Blanka Master Guide: Match-ups, Combos, Option Selects and More


I added two “defensive” option selects. Basic ones, but I do both a lot, so good to know.

reorganized the moves section so it is easier to find what you are looking for. I’m also adding in the super hitbox images, and the one AE hitbox image I have. If AE hitboxes become available to me, I will replace them. I don’t think anything changed but cr.hp and hp horiball, but I might be wrong!

2HP changed ? You feel that in game ?

Yeah I can tell in game, it doesn’t feel the same, the later active frames feel better. I started using it more as a far aa because it all of a sudden started trading less and such.

Also this guide is over 25k characters at this point, and it’s not done. Glad I reserved the first 3 posts.

wheres the info on how to safeball vs all characters

this thread has a lot of info.

Read both mine and viscant’s posts.

It’s hard for me to really detail safeball setups much now because I mostly feel them out and will do a lot of them raw that aren’t canceled off of strings. I only really do them in a few matches now though.

You regroup most useful setups (safe jump & meaties) in this thread, it’s that ? So, other setups are not good to use ?

I grouped the setups I use most often that I find I get the most use out of.

I need to do an overhead section and a few other things, but it’s low priority at the moment.

Ves I’m down to work on safe ball setups, overhead stuff, or frame trap stuff. Just kinda give me a guideline on how you want me to go about it. I’ve been spending a lot more time in training mode over online play and could use a task to focus on.

I have all the data for that stuff I just need to organize it.

Thanks for the offer though.

I have just started using Blanka more, and I’ve been doing well in tournaments since many people seen to not know him well (the irony is I live in Brazil).

So I wanted to thank Veserius for this great post, since this made may transition to Blanka possible. Now I just need to practice some more.

Nice to know this helped. Hopefully I can finish the video version after 2012 comes out!

If you have any questions, please let me know.

You want to put this guide in SRK wiki Veserius ?

No not really.

I don’t like the wiki format and I don’t like that anyone can just edit my content without my permission.

Hey guys, I got a collaborator for the video version of this guide who has very good equipment. It will be much more informative than the text version.

This guide is really helpful in getting my character work started… thanks!

One question though, I can’t seem to hit this combo:, st.lp xx hp electric thunder [212]/[310]

does it only work on certain characters? I can combo into EX electric just fine, but hp electric thunder whiffs.

It’s specific depending on setup mostly.

It works best if you start from a meaty after a hop or have landed a jumpin, but some characters are more vulnerable from the front or the back.

I haven’t finished this chart because I’m going to do something a bit better post patch, but it can give you a rough idea of who electricity is easy/hard on.

I don’t normally do the combo because it has a tendency to whiff on block. whiffs less on both hit and block because you can walk a bit after it makes contact. If I want a low starter I use

Blanka just has so many practical combos it’s hard to keep a list of what works on who, though I’ll try once I can.


I’m looking forward to it too. It’s nice because he approached me about it!

Anyways what do you guys like?

I can do a format of
info slide -> gameplay -> info slide -> gameplay xN
or I can just do gameplay cut together with me talking over it and slides for section transitions.

mix it up and make them guess :wink:

just be creative