Blanka Match Up Thread Round 2

The old matchup thread was nice and props to everyone that added to the discussion there, but it’s time to clean things up and have a proper updated match up OP. So. Here it is. Round 2 of the Blanka Match Ups thread.

I’m not claiming to know everything here nor claiming even half of this knowledge. It’s a large collaboration of SRK knowledge. If something seems wrong, feel free to discuss it and changes will be made.

Quick info = obvious move vs. move info that you should know regardless of strategy
Example: “Slide > Fireball” means “Slide beats Fireball”…we should all know that one before even discussing further

Match Up Specifics = strategic break down on how the match is played. Different people = different strategies and play styles, so contribute if you think your way of playing a match is effective and not listed.

Basic Tier Information:

Japanese Wiki = This wiki over here

** Event Hubs** = Event Hubs’ Tier Lists

** Popular SRK Opinion** = Based off of what I comprehend everyone thinks the match is like. Includes discussions with SRK people outside of the forums like shooting the shit IRL or on IRC. Fuck numbers for this, because numbers aren’t the fucking point here.

If there are other tier tables online with match up numbers, please point me towards them.

The Match Up Data (numbers are Blanka/Opponent)

Quick Links:

vs. Ryu Ken Chun-Li E.Honda
vs. Blanka Zangief Guile Dhalsim
vs. Dictator Sagat Boxer Claw
vs.Crimson Viper Rufus El Fuerte Abel
vs. Akuma Gouken Seth Fei Long
vs. Dan Cammy Gen Rose
vs. Sakura

Vs. Ryu

Japanese Wiki: 5/5
Event Hubs April 09: 4/6
Event Hubs October 09: 5/5
Popular SRK Opinion: Slight advantage Blanka

Quick info:

Slide > Fireball
EX Ball > Fireball
Coward Crouch > Fireball
S.Jab, S.Strong, C.Forward are all good general pokes here
S.Fierce > Ryu’s C.Forward
C.Strong > Most non-cross up jump ins. Very useful here.
S.Roundhouse > Jump In Roundhouse and Jump In Forward. Performed early will beat clean. Done a little later will trade. Done too late will not make it out at all.

The match breakdowns:



Vs. Ken

Japanese Wiki: 6/4
Event Hubs April 09: 5/5
Event Hubs October 09: 6/4
Popular SRK Opinion: Slight advantage Blanka

Quick info:

Slide > Fireball
EX Ball > Fireball
Coward Crouch > Fireball
S.Jab, S.Strong, C.Forward are all good general pokes here
C.Strong > Post Advancing Kick if timed correctly
S.Fierce > Ken’s C.Forward
C.Strong > Most non-cross up jump ins. Very useful here.
S.Roundhouse > Jump In Roundhouse and Jump In Forward. Performed early will beat clean. Done a little later will trade. Done too late will not make it out at all.

The match breakdowns:



Vs. Chun Li

Japanese Wiki: 5/5
Event Hubs April 09: 5/5
Event Hubs October 09: 5/5
Popular SRK Opinion: Even Match

Quick info:

Slide > Chun Li’s Fireball (LOOKOUT FOR ULTRA)
EX Ball > Chun Li’s Fireball (LOOKOUT FOR ULTRA)
Coward Crouch > Chun Li’s Fireball (LOOKOUT FOR ULTRA)
Almost everything < EX Bird Kick*
Coward Crouch > EX Bird Kick**
Blocked Balls < Chun-Li can catch up and punish with almost anything not requiring charge…and as we all know LOOKOUT FOR ULTRA
Jump in Roundhouse > Most of Chun-Li’s wake up options, except EX Bird Kick
Character has air-throw, you don’t. Keep this in mind air-to-air.

*Don’t bother with 99% of your typical wake up game when she has meter. Try to bait it and punish.

**FashionVictim mentions coward crouch under followed by cancel electricity works here also.

The match breakdowns:



Vs. E.Honda

Japanese Wiki: 5/5
Event Hubs April 09: 5/5
Event Hubs October 09: 5/5
Popular SRK Opinion: Even Match

Quick info:

Ball < Headbutt
Step Slide > post strong and fierce headbutts**
All standing/jumping normals > headbutt except standing.strong, which will trade.*
Electricity > Headbutt ***

*-Just like Pshyco Crusher, only jab is reliable, everything else requires insane timing to hit clean in a match.
**- Jab headbutt recovers too quickly for this to land.
***-Headbutt can still sneak in between the hit boxes and occasionally trade with both knocking down. Seems to beat regular headbutt most of the time, with EX electricity having way better chances.

The match breakdowns:



Vs. Blanka

Japanese Wiki: 5/5
Event Hubs April 09: 5/5
Event Hubs October 09: 5/5
Popular SRK Opinion: One of the dumbest mirror matches in the game

Quick info:

Step slide > Post-Blanka Ball
Blocked Ultra =/= Auto Free Ultra

The match breakdowns:


Nothing here yet

Vs. Zangief

Japanese Wiki: 7/3
Event Hubs April 09: 6/4
Event Hubs October 09: 7/3
Popular SRK Opinion: Overwhelming advantage Blanka

Quick info:

s.hp > most of Gief’s normals + lariat at max range > most of Gief’s jump ins **
c.hp > most of Gief’s jump ins ** > some of Gief’s jump ins ** > IIRC will go over c.jab and poke it…but if you’re in range why not s.hp?
slide > sloppy jump ins with a normal*
slide > lariat (DUH!..but Gief has to be tarded to pull that within slide distance)
neutral j.hp > almost all of Gief’s jump ins
Rainbow Roll > Lariat
Wake up EX Rainbow Roll > Corner trapped
Electricity < EX Green Hand
Electricity < SPD
Electricity < Crouching Roundhouse
Post Horizontal Ball > Zangief EXCEPT Kara Green Hand (on post block only or also on post hit? need clarification)
Horizontal Ball < Crouch Jab
Horizontal Ball < Lariat (early)
Be mindful of his body width. Word is the Ultra 50/50 crossup may not work against him.
Neutral Jump Anything < Crouch into Lariat. See the discussion that starts here.

*it’s kind of dumb but good gravy it works! (not empty jumping…you’ll just eat SPD/Super/Ultra sliding that)

** Positioning heavy stuff here. May need to go into further detail later. End of the day, however, a couple of practice matches should give you a feel for when to use these three.

The match breakdowns:



Vs. Guile

Japanese Wiki: 6/4
Event Hubs April 09: 6/4
Event Hubs October 09: 6/4
Popular SRK Opinion: Slight advantage Blanka

Quick info:

EX Ball > Sonic Boom (Guile has the best projectile recovery in the game…so…yeah…watch it)
Slide > Sonic Boom
Coward Crouch > Sonic Boom

The match breakdowns:



Vs. Dhalsim

Japanese Wiki: 5/5
Event Hubs April 09: 6/4
Event Hubs October 09: 6/4
Popular SRK Opinion: Overwhelming disadvantage Blanka

Quick info:

EX Ball > Fireball
Slide > Fireball
Coward Crouch > Fireball
Electricity > Jump back Fierce
S.Jab > All upclose teleport combo starters
Crouching Roundhouse > Crouching Fierce *

*shglbmx says, if you know he’s going to do a c. fp from full screen, learn to react to it with your own c. rh.

The match breakdowns:



Vs. Dictator

Japanese Wiki: 5/5
Event Hubs April 09: 4/6
Event Hubs October 09: 5/5
Popular SRK Opinion: Even Match

Quick info:

Neutral Jump Fierce > Normal Headstomp
Standing Jab > most normals at near max range
Standing Jab > Pshyco Crusher*
Standing Jab > Scissors on start up. Too late and you’ll eat it.
EX Vertical Ball < Slide**
EX Vertical Ball > EX Headstomp***
EX Vertical Ball > EX Devil’s Reverse

*All standing normals can stuff Pshyco Crusher, but aren’t very reliable since timing has to be really good.
** Bison’s pressure game can make it impossible to reliably reversal with EX Vertical Ball. It could be said that you may not have a reliable reversal in this match up.
***Perform late, otherwise trade in Dictator’s favor or whiff entirely.

The match breakdowns:



Nothing here yet

Vs. Boxer

Japanese Wiki: 4/6
Event Hubs April 09: 4/6
Event Hubs October 09: 4/6
Popular SRK Opinion: Overwhelming disadvantage Blanka

Quick info:

You’re screwed…but seriously, really. You’re fucked. Ok, seriously…

Max range S.Jab, when timed right, can > Boxer’s C.Jab
Max range S.Strong, when timed right, can > Boxer’s C.Jab
S.Jab > Most Rush Punches (Not at Rush Punch’s max range)
Electricity > Most Rush Punches
Electricity < C.Roundhouse
Ball > Most Rush Punches…doesn’t matter though because…
Ball < Boxer. Ball is punishable EVEN WHEN IT HITS CLEAN.
Seriously though, you’re the rape victim here, fight back as much as you can but face it…you’re gonna give up the ass eventually…

The match breakdowns:



Vs. Sagat

Japanese Wiki: 4/6
Event Hubs April 09: 4/6
Event Hubs October 09: 4/6
Popular SRK Opinion: Disadvantage Blanka

Quick info:

EX Ball > Tiger Shot
Slide > Tiger Shot
Coward Crouch > Tiger Shot *
Blocked Rainbow Roll < All kinds of punish…combo set ups and Ultra
Electrity > high tiger shot (you will duck under it)
C.Strong > All Jump Ins…including fucking Sagat’s mid-air Playgirl photo shoot lounging pose
Everything < Tiger Knee
Be aware of his body width. Some possible weirdness in trying to land Ultra crossup.

*eltwopee says,There’s an added bonus here in that it will build EX meter.

The match breakdowns:



Vs. Claw

Japanese Wiki: 7/3
Event Hubs April 09: 7/3
Event Hubs October 09: 7/3
Popular SRK Opinion: Overwhelming advantage Blanka

Quick info:

The match breakdowns:



Nothing here yet

Vs. Crimson Viper

Japanese Wiki: 5/5
Event Hubs April 09: 5/5
Event Hubs October 09: 5/5
Popular SRK Opinion:

Quick info:

The match breakdowns:



Nothing here yet

Vs. Rufus

Japanese Wiki: 5/5
Event Hubs April 09: 5/5
Event Hubs October 09: 5/5
Popular SRK Opinion:

Quick info:

Post Ball < C.Fierce
Standing Roundhouse > Messiah and most of his jump ins…unreliable for anti-dive kick

The match breakdowns:



Vs. El Fuerte

Japanese Wiki: 6/4
Event Hubs April 09: 6/4
Event Hubs October 09: 6/4
Popular SRK Opinion:

Quick info:

Neutral J.Fierce > Most off far wall moves…watch for bait into his anti-air grab

The match breakdowns:



Nothing here yet

Vs. Abel

Japanese Wiki: 4/6
Event Hubs April 09: 4/6
Event Hubs october 09: 4/6
Popular SRK Opinion: Split. Blanka players claim it is disadvantage Blanka. Abel players claim disadvantage Abel. More theory fighter is required here.

Quick info:

Crouching Strong > Post roll
Slide > Blocked Wheel Kick (IIRC, you don’t need to step like other slide punishable specials)
Every normal < Ridiculous normal jump in…I need to look it up, but you all know which one I mean
Ball < Standing Jab
Ball < Standing Strong
Post Ball < Ultra AKA Don’t bother if they have meter
Electricity < Command Grab
Electricity < Crouching Strong
Electricity < Crouching Roundhouse
Ultra < Roll (he can roll underneath with proper timing)
Crouching Fierce > Wheel kick*

*Earlier the better. You risk trading as soon as the foot reaches second half of it’s crescent shaped travel path. Roundhouse version can be stuffed from psuedo-full screen. You need to be about half a body closer than full screen and be anticipating it to stuff from far away, but it is doable.

The match breakdowns:



Vs. Akuma

Japanese Wiki: 5/5
Event Hubs April 09: 5/5
Event Hubs October 09: 5/5
Popular SRK Opinion: Slight advantage Blanka

Quick info:

EX Ball > Ground and Air Fireballs (WATCH OUT FOR ULTRA!)
Slide > Ground Fireballs and close Air Fireballs…if not close, will get you under most far air fireballs when timed and spaced correctly (WATCH OUT FOR ULTRA!)
Coward Crouch > Ground Fireballs (WATCH OUT FOR ULTRA!)
Command hop will mobalize you through most far air fireball shit
All blocked specials < guaranteed Ultra/Super demon…so again…WATCH OUT FOR ULTRA!

The match breakdowns:



Vs. Gouken

Japanese Wiki: 5/5
Event Hubs April 09: 5/5
Event Hubs October 09: 5/5
Popular SRK Opinion:

Quick info:

The match breakdowns:



Nothing here yet

Vs. Seth

Japanese Wiki: 5/5
Event Hubs April 09: 5/5
Event Hubs October 09: 5/5
Popular SRK Opinion:

Quick info:

EX Ball > Sonic Boom
Slide > Sonic Boom
Coward Crouch > Sonic Boom
Electricity > Sonic Boom (his projectile is high, allowing it to float over you while charging electricity)
Electrcity > Jump back Fierce

The match breakdowns:



Nothing here yet

Vs. Fei Long

Japanese Wiki: 6/4
Event Hubs April 09: 6/4
Event Hubs October 09: 6/4
Popular SRK Opinion: Opinions of this match swung wildly a couple of months ago (writing this on 01/2010). It seemed that Fei Long had some very good tools for shutting Blanka down. This section needs a lot of updating and confirmations on theories.

Quick info:

The match breakdowns:



Nothing here yet

Vs. Dan

Event Hubs April 09: 7/3
Event Hubs October 09: 7/3
Popular SRK Opinion: Overwhelming advantage Blanka* (OP author thinks it is dangerous to underestimate this character)

Quick info:

The match breakdowns:



Nothing here yet

Vs. Cammy

Event Hubs April 09: 6/4
Event Hubs October 09: 6/4
Popular SRK Opinion: Even match

Quick info:

The match breakdowns:



Nothing here yet

Vs. Gen

Event Hubs April 09: 6/4
Event Hubs October 09: 6/4
Popular SRK Opinion:

Quick info:

Post Horizontal Ball < Ultra

The match breakdowns:



Nothing here yet

Vs. Rose

Event Hubs April 09: 5/5
Event Hubs October 09: 5/5
Popular SRK Opinion:

Quick info:

The match breakdowns:



Nothing here yet

vs. Sakura

Event Hubs April 09: 6/4
Event Hubs October 09: 6/4
Popular SRK Opinion:

Quick info:

The match breakdowns:



nothing yet

great thread Sosage.
vs Sag**
CC under tiger shots and/or focus to build Ultra
Do not Rainbow Roll if Sag has Ultra
Tiger Knee will stuff everything close, react to it instead of pressuring into it.

The match should be played very defensively. Hit and run.



rufus can punish blocked balls ith cr.hp so they don’t factor heavily outside of manouvring and throw mixups.

rufus can’t stop the lp x fierce elec pressure game without ex meter. getting in on rufus is a little tricky as ex hands and makes it a seriously bad idea to jump in on the guy. ex up ball stops dive pressure and usually gets a knock down. mashing elec isn’t really adviseable, dive kick has pretty good priority and can hit you clean sometimes.

Go for zoining and baiting with FA to catch pokes or provoke special moves. use lp x elec rushdown off every knockdown, but cease fire ocasionally and bait those ex messiah kicks.

slide booms on reaction and guile should start running. Guile can punish any blocked slide and flashkick any FA on reaction. As always, don’t rely on slide as a poke in this matchup

You will have to poke with cr. mp, cr.hp. s.hp and bait flash kicks with your focus attack. Guile’s primary anti-airs are low fierce, jump up air throw, ex flash kick, regular flash kick. a well timed crossup will result in guile flash kicking the wrong way and beats his other options too. with no charge you are free to go into tick throw mixups or elec pressure. after a blocked jump in guile has no reversal and so i like to tick throw off a or bufer fierce elec after the

VS SHOTOs: he has an answer to almost all their offensive options. Hang half a screens distance away and If they walk in to poke blanka is well equipped to dominate footsies using his pokes, espeially st.hp, which is probably the best option for close antiair and ranged jump ins should be beaten with If fireballed slide under or ex ball through.

If you are behind on life you can catch up with random ball, command dash in, lp ball to their feet, walk in to bait pokes (and ex fireball to the face). You can jump in at a distance that will make a srk whiff if you don’t stick out an attack.

ryu is most difficult. watch for j.hp as it beats cleanly so use st.hp for anti air here. ryu dominates up close thanks to mashing srk fadc etc, but blanka has the edge at the ranged game.

ken can’t punish blocked balls at all and his fireball game is bad, so this shouldn’t be too difficult if you hammer away and don’t wade in carelessly. Ex up ball is punishable on hit, so i suggest back dashing on wakeup which avoids cr.lp/lk pressure as most people do that on wakeup looking to either tik into throw or combo into fierce srk.

Akuma requires knowledge of when and how to advance through his air fireballs and what range to FA his to catch the 2nd kick only. fireballs can be slide under or dashed/walked under often, watch for it. Footsies need to be on point in this match and you need to know the exact range of his, possibly worth neutral umping at range.

getting in on a good sim is TOUGH. FA fish at sims st.hp range or simply jump in so you land outside of his anti air etc. If you FA a st.hp you will hit the limb and can dash forward. you’ll be a character or so’s length from sim… so you can’t jump in so you ca FA again, or land into elec (not really a good idea), or you can try to walk into st.lp range. jumping in or over fireball i usually opt for j.hp as it seems to trade vs his anti airs more than other normals. you can jab ball in from full screen and hope to hit a limb but watch for fireballs.

If you land a knockdown its cross up time and full on elec pressure is essential to keep him grounded. sim will be looking to jump so walking jab pressure is good as you’ll reset him allow you to walk in and do more lp x fierce elec pressure again. sims often like to back dash or jump back when you begin your up close offensive, this makes comboing into forward command dash in block strings pretty good. I think walking elec pressure is better however. don’t let him get away and tag any bad jump backs with upball. problem is you often wont have charge as you have to stay mobile in this one.

before she gets meter, blocked ball does a much as one of her fireballs so, throw them out. once she has meter she can ultra hit balls, cr.hp and slide very easily.

Ex bird beats EVERYthing you have on her wakeup so its a good idea to safe jump or block and punish.

her small sprite means some of your pokes/ jump ins will whiff. FA works well since most chuns like to poke or do that shitty overhead/crossup . a hard fight.

I find playing hit and run against a good bison to be the best tactic as trying to manouvre into position to begin elec pressure is pretty much impossible. it becomes far easier when bison starts coming for you. you can’t late crossup bison like you can most characters because ex stomp will take you out of the air. command dash ground crossup removes ex scissor or ps on wakeup, and a meaty even if avoided with ex stomp gives you time to walk under and punish or hitconfirm into elec combo/pressure. bison will be looking to jump out of elec pressure so walking jabs are good once again but lose horribly to ex psycho crusher. his will find all whiffed balls so its not really wise to do them often unless you fancy eating scissors.

backdash after a cr.hp sually avoids scissors, elec stops the punch after stomps, as does rolling. When locked down in the corner, standing jab after a blocked scissor is the way to go, or ex rainbow.


fierce elec beats all headbutts and ultra, sometimes you’ll trade but almost never lose outright. most of the time you will win. slide hp headbutts on block.

elec only beats butt drop mixups dont incorrectly.After being ochio’d honda will either butt drop, ex headbutt or ochio, ex up ball is the best option since it beats everything. without meter i would dash back if i don’t see the dropp and fa if i do. dash back eats the headbutt but i would ather be out of the ochio’loop’.

honda like bison can be elec pressured but ex headbutt hurts so mix up jumps into the rushdown. honda is crap vs crossups, with ex headbut whiffing. splash will often go the wrong way and they are usually punishable by slide.

at full screen jump fireballs you see early, and virtical jump ones you don’t. upon landing you should be almost able to fierce ball or jump another tiger shot if thown. if sagat knows you look for tiger shots then you have the green light to fierce ball. The chip is substantial and you need everything you can get in this fight. jumping over fireballs is not easy and you risk eaing tiger upper cut or for you troubles. If you’re ahead you can try to coward crouch X dash back and force sagat towards you.

tiger knee shuts down your poking game hard, but when its not being thown out, and hold up very well, taking sagat out of his pokes and fireball startup. FA zoning is good until you get tigerkneed or ex fireballed and wish you didn’t bother. beat all jumps clean with

up close auto gaurd lets mashing tigeruppercut viable, fadc makes it safe to boot, and side-correction on wakeup as you crossup makes it retarded. sagat is a dominator at every stage of this fight. unless youre over 50% bar ahead on life, consider yourself behind. He will find you with the ultra and undo all the hard work you put in to get a lead.

Abel: This is a really tough fight as abel dominates blanka upclose. learn to backdash EVeRYTHING or you’ll be spun. ball is unsafe once he gets meter and your options becomes limited fast. you can dominate footsies but make sure you have your aa ready as one jump in is all it takes to wreck shop and abel has the best cross up you’ll encounter as blanka.

Abel loves to jump back and hit you with j.hp, its really good anti air so st.lp pressure is good to catch abels that pre emptively jump. it is sometimes worth doing early in anticipation of a jump back fierce and land with a throw. Abels jabs are slow so you wont often be jabbed out of ilanding unless your opponent is expecting it.

elec pressure is difficult vs abel not only because of ex tornado throw, but because it whiffs vs him quite a lot, so its best to sweep after the electrcity. This may condition them to crouch block allowing you more of a chance to walk forward and jump cross up.

Once ahead try to stay just outside of range and grab any rolls, anyjumps and try to st.lp any wheel kicks done out of position after you block it.

Boxer: since they like to walk backwards for most of the round i’ll open with hp elec. in fact i’ll often sit at mid and full screen just repeatedly doing hp elec repeatedly with no normals inbetween the minimum bursts. I don’t do this to build meter, but to bait the opponent into abondoning the turtle stance. I’ll also hop or jab ball into FA outside of his jab range and basically do a little dance to provoke a reaction.

If that doesn’t get them doing punishable charge punches then i move onto plan B, i just walk up in there with my invincible and start hitting him out of his defensive jabs. The moment i do this it opens the gates for either jump ins (dunno why) what i’m really going for, random headbutts. Once they know that i like to x 7 and get the headbutt going i’m usually free to work FA into my / spam. i do use st.hp too but it leaves me a bit open when it whiffs so i’m shy to crack it out too often. The golden part is that once you know how to stop jabs and jab dash punches at close range with they usually become succeptable to random whiff jab balls etc.

If you can combo into jab ball, then do it. my bread and butter stlp x hp elec whiffs vs rog so crumple pressure is pretty weak without ex meter to fadc balls, but still i find, hop/ball x FA and hp elec out of his sweep range to be pretty viable for cracking most boxers. I honestly think the problem comes when you play a boxer that has the patience to never random dash punch you, and has the reactions to tag you out of every roll jump and FA. trouble is, not many people ever reach that level.

Can I add here that coward crouch xx elec is a very nice bait for her ex birds. With
proper timing she lands birds while you are crouched and elec punish them.

in what way? EX ball beats it and knocks down as far as I’ve ever seen.

I’ve experienced the complete opposite and was under the impression that others have said the same thing. I’ll test it later or if you have an example, please share it. I’m not trying to advocate wrong information. :wink:

I agree with Sosage, my ex ball has always been beaten by ex headstomp.

ex up ball beats ex headstomp everytime, no problem. its invincible, and ex stomp isn’t (apart from startup).

If you do ex up ball too early it will whiff because of bisons elevated hit box, you have to do it last minute, and if you do it during the invincible startup frames of the stomp/reverse, you will both pass through each other.


I must do it too early :frowning:

So I guess I have to go test it then… :wink:

Here’s the deal with EX Headstomp vs. EX Vert Ball after fucking around in training mode:

Done late, just before the stomp lands, EX Vert Ball will win clean.

Done midway, when he is around the upper arch of the headstomp until around the sweet spot mentioned during the late set up, EX Vert Ball will trade in Dictator’s favor, grounding both characters. Blanka does gain a slight advantage in spacing/timing since he lands first (allowing for getting up first).

Done any earlier than that, it will whiff entirely. To the point of, if full screen, going through Bison if you anticipate and execute around the same time (invincibility frames with headstomp start up then?).

Devil’s Reverse lost almost every time. If you try to hit it a tad late from across screen, you can wind up in another trade situation. Otherwise you should be able to beat it.

Yep, should be easy enough to do since you don’t have to anticipate, just wait for him to come to you.

According to mullah blocked balls are free damage till she has ultra - that would be my thoughts too.

vs gief ex-rainbow roll to escape corners
lp roll from full screen to bait lariats
save one ex bar at all times for wake-up ex up-ball in case you get downed, you’ve not much else

she can actually dash > step forward > but its pretty hard to do.

v gief i would suggest rainbow on wakeup outside of the corner too

I actually didn’t know about this one until I read up in the Chun boards (trying to add common anti-Blanka info from the other match up threads into the OP).