I think you will find helpful info regarding the Cammy match in the “Comprehensive Blanka matchups thread” Lots of great info from some excelent Blanka players.
There is also a link to a set of videos from last year in which The Mullah played against a beastly Cammy player from Eireland named “Cobelcog”.
If you are struggling against Cammy,…if its any consolation, Most Blanka players do too!
Its a nasty match.
hey, i’m a bison player and i’m planning to go to a tournament here in cali soon. i’m trying to identify the options every character can use to shut down the EX Psychocrusher as a getaway option on bison’s wakeup. For example, after the knockdown, ryu has jump in OS DP, chun li can downforward roundhouse and kick from behind, and she also has an OS c.hk or s.hk upon jump in.
What are blanka’s options to beat this escape option? If you are extra generous, please let me know how you option select/straight up beat EX Devil’s reverse and teleport as well
I don’t how easy it is to auto-correct EX Psycho, but Blanka will usually just go for the cross-up and can do OS hop to land right in front of Bison’s teleport. Bison will recover in time to block st.lp xx electricity but I haven’t yet tested if he can tech a throw attempt (comes out 1f faster than the st.lp).
Thanks for the advice illitirit. i’ll definitely think about it during the blanka matchup!
Also, he can OS j.mk to autocorrect slide. See the end of this:
seeing that there’s really not much El Fuerte info here… here’s my contributions … feel free to critique… my Elf experience is really based solely on one good Japanese Elf player (who was in HK) that I played many times against… i’ve played against other Elf players… but they were nowhere close to his level… the fact he can consistently do RSF without fail and got certain setups puts him ahead of some others i’ve played…
IMO… the match is in favor of Blanka by a bit.
Blocked ball/upball < Run Slide
Electricity beats out a lot of his moves but sometimes will trade, with exception to running back into the headstomp throw.
Imo… holding DB will get you killed… once you get knocked down… if you don’t have meters… good luck…
If you do get knocked down usually a EX Rainbow is the better choice compared to looking for a EX Upball… ex upball whiff/blocked can get you killed by either run slide, RSF, or ultra, meanwhile EX Rainbow unless you’re being too predictable… you can generally get out of Elf’s insane mixups… if you don’t have meters… backdashing will be a viable choice… but obviously it can still be beaten…
In general… you will WANT to move around… imo with command hop so you can have a upball ready when you need it. You want to do that because if you’re just sitting there playing defensive you’ll only get yourself killed by his mixup… its easy for him to mix you up with his options or stop just to block and punish afterwards. vs… if you move around it’s hard for him to pin you down.
Despite the fact Elf can easily punish ball… you will STILL need to throw ball out there… but there’s two purpose for it
- whiff ball into electricity/throw or simply moving forward and beast hop back to bait… you DON’T want to use this when you know he’s gonna step forward and block and punish you…
- other balls… just to really stop him from abuse running around… and once he stops running around it means it’s your turn to pull your offense.
defensively Elf has very few options… in general if you can stop him from running like a madman you should be able to apply electricity pressure and hop into mixup against him…
on wake up… j.MK cross ups and wake up throw is in general a decent option against Elf… he doesn’t have that much wake up options.
To conclude, Blanka needs to play a bit more aggressive than usual while trying to move around the screen with hop/whiff ball to avoid mixups… while Elf wants to pin you down and make you turtle up so you can guess everything he does… it’s probably safer if you try to pin him down so he stops running around so he lacks the mixup to go against you…
I fight a pretty good elf on regular basis. This is pretty much spot on, it’s a game of tag, where both of you are just moving non stop. When one turtles though, the other should follow. I would add that occasionally they will turtle backward, looking for a run or wall dive opportunity. If they jump backwards to the wall, you can start holding down back in time to catch the dive. They also might start fake running for a bit before coming all the way in - react to non EX runs by sliding on them nice and early. Elec will beat out some of the splash gimmicks.
Also, U2 AA. If the Elf stupidly tries to splash while you have a charge, this keeps him in check. Same for wall dives from too far away. Plus, you will probably crumple Elf once or twice with a guess focus on a non-cross splash. Use this opportunity to U2 AA as well.
recently picked up blanka. my main’s rog, i’m having some issues with blanka’s bnbs since the links are pretty strict.
i know it’s a practice thing, but i see that even top level blankas drop the upclose cr lk or cr mk combos.
i’m getting reversed A LOT when i play because i’m missing the 1 framers. sometimes i try to bait out reversals, but then i either get thrown or they back up and everything resets. i don’t wanna stick with cr mk to ball or something short like that cuz i want to use hit confirms to set stuff up instead of just throwing hail marys and hoping when i fadc out of whatever i’m doing i’ll have an opening.
also, with command throw characters, a lot of times they mash out the command throw or ultra the second i start with a string and i eat a lot of damage every time i miss a link.
any pointers? how do you handle players that mash out ex srk or ex command throw/grab ultra when you get in close?
sucks how right now it feels like i’m 50/50 on guessing whether or not they’re mashing something, and it doesn’t feel like i’m on offense when i attack since i’ve got that on my mind.
dont try to pressure your opponent, blanka has an upclose offensive game that loses badly to reversals, nothing chainable, no long range hitcomfirms into big damage unless you have charge and even then its low damage. The only time to pressure your opponent is when you have full super or ulta, but if you’re dropping combos that option is not open to you yet. I’d normally say practise but he’s about to get nerfed, not sure its worth your time.
I find Sim and Abel to be my hardest matchups now. I don’t even really mind the Rog matchup anymore. Abel’s lock down with the change of direction strings are getting me.
Here’s my take on Sim and Abel… mainly based on vanilla arcade experience… but i think it’s more or less the same…
The goal is to knock him down and stay ontop of him, his anti air is only good when both of you are in reset position and nobody has an obvious frame advantage… if this is the case… you should NOT jump at him UNLESS you know he’s gonna do something like a yoga fire or stretchy arms… if you have no idea… you shouldn’t initiate a jump… unless he’s down or at significant frame disadvantage.
in this match up… you kinda need to fish out for moves… but the general idea goes something like this.
Close range: you should win… electricity pressure… throws, tick throws, pokes, jump mixup, basically you should dominate him or make him feel the pressure here…
Mid range (one of the problem area imo):
FA > Stretchy arms
FA < yoga fire, stretchy
FA < teleport
Jump > yoga fire
slide > yoga fire
CC/slide > stretchy but if you land this it’s by anticipation not reaction
You do anything other than walking < him anticipating and reacting to it.
you walk forward cautiously > him waiting and anticipating you to throw moves.
fake ball/dash to close in distance if he gets too paranoid to throw stuff out.
Far range:
your goal is to be OUTSIDE of his stretchy arm range…
once you’re outside… and he throws out s.HP you should sweep him with c.HK needs a little bit of anticipation
if he likes to yoga fire at max range, and you’re anticipating it… dash forward and slide under the yoga fire… if you do it right you should be able to knock him down…
EX rainbow > yoga fire
EX rainbow (whiff into mixup) > s.HP
if he slowly walks forward to get back into s.HP range… it’s not a bad idea to fake ball to get in closer… even if he does s.HP chances are your ball will win and he’ll be too far to hit you with s.HP again (because you’re hitting his arms… which is pretty much outisde of his body)
if he does his yoga fire teleport shennegans, EX up ball…
This match up should be split into two sections… before ultra and after.
he’s weak against ball punish it’s not easy for him to punish it… but if he can… he definitely can’t punish safe ball… this is important, because… like most characters that can’t punish ball on block… they rely on interrupts… however you can beat interrupts by different speed of balls… if he’s used to beating your LP ball at safe ball range… chances are he’s gonna get smacked by EX/HP ball if he tries to do the same to punish it.
Abel’s ground to air, anti-air sucks… he’s one of those characters you can really go really offensive on with or without ultra, his relatively large upperbody hit box makes it ideal for blanka’s ambiguous cross up jumps and makes electricity pressure easier in general.
You need to know the properties of Tornado throw (TT)… and EX TT…
TT > invincible to throws
EX TT> invincible to attacks but not throws.
Knowing this… if you manage to knock him down… your mixup (when he doesn’t have ultra) should be either… throw him or attack him… in most cases i find after a knock down… especially after landing a throw… throwing him again is a good solution.
after forward throw, LP electricity into LP fake ball (or do it reverse… ball -> electiricty) follow by a throw or mixup is pretty good against abel.
When he does have ultra…
you should avoid all balls… and maybe even avoid fake ball… simply because… even on hit… he can ultra you… i’ve played against players that would purposely walk into a fake ball just to do ultra… and i lose like that even when i was significantly winning in life lead… however those same players… usually become a bit too aggressive and is trying to hunt your ball down so much that they might forget that you actually have a decent set of normals to keep him not too aggressive… so… if he’s on ball hunting mode… attack him with normals… if he’s back to being more defensive… you can use safe ball again.
if you get caught in Abel’s frame trap… EX rainbow is usually a good idea rather than EX upball… because after EX upball you’re still stuck in the same scenario even if you hit him… while EX rainbow will reset the situation… if you don’t have either… you might need resort to either back dash or simply just block and wait it out… try not to throw him… to retaliate…
Hope this will help you out… AE is coming out soon … not sure if the same strat will apply afterwards.
Is there any stuff Blanka can do after blocking a Cammy cannon drill, before she can get a cannon spike out? There seems to be a very small window to squeeze something into, blockstun seems to negate most/all normals. OS throws?
I play matches with a lot of top abels i’ll get some videos up in the next week.
holy shit I just bodied you in ranked lmao
you really need to work on your defense man, good players aren’t gonna let you go crazy with random shit.
xbl - intehweeds
edit: and then I get counter picked and lose to a bad rog lol
it depends on range… if she’s doing it right… and you know the spike is coming out why not just block? Sometime blocking is the best answer… actually most of the time it is.
lol ggs fox, I need to learn this rog matchup but your one dimensional play isn’t helping lol.
I usually spend my time blocking against Cammy, too much blocking imo. I seem to always get pushed into a corner blocking spammed drill/spikes.
When I test sneaking in hits between her specials in training mode I can get hits in; c.lk/c.lp xx ball stuff… but that is because I can only set the dummy to record/playback my shitty Cammy timing. More training mode me thinks…
I need more play in the mirror. I did ok the 2nd time around. As for rog, you are too aggressive. s.LP hop mixups barely work on him you’re hoping that i’m gonna get caught off guard. What will happen more often is you will get jabbed. Careful with rainbow on wakeup cuz i’m gonna hit you out of it most of the time.
but you have good blockstrings well done.
Was playing around in Training Mode vs Sim last night and I noticed out that it’s pretty easy to punish his st.hp at max range with far st.hk. Don’t think it’s feasible online though. Far st.hp is a better punish but I can’t do it consistently.
i do lp ball and i will ch it from max range. s.HK yeah i should use it more.