i picked blanka for the first time this month when i saw sabin in champ mode, i got beat, i can’t cr.lk elec anymore, i got 2 ungaurded cr.lk’s and failed to convert either of them. meh, 3 bars, he probably couldn’t block in time, then again i kept walking into jab yoga fires lol. Still i feel the match is very winnable offline, you just need to be on top of your game, which i’m not anymore, know the range you’re safe to neutral jump (which i wasn’t keeping track of last night) and have your execution on point. and yes wakeup throw is useful on sims wakeup but punishing backdash with slide online is too hard
if you FADC a horizontal ball forwards on hit it puts you at +2. If you do that against Boxer, and do a low short it stuffs all of his options not named ex headbutt or super. Ultra causes the low short to whiff, but you can then block the ultra. If he hits a button you get a counterhit low short into anything you want, and if he backdashes you can buffer a slide/sweep to catch him. If he blocks you are at huge frame advantage and that gives you some options.
I’m pretty sure cr.short electricty will beat ex rushes in this scenario, but I’m testing this on pad because I’m stickless atm and doing the correct sequence to give boxer enough time for a charge as well as getting the elec out is fucking me up.
I don’t know how good burning two meters is to be in your opponents face when you could have just ended a ball combo with elec instead and got more damage, but the momentum factor could play into it being worth it. Works on Dictator as well because all of his reversals are slow, don’t know who else, haven’t looked.
This is more of an exercise in me learning to come up with option select scenarios than anything else though. Bored with no stick so coming up with gimmicks.
Sounds good! I’ll have to remember that next Balrog fight Veserius. Seems like fadc after ball is a good option to finish a punish on reaction combo like cl MK > LP > H ball for max damage. Adds 30 I think, vs like 7 for a jumpin. I guess some players don’t get hit by c MK > LP > H Elec, but EX Elec will work and costs 1 less bar than FA. Although, electricity combos can be harder to pull off. I mess em up if I don’t keep cool. Plus they can whiff.
you don’t hit with the focus, if you do you are something like -6 on forward dash which equals free combo for your opponent, you just dash cancel immediately.
It isn’t really useful, just more of an exercise in option selecting/frame traps that I cooked up looking at frame data.
Probably should have thrown it in the combo thread or something.
Ah i gotcha. Yeah maybe combo thread woulda been better. I’ve been playing around with trying out all the combos and best counters for various moves. What to save meter for depending on opponent and opponents play style. I hardly use Blanka’s super and I wonder if I should. It’s good AA and can combo into it easy.
i use blankas super alot. the only time i use meter is for ex rainbow roll to get out of situations. super does so much damage. and if you hop into lp super for chip, they ahve a very small gap to reversal after the superflashes (maybe not even a gap at all?).
Blanka’s super is good, and easy to hit confirm into, I generally save my meter for it too.
If there’s anyone with a GOOD Blanka living in the north east and has XBL, I’d love to play. I need to sharpen up my experience with this match up. I played a guy yesterday who was fairly decent, but after we fought he complained about me playing “like a pussy” and “not ever attacking”. Of course this is ignorance on his behalf since I main Akuma and rushing down a Blanka with him simply isn’t intelligent. So as long as you’re good, we have 4 bard and up, and you’re not a whiner, I’d like to play. Thanks.
Yeah Akuma has to be very patient and safe against Blanka.
What can Gouken do vs Blanka? Last night I beat this Gouken player by hardly even pushing any buttons. I just kept moving forward until he was in the corner, then I just did nj.fp to keep him there. I did this several matches in a row. It’s like Blanka has an answer for everything Gouken can do when he’s got him in a corner.
Hey guys. I’m pretty much done with this character and keeping up with his info. At least to the point of organizing two threads on him. If a dedicated soul wants to restart and take up the job of updating the OP’s for a new matchmaking/match up thread, PM me up so I can close the old and sticky the new. Thanks!
The real question is who Blanka doesn’t have an advantage over.
His roll is very spammable that only few can reach
Dictator, he could use scissor kicks after a roll
Fei Long, though that requires a dash then rekke
Cammy, most of them such a lot because this character requires a lot of spacing to be safe
Makoto, nobody worries about beating this joke character
Seth, you’ll have to take him down
Guy, dash low kick, hes very fast but no priority such as the cannon drill on contact
Few others
This character shuts down a lot but you have to mix the turtle with offense when needed.
Shotos and command grabbers can’t do squat unless they try to rush in and tech grab I guess they could get lucky.
Abel maybe but unlikely
I would say Cammy is the best to verse Balanka because spaced drill is safe while high priority unlike Ibuki’s neck snap but then again that is a focus breaker. Not to mention spike solves a lot of things.
I think you have that the wrong way around, very few cant punish a ball.
For Abel’s U2:
Blanka can hop out(forward recommended), Vertical roll, and Rainbow roll. Do all of these instantly
I would recommend doing MK vertical roll because if it hits you get some extra damage with your punish, and if the Abel decides to charge you are pretty much home free. With hop if the Abel charges do it again quickly.(hop isn’t the best method this is the thing that can be countered) With Rainbow roll, well just do it.
Everyone low-mid tier and above, except T. Hawk and maybe Gief.
If a player is letting you spam rolls, they’re probably not very good. It’s not a safe move, it’s easy to hit Blanka out of on reaction, and the bounceback after a block isn’t really in Blanka’s favor or anything.
Gief can Banishing Fist it if Blanka’s in the corner. Ryu gets a free super after a blocked ball. I’m sure someone who’s actually played shotos knows of even more fun and exciting ways to punish balls - I’m usually too busy not spamming the single dumbest thing to spam (well, okay, fierce DP is the dumbest - second-dumbest, then) to notice the many myriad ways it can get punished.
Abel’s roll puts him right up against Blanka after a blocked ball, leading to a guessing game entirely in Abel’s favor. Not to mention Ultra 1.
Balrog is pretty much the universally accepted Blanka counter-pick. Have fun spamming balls in that matchup!
Sorry if this has already been posted but, whenever I play against a Blanka and he does a wakeup Ultra I, how come I can’t block it? I know it’s an overhead, but whenever I block high, the game seems to disregard my block input. Can someone help me out? I don’t know if this is a glitch or not. Also is it not possible to intercept his horizontal roll with Ryu’s Ultra II? I tried but it went through him, was it just bad timing on my part?
Blanka’s U1 hits low, one time, within his sweep range. It’s instant, so if you weren’t blocking, you aren’t blocking. After that, it’s all standing.
As for Ryu’s U2, (and others really), Blanka ball will pass through them with no real reason why. I lost a tournament due to this once.
Thanks dude, I get confused about Blanka a lot
If Guile throws random Sonic Hurricane for chip, U1 right at the same time as animation ends. You’ll win.
Bison is a bitch matchup still. U2 helps a little.
I find bison such a hard match up… anyone got any tips