Blanka Match Up Thread Round 2

Lp/Mp/Hp/ex are all punishable with kara upercut :stuck_out_tongue:

Add this to the Gief match up:

Zangief can punish Blankaā€™s Ultra with 360/720 grab including Ultra.

Also, you can punish up balls on hit with GH but not horizontal balls.

By the way

good games dfw jay.

loool so messed up. It seems that to do this its hard to do? It must be very strict timing, i remember you whiffing quite a few when we played but by the end you were getting them all. Youā€™re the first sagat iā€™ve seen that actually learnt the Blanka match up properly. Thanks for showing us how much this match up sucks haha

Thanks, I can beat Ryu again now. Just fitting crouching strong as AA in my game made all the difference. LOL, not sure why I never had that tool in the first place. I think I relied on vertical ball too much.

Still have issues with Balrog and Sagat unfortanately. But I guess we all do.

Two things that are bothering me if anyone could give me a solution for:

  1. Bisonā€™s scissor kick - can counter it sometimes, but ususally block
  2. Hondaā€™s Sumo Smash - jump AA or FA it

Seems playing in championship mode G1 you play the same characters over and over. I went back to normal ranked and play a wider range of characters for good practice.

I played Alioune tonight and I got the hardest raping ive ever got. I barely took a round. I think the only rounds I won were where I landed ultra when he missed a kara uppercut or got lucky with a bait. When I was trapped in the corner I tried ex rainbow out and got hit with roundhouse X2 on the other side. I got destroyed by tiger knees and I had no idea what to do basically.
I messed around with the kara uppercut in training mode, its seems hard to do and maybe thats why ive never come across a sagat that did it before tonight.

Blanka has a lot more matches that are not in his favor then what Event Hubā€™s Tier List says. Blanka can overcome all of them (I think) except Sagat. Pick up a different character for that match or just wait until Super comes out and hope that Kara TU was taken away or the range on it is nerfed or something else like that. Donā€™t even bother!!!

I posted some anti Boxer stuff a few pages back. itā€™s not far. Just remember, after a jump in attack, you can throw him out of his 3 frame jab if you time it correctly.

After you block Bisonā€™s scissors, you are in a guessing game. If you jump, he can do standing round house, if you block or go low, he can scissors you again. Your best option is standing jab, though he can beat that too. But you have to be careful of the range. If he does scissors at max range and you try to do standing jab it will whiff and his standing roundhouse will beat you. Not only that, if has meter EX PC and EX scissors will beat standing jab at any range. But still, standing jab is your best option. Only use EX upball as an anti air in this match. DO NOT use it as a reversal.

Blankaā€™s EX upball beats any of Hondaā€™s Butt Splash 100%.

I agree with what you say about G1. I canā€™t play anymore more Ryu players. It makes me want to kill myself.

I wish someone working at capcom would show us a stat sheet of each characterā€™s popularity online. I just recently got into G1 for xbl and no joke i played 9 ryu players straight. It got to the point where i didnā€™t care anymore because i got so tired of dealing with ryu. I actually got happy when i saw a sagat just because it wasnā€™t ryu. I beat most of them, but by the 7th and 8th i was doing random things just to try and make the match somewhat fun.

Yooo, I played in a team tournament yesterday. My team mate and I got 3rd. I couldnā€™t change characters. A few thingsā€¦

Gen can punish ball with no meter! If heā€™s on his game, he can just dash forward, the medium kick into slap chopā€¦ GAY! I had to turtle him to beat him. That seems to be the only way to win with Blanka.

I had to play against Weak Sauce in Loserā€™s Final of the team tournament who is a top Sagat player around here. I got put in a corner and tried to EX Rainbow Roll outā€¦ and he Forward Roundhouseā€™d me out of it on the other sideā€¦ Dudeā€¦ 2-8 match. Donā€™t botherā€¦

weak sauce is good, he beats me when we play online, but its so laggy i cant block shit. But yeah heā€™s good.

Against LSK pressure from Bison, mix standing jab or s RH since it beats out the frames for SK. Of course, account the medium or short that Bison will throw out. Play that match in a mid-screen way, move forward and block, throw out standing strong to push him back. Block. A lot.

Against Sagatā€¦ ugh. Block a lot, avoid FBs. I tend to get most of my damage in the first 10 seconds and then play the most defensive game of my life. Trade jump-ins with standing RH, hop away, jump over fireballs/coward crouch, FA, block. The occasional ball and hope he doesnā€™t kara TU. I play against my friend, Richard Nguyen whoā€™s starting to get recognize a little in the Southern California area and he can just kara TU all day. I do like how itā€™s not 100 percent yet and it whiffs at time. That can always be a product of his grasp of getting kara 100 percent alsoā€¦ My solution to all the crap- never jump, block a lot, random balls and play at mid-screen and out-poke him then hopping back and being as alert as possible.

My worst match ups continue to be- Sagat, Balrog and randomly Guile.
I play against Dustin aka Warahk (local good Guile player) a lot and I canā€™t beat him in casuals (tournament is yet to be decided) although Iā€™ve finally gotten over my mental bs and just walked forward and blocked. This has gotten decent results, but not too successful yet. Iā€™ll figure out what heā€™s doing to me and write it down as I go. As of right now, heā€™s just out-poking me and then when he rushes me down, my ground defense is too poor. I think I have a mental handicap against really great playersā€¦

Also, I hate Abels. Advice anyone? I had so much confidence in this match-up before and then I just canā€™t figure it out anymore.
The damn light attack barrage fills the screen with counter-hits. Then the step kick into TT, ugh, what a pos match. I canā€™t ball even when he has no ultra because he can dash, fmk into his dumb COD where he builds another meter and can cancel into the stupid falling sky. I have to out-poke him but once he gets in a short and trades, we reset and heā€™s so damn quick to get into a step kick. I hate this match. Electricty saves me sometimes, but I canā€™t jump in or play air-air since his normals are so good in the air. His anti-airs are decent and Iā€™m reliant on just poking, grabbing ill-advised rolls and mixing up through cross ups. Yet, even with that, Iā€™m still having difficulty with this.

Blanka playerā€™s are still subjecting themselves to the worst match in the game?

Dudes this is what an alt character is for. Just use Gouki on the side and itā€™s all good.

In the Dhalsim matchup, when you get him in the corner, what can he do about a walk up throw other than tech or super?

Because Iā€™ve always had trouble in this matchup until a friend who plays Sim said ā€œDude, once you get the knockdown itā€™s pretty much over for me, just lp xx elc or walk up throw, I canā€™t do shitā€

Throw beats ultra, yoga fire, yoga flame, teleport you just walk up a bit more and throw again, neutral jump you elec so he canā€™t limb or teleport. Havenā€™t seen anyone try yoga tower, seems a bit patchy when I try in training mode.

Iā€™ve tried this online against okish Dhalsims, but anyone whoā€™s had more Sim experience expand on this?

You canā€™t just walk up throw, any Sim worth his salt will just wail on you with light attacks to keep you out. Then when you get frustrated you jump and get AAā€™ed. Try to go for counterhit pokes when up close.

Sorry, I meant to say knock-down in the corner. Well, any knockdown really, but corner is better because he canā€™t dash. Since Dhalsim has no reversal that beats throw (other than super) thatā€™s when I start the throw and lp xx elec mixup.

lmfao hahahahahhahahahaa

All I know is that you shouldnā€™t jump at Sim even when rushing him down. He can slide underneath you and teleport out or throw you. jab -> electricity pressureā€¦ and lots of itā€¦ is the way to go.

I donā€™t know if this is a good strat or not because I really donā€™t know this game well, but against Guiles, what I have been doing is NOT jumping at all. Thatā€™s where Guile seems to get most of his damage from. You jump in on him and you either get beat air to air, you get air thrown, eat a flash kick or eat crouching fierce. I have just been walking forward against Guile and blocking Sonic Booms until I get into slide range. If they throw one then I can slide under it on reaction then I can do cross up mix ups. If they donā€™t, I just walk forward enough so I will be in cross up range. There doesnā€™t seem like much Guile can do if you just block Sonic Booms and walk him into the corner. Sure youā€™ll take some chip damage, but you should be able to get that back in no time.

well i just finished playing a really good dhalsim player on xbl and that shit was too stupid. reminds me of the blanka vs honda match in ST. you canā€™t ever punish anything sim does, however he can punish everything you do on block and sometimes on HIT! like every fucking time i rolled and hit him he hit me back with HP before i landed. he would always teleport and i would beat his teleport using s.jab but that worked like 10% of the time. i was finally able to beat him by using a lot of electricity, random slides when he least expected it, FA randomly, jumping in with HK/MK when close and HP when far away, and any time i got a neutral throw iā€™d do the ultra crossup and usually kill him. you have to depend too much on luck to win this match up. fucking stupid frustrating ST bullshit that capcom should know better after all these years. iā€™d love to see ryu getting punished on hit from landing a fireball from across the fucking screen.

Iā€™ve found that Simā€™s teleport has become less and less of an issue the longer Iā€™ve played the game, if he back teleports your st.jab you can easily slide it on reaction.

s.HK beats Simā€™s teleport.