and I plan to do more…
here’s a list of what the opponent can do to avoid blocking chip damage and what they can’t do after you bite throw them into a regular Ultra (not cross up). I’m assuming this will be called bite throw into meaty ultra? correct me if i’m wrong… i can’t find a place where i can learn these terms…
anything I don’t list probably doesn’t work but since I don’t know other characters that well I use the best of my ability. I also suck with guile/vega’s super’s motion so i don’t know if it doesn’t work or if i’m just doing the timing wrong.
Here’s the stuff that works against Blanka… I only listed Arcade characters now but will finish off the console characters soon. Also I’m ASSUMING that doing the cross over version is more or less the same except the fact that the execution might be a bit harder… but that’s about it.
I think this guide will be good so if you see your opponent lacks a certain meter maybe you can abuse that for the win.
hits = blanka’s ultra gets completely beaten out.
trades = both gets hit
escapes = nobody gets hit, or the move teleports away
Abel: LP Super hits, ex roll escapes
Akuma: teleport only, ex-DP doesn’t work (someone can retest this)…
Blanka: ex up-ball hits, ultra hits
Boxer: ultra hits, super escapes
Chun-Li: ultra escapes, ex SPK hits
Claw: Flips escapes, can’t really do the super/ultra… would be nice if someone else can test
C.Viper: ultra hits, honestly i don’t know any other moves c.viper got that got invicible timing… but from my brief test i can’t find anything.
Dhalsim: Ultra trade, Super hits, teleport escape
Dictator: Ultra hit, Super hit, ex stomp hit, ex devil reversal escapes, ex pyscho crusher trade, ex scissors one hit… god this sucks.
E.Honda: Ultra Hits, Super trades (i should test again with LP probably), ex headbutt hits, ex butt escapes
El Fuerte: super hits/trade i think LK super probably hits consistently, ultra escapes, ex GLT (airthrow) escapes,
Guile: Ultra hit, ex flash kick hits, someone can try his super
Ken: super hit, ultra hit, ex-DP hit
Rufus: super trade, ultra hit, ex Messiah first part hit only then blanka is behind him for the second part
Ryu: Ultra trade, super hit, ex-DP hit
Sagat: ultra hit, LK Super hit, EX-tiger uppercut hit
Zangief: LOL! even EX GH - it avoids at first but not far enough to get completely away so still gets zapped lol
will finish off the console characters