Blanka Match Up Thread Round 2

chun can punish blocked balls with reversal dash, 1f step > ultra, on hit too and its a hard match

bison you want to capitalise on knockdowns with a cross up hop and meaty you can confirm a hit or block into st.lp x elec or walk back if he ex stomps. he wont have horizontal charge.

Same gig with boxer, don’t bother jump crossing up, go for the ground crossup and play the elec/meaty/throw mixup.

You block whatever will hit you first. So lets say he teleports late and the fireball will most likely hit you before he does that crossover, block the fireball and you’re good. Tricky as hell though.

edit: Ok not true, lol.

I played Alioune a long time ago and it was disgusting. :rofl:

no thats not right i dont think. You always block by holding back away from sim. fireball can be infront or behind you. Once sim teleports and reappears you change the direction of your block, so you are still holding back away from sim.

Yes, I believe you always block in the opposite direction of where Dhalsim is. It does not matter what direction the fireball it coming from. Always block Dhalsim and you will block the fireball.

Mullah - Are you talking about Rog on wake up? Why don’t you recommend jumping cross up against him on wake up? Especially if he doesn’t have meter, I thought that was good to do. On the ground, won’t headbutt beat meaty low forward and throw? I think you have to change the mixup a little bit against him. Maybe low forward/throw/block? I dunno… just throwing ideas out there.

i’ve only played sfiv once since mw2 came out so i’m not on top of all things blanka but this is what i used to do vs rogs.

on his wakeup.

Option 1: crossup: safe and then either throw before the 3 frame jab comes out, or go for, counterhit trap. If he headbutts it will whiff and you can slide it (option select?)

option 2: ground crossup and then — fierce elec for multi hit chip >st.lp x back hop or — i x fierce elec or — whiff elec >throw.

99% of the time i wont go for the throw. most damage came from FA’ing a dash punch or neutral >combo a dash punch. I would always st.lp x ball a blocked swing blow or overhead and if outside the corner i’ve NEVER been hit back. The bnb vs rog after crumples or jumpins was x fierce elec.

Poke would be mixed together (each is better vs certain normals of his) and FA fishing. The match would be spent whiffing FA’s when they have no meter bait them into swing blowing, then i’d mix up random elecs. once they got meter i’d whiff FA’s from 3/4 screen and back only, not even dash ultra/super can catch them. Once they have meter i’d hold d/b in the corner and bait the overhead punch for ultra or st.lp x ex ball escape

One nice trick with Sim is if you are worried about fireball -> teleport stuff, just stay at the edge of the screen and jump back, sticking out some attack while you do. I like j. LP (face bite) because it stays out longer than his other jump attacks. I also do this a bit at the beginning of matches, maybe sometimes building a little meter with elec as I land from the jump, but only when Sim doesn’t move forward after the fireball.

Also, if you have meter, just crouch block across the screen when he has super, if he pulls the fireball -> teleport just ex upball on reaction. Watch out for baits though (i.e. if he teleports to the same spot). Also don’t do this in the corner as if he teleports in front of you, you might bounce back into his super even if you hit him.

It’s a real turtlefest once you have the lead but that’s how you have to play against Sim, carefully and patiently.

A small trick against sim: when he does instant teleports, press the s.roundhouse button and it’ll beat anything he throws at you.

Don’t know if anyone knows about this, but i thought i’d share. Anti air cr.MP xx FADC leads to nice mix ups i think. It’s not as gimmicky as a regular cr.HP xx FADC (as just a poke) since you’re anti airing, you’ll be at frame advantage. So from this, you can go for meaty cr.MK xx jab xx elec, or jump for a crossup or whatever.

I covered these in the OP (except Gen…adding). I’m gonna be beefing the OP’s up slowly with all this news info that popped up since I took a break. :stuck_out_tongue:

Minor, but you should differentiate between an opponent crouch blocking versus stand blocking, where applicable. Off the top of my head I’m almost certain that Rufus’ c.hp won’t hit if he blocks a ball while crouching. I might be wrong though, especially since I’ve only ever played Rufuses online. Then again a good player would probably know to always block it standing if isn’t from point blank, so this is probably moot. Which reminds me that blocking it point blank negates whether they’re standing or not, and might even allow for other punishes, or at least less-strict timing.

i normally own lariat with neutral jump HK… this guy online though crouched and then when he lariated it ate my neutral jump HK everytime. i was just told it is a known hitbox thing that i guess i didnt get the memo on till now. anyway any neutral jumps own his lariat when he crouches?

Not if he times it while crouching right at the last second. As you said, it’s a hitbox thing, it’s similar to how shotos can do last-minute DPs from crouch. The only thing you can really do is try to bait the lariat but that’s probably done best outside of neutral jump range.

Does this effect S.Fierce vs. Lariat?

Don’t think so, lariat from crouch is a technique against airborne opponents. St. fierce should be fine, at the appropriate range of course.

cool thanks man :slight_smile: Before reading this I went to training mode and realized the same thing… I noticed the timing/spacing element because sometimes i could still hit him but, like you said, if HE times it right, i loose. :frowning: i did have some minute success with neutral hits high enough and makes the timing/spacing slightly different. almost a 100% chance it wont help at all in match though since the difference is pretty small and becuase ultimately, if he times it right, you loose.

This is a pic of lariat’s hitboxes . This is from Capcom’s debugging kit that they loaned out to select group of japaneese players(which pisses me off to no end especially since the community hasnt even hacked the pc version to show these yet) .this page was scanned from a sf4 guide that was worked on by one of the guys lucky enough to get his hands on this.

Orange: vulnerable from physical attacks
Blue: vulnerable from throws
Green: invulnerable from projectiles
Red Box: hit box

Played a set with Killivan(Gief) and it was too laggy for me to AA properly so i lost but i realised when he jumps, you can just walk forward and do and it will always work at worst trade. However, you need to have the right spacing. If you can not AA properly in this match up you’re fucked imo. Due to lag i was scared to do this at times 'cause its suicidal walking towards geif when hes jumping towards you but i had a pretty high success rate. Obviously if he jumps far away its c.hp which works but sometimes it gets beaten i think. works if he’s really next to you and you have no time to crouch mp but sometimes i think it trades and works out in his favour

Heres a compiled list of some great vegas to fight against…let them know u added them from VEGAS LIST

I’m sorry to keep going back to this, but I still don’t know what to do against Dhalsim. I’ve read and I’ve watched videos but I still can not get passed full screen Yoga Fire and standing fierces. I can’t jump, I can’t focus, I can’t turtle, I can’t get to him, I can’t slide I can’t do shit. What the fuck am I suppose to do. I am really getting annoyed with standing fierce 10X and getting beat by a single button.

i still have the same problem to. but your goal in this match is to get a knockdown, then start going to work. A good way to get in is to stand right outside sims st.HP range and do lp balls in. These usually trade or beat out sims limbs. if he starts throwing more fireballs, stay at that same range and dash in and slide. besides this alot of this match is a guessing game. knockdown sim and get him in the corner then proceed to do throw/electricity mixups.

i would ask mullah about this match since i saw him talking about it somewhere.

i dont have any good sim experience. I went to training mode a while back and tried to see what i could do about st.hp.

I can’t it on reaction, its too fast. Standing just outside st.hp distance you can try spamming to beat it clean or randomly pressing to beat/trade and score a full screen knockdown. But its just not practical during a match.

3/4 screen jump ins outside of b+hk aa range are viable if your opponent is hp happy. overall i dunno, i find sim can get away from blanka so easily with his backdash, thats my biggest problem.