Blanka Match Up Thread Round 2

Blocked scissors? Standing jab one time, then based upon how the Bison plays, look to escape the pressure. Throwing off their rhythm like that will almost always let you move one way or another with relative safety.

Watch how Bison escapes your cross-ups and see if you can punish with U2 ground version.

My worst matchup is a good passive agrresive Fuerte. Dude owns me, mostly because I never see that matchup online. I have a friend that kills me with him. Any tips?

^ elf matchup does suck. i personally use backdash to escape a lot of his moves. or move a little back and hit standing HK. works sometimes. other than that, try to keep the pressure on.

on dudley; met a player online who was rushing in with those punches and stuff. LP ball works pretty good as a counter. if you can react fast enough (i can’t, but luck was on my side) you can slide under and hit most of his rush in moves.

Always remember you can forward HOP to escape the mixup after knock down. also if you know its comming you can forward hop through most of the moves that follow his run. you just pass straight through him. thus helped me a little. but he’s still hard as hell.

Edit: after trying this in super, it looks like its not so good anymore.

Nothing is safe from Bison if he uses his frame traps with his LK Scissor pressure. Look at AndyOCR play against Blanka. I’ll try to get videos up, but I don’t have the equipment. Anyway, if Bison applies his traps, even standing jab gets beat by crouching strong frame trap. The best way to beat Bison is basically jab electricity pressure, turtle and try to out footsie the guy. Predict patterns of any kind of standing medium kick poke or roundhouse with your crouching strong or fierce or neutral fierce for any kind of jump mix ups. For jumping fierce, just block since up ball is hit or miss and you can get punished with ultra or roundhouse.

I got issues with Vega, specifically Tatsu’s Vega. Also, Akuma’s been an issue as well as C. Viper (“Jayce the ace”) annoys me as well. Basically any frame trap mutha kills me.

excluding meaty scissors, bison is at 0 isn’t he? st.lp is your move here, so if you’re in range of his you will trade, if you’re outside of range you will win, but you wont ever lose to a crouching strong, that move is slow.

I’ll ask Andy about this. I do remember he stated something about how lp wasn’t safe. I can be wrong, obviously. I only do slp to inexperienced or less seasoned Bisons because I can take advantage of a jab to ball.

against dudley’s machine gun blow U1 is perfect!!

no matter which version he uses (LP, MP, HP, EX) if you block it, he eats the ultra!

no. check dudleys frame data. lp is safe, and is blankas startup 3 or 4? cost mp mgb is -4

Question for Mokoto matchups.
I was 1 for 3 yesterday I was getting frustrated. Any blocked balls are punishable because of her dash punch that can track across the screen. I try to jump in and she has a straight jump attack that looks like a chop animation across her chest so i get knocked back everytime. So I was like, lets slug it out like UFC fighters… she has the advantage (idk if my close range fighting is bad so it could have just been me). Also my Forward/Backward hops weren’t doing nothing to bait out anything or alter their strategy. The only thing I had was the crossup rainbow… and that only worked 33% of the time.

Any help you can offer?

Stop balling, period.

Treat the fight like you’re dealing with Zangief. Read her forward dash like a green hand whiff from him. Run away, the whole time and think of her as Gief.

If you land a knock down (and you’re determined to play around like one grab from her will not end a match), walk up and throw her on wake up. Let her know you know about that weakness and then apply your Blanka tricks from there.

Also, run away more.

Oh, never ever ever think crossup rainbow roll is a legit strategy.



thanks for the advice… idk how i managed 3 mokotos in one day, but this is good for future reference.

vs DHALSIM: I learned this little tidbit while playing last night. Blanka’s far Standing Fierce Punch absolutely obliterates Dhalsim’s jumping fierce. Anytime he teleports into the air for fierce punch shenanigans, simply use st. HP to shut him down. It’s as good as Dudley’s st. HP against Sim on the ground.

vs akuma
hop through demons
ex ball fireballs
i hop towards and slide or mk/mp poke jump back air fireballs but lp to elec works with mk poke imm after. if blocking elec i might crfk focus dash throw to score a knockdown
is akuma using ultra 2 and hes teleporting ill risk coward crouch to elec to make him think twice. if blocked might go for crlk tick throw
demon flips are annoying to me. i try hop forward mid move to go for cr lk/lp elec and look for tech throw if blocked. anyone know any better than that i could use it cause this is the only thing that makes him and gouken a pain to me

Vs Dhalsim: Coward crouch is useful in this matchup. You can crouch under his long HP or use crouching HK on it to get a knockdown. Electricity also trades in Blanka’s favor versus any of his crazy pokes, but beware fireballs, throws, super, or ultra.

Difficult matchup for me.

it’s interesting i play rog as my main and blanka as my 2nd and i find the sim matchup easier as blanka. I just have an easier time at getting close. Also it seems that j.HK and j.HP the timing is different for sim if he wants to AA so if i mix those up i can get past his AA at mid range.

Also slide works really well when sim is mashing out lks and even s.HP.

Just discovered that you can block and punish Dudley’s MP & HP Machine Gun Blow with jab into ball! The key is waiting for that last hit from Dudley then throwing the jab. The timing is tight, but once you get the rhythm it is very, very easy. Dudley’s chip damage options just got waaaaaaaay lesser. :slight_smile:

he can punish ball…

On hit or block? And with what move? Because if you mean he can punish Balls on block with MGB, that’s common knowledge.

I just picked up ssf4 and went directly to Blanka. I feel like I am picking up on a lot of things, but my main issue at the moment is dealing with lots of pressure. More specifically, my brother uses Cammy a lot and I have faced her online several times as well and I just get dominated by her. I cannot deal with all her pressure.

Any tips would be greatly appreciated for that matchup or other characters that put out a ton of pressure.