Blanka Match Up Thread Round 2

Maybe it’s possible to option select slide? It all depends where he is backdashing from to give you problems.

I have a general idea of what to do once I get there. Use hop mixups, don’t jump or cross up too often, spam eletricity pressure, use eletricity combos over ball combos so you don’t push yourself back out to full screen…

But I can not get to that point ever before I get gay’ed out. I never get the knockdown. I don’t know how to get passed full screen. I stand there and I get chipped to death cause I can’t focus (fireball + fierce). I back away and I put myself in the corner where I can’t run anymore and go back to getting chipped to death. I can’t walk him down because they can just press one button (fierce) over and over again. I can’t jump because I will eat standing roundhouse or jumping strong. I can’t ball to get closer because they are throwing fireballs. I can’t gain meter to EX rainbow roll over there. What is left? Please tell me because I do not have a clue.

Even when I magically get to range 2 or so, the spamming of a single button continues. Standing short spam until you are pushed out enough to where they can spam standing fierce again. This is so annoying. I almost don’t want to play anymore. Why is this so easy and brainless for the Sim player?

you need to focus through his arms and fireballs. remember, blanka has a pretty good dash and you can get across the screen pretty quickly. if sim is throwing standing fierce a lot (fireballs as well), just focus through one set and then it’s a guessing game. if he tends to spam st.fp, focus through them again and throw him; now your mixups can begin. you could also jump after the first st.fp you focused through if he is spamming it. that should put you in range to land a knockdown combo and again…your mixups begin.

i treat sim’s (and seth) arms like they were fireballs. focus through them and close the gap.

you have to tag him with the level 1 FA in order to not be massively negative after the dash.

spektrum - If you focus from full screen you will eat fireball + fierce. Thats 2 hits. You can’t focus two hit. Unless you are threating to just walk forward, the Sim player is not going to throw out standing fierce without a fireball behind it and like Mullah said, you have to somehow hit that lvl 1 focus to be able to advance safely. If you focus standing fierce from too far, you can dash forward, but you are at disadvantage and can just be pushed out again. Everything you mentioned is good once I get to mid screen. But I can’t get to that point of strategy in the match because I can not get past full screen.

i’m not telling you to stand there and hold focus. if you are in reach of his st.fp, block the st.fp and move forward. if he throws a fireball or another st.fp, you CAN focus through it (focus and dash at the same time), absorbing the hands and leaving you enough time to block, jump or absorb the next wave of attack (generally st.fp or a fireball).

this is the same tactic to close the gap against fireball happy shotos.


watch what happens at 2:16 of this video:


you will see ryu (every character can do this) absorb sim’s arm and close the gap before sim can do anything. that is exactly what you need to do to get in on him.

So you’re turtling and he is throwing fire balls in his fierce punch range correct? couldn’t you just jump over(Backwards) the fireball and block the fierce? I tend to go straight into the corner and let him to continue to that. Once he realises what is happening he will be looking to hit you as soon as you jump backwards to evade the fireball. However, to do this i think he should be in sliding range so you need to on point with them reactions. Thats the way i start off my games against Sims though, its hard to get in on him, i find turtling and making him attack you works better than the other way round as you need to be very good with you’re FA’in. Once you do manage a knockdown though the pressue must be kept with elec pressure and mix ups. I don’t think there are any top, top sim players online(Europe) so the only time i played a real sim was against the Singapore champ in Sweden and it finished 3-1 to him but all games went to the wire and i wasn’t that good with my execution/zoning/spacing back then so that would fail me in all the games, not that its on point now lol. I just kept getting hit with his super set up which was the most annoying thing. Then again, this guy was simply a better player than me.

realyst you must look at it logically.

Method 1: At sims st.hp range if you jump in you’re out of range of his normal anti airs (except possibly, can you beat that attack with your own jumping attack?) so if you jump in from there the worst is you land and block the st.hp he will do. If during your jump he fierces then you can kick the fierce and you have a way in, if he fireballs you will land with time to slide or block.

Method 2: Bulldog the fierce x 10 (you will gain no ground, and lose non either) and then jump over it once he’s conditioned or slide a nervous fireball.

Method 3: At st.hp range walk into its range and FA and dash back, releasing the FA if it’s hit and dashing back if not. You can’t get a crumple because you must release before his arms retract but you will dash forward and i think you’re positive.

Method 4 : Just outside hp range spam OS x hop forward, you can beat him clean most of the time and its pretty safe

Method 5: Stand outside of hp range and go for random sweep to trade with his hp, dangerous as you’ll be open to being hit on whiff.

These will put you about 1.5 character lengths away from sim, at this point you have to wing it FA charge > dash forward is my preffered tech vs good players. vs sims who like to press buttons at that range or slide i’ll usually just jump over whatever they press and i’m in.

DBUK’s method is good too as it will force them in if they have a life disadv.

Alright, that should be enough information for me to get started. I will let you guys know how it goes. The help is much appreciated.

P.S. I can’t wait to be able to full screen punish fireballs with ultra…


Is this the match Realyst? I think you made it VERY hard for yourself too early dude. Especially as you’re a very defensive blanka i would have thought you would have just sat back and waited for the 'sim to get you. I think my method and Mullah’s Method 2 would suit you well next time you fight one!

I also have a lot of trouble in this match also.


I think i turtled out pretty well to an extent, but i was jumping a lot when trying to get in. He could’ve done a lot more AA’s to me in those matches but he wasn’t, so why stop? I think the problem was not capitilizing on knockdowns. Whats the common mixups for a KD Sim? Hop mixup into electricity/meaty/throw?

And i’m facepalming at the amount of stupid balls and the botched super combo, need to stop that altogether.

[Double Post]

ma nwhat do you do against claw? Hes such a weird bugger jumping around all pansy like.

If he’s jumping you antiair him. You should be worried about claw if he’s poking the crap out of you and not jumping much.

I don’t think you were being patient enough dude! I think i have played this sim at the arcades and he never beat me once. He got you with a few random stuff and sometimes you were just walking into his fierce! If he’s in the air, you should make sure you slide in on the way down, saw a number of times where you could have punished him. I didn’t watch the whole video but you hardly threw him! you kept going for the elec everytime so try and mix him up a bit. Tick throw him a few times then bait him into thinking you’re going to throw then do your elec pressure etc. When i say turtling, i mean Mizoteru style turtling! If you have the lead, why do you need to go and attack him?! let him come on to you, fierce does no damage to you and jump backwards over the fireballs. He will get inpatient, trust me

All good suggestions. I don’t have much to add here other than words of encouragement. You can actually play the footsie game for a bit from max distance if you guess correct every single time, but it is obviously no good for the long haul. Just keep in mind with Mullah’s third suggestion that you’re not in positive frame advantage dashing forward after FA (unless you meant just positive as in, in position in general). You risk eating a follow up if the condition is correct. That’s the nature of this match though. Everything you can do is a huge gamble. Even sitting on your ass in the corner.

Also keep in mind that dashes, IIRC, have better start up/inv/recovery frames than hops. Mix em up when you run for the border.

If I might add, I think in order to get in a Sim player’s head, you have to show them that you can pre-emptively cr.rh their standing hardpunch.

If they did not know you could do that, it will really mess them up. If they know you can do it and you prove it, you’ll have a bit more breathing room.

One other thing that has had some milage for me is that once I get close or I get a knock down, I will go ahead and hop over their body once or twice, especially if I get in for cross-up stuff. They’re of course going to teleport out, but if I can hop, it might give them a teleport they didn’t want (usually in slide range).

It’s all shenanigans until you get a life lead, then peace out.

no i meant walk in and FA. if he does st.hp you can release, hit (level 1 FA no crumple) and dash forward and be safe. I’m not sure if you land from the dash positive, probably not, but you can’t be hit. If he yoga fires or walk forward you just dash back. This only works at his st.hp range , if youre closer he can fake you out with other normals with quicker recovery. It is a technique to get you from full to mid screen and that’s it.

i think cr.rh outside of full screen distance is bad as its so easy to punish your whiff but not the other way around. You have to guess, sim doesn’t, he’ll win everytime.

I agree. There’s a risk if you’re just going to throw it out (like, well, every option we have…), but if you can guage the Sim, like he does then st.hp push out, or will repeatedly st.hp you at range, then you have a tool to interrupt that rhythem.

DBUK - I’ve always had problems with Sim. Even online Sims I have problems with. But yea, that one was probably the worse. I got some help from some friends and you guys, so we’ll see how it goes next time. I am patient, but I went in trying to get the lead, then turtle. I never got the lead ever in that match…

What do you guys think is the best thing to do against Abel after he gets his ultra. Because you know the round really doesn’t begin for Blanka until Abel gets his ultra… I think after he gets his ultra, turtling might not be the best option. I was thinking I should maybe rush him down after he gets his ultra instead of being lame. He has too much shit that Blanka can’t do anything about and it’s impossible for most non-fireball characters to keep him out, so I think attacking him might work. He doesn’t have a great anti air and he doesn’t have any great reversals so logically, it seems like a good idea to attack him once he has ultra. What do you think?