Big Bang Beat

Reading is FAIL!!!

Wait, what platform is this releasing on(PC or arcade)? I always assumed it was going to be released for PC through online distribution(like Akatsuki and Monster). But now after seeing the amount of money they are putting behind this game, it seems they plan on having it compete with GG/MB/AH.

…That’s what I’d like to know too…

Not that often when you consider a beta test for a PC game a “loke test”.

Even so, I’m inclined to believe that this game will start life as a PC title, then may just continue growing from there. Especially if it seems that they may actually have the support of the dudes behind Big Bang Age, the original game.

Any way, like I believe some one else said a while back, though, I’m just happy that, this game actually is turning out to be one of the few doujin fighters were Lolis aren’t the star attraction. It’s fun for the first few times (and is great for such games actually based off the subject material, like the MaiHime game coming out), but then, you just want to see guys beating the crap out of each other again. :slight_smile:

If there was a way to actually buy this game legit, and for a reasonable price, I’d certainly purchase this. But finding a distributor is hard, and finding one that doesn’t sell such games like this at $80 or there-abouts (without even including shipping!) is even harder…

Hmm. I didn’t pick up on them saying “loke test”. If they were to be releasing it on arcade, who’s would they be using? I mean, if they were using System 256/Atomiswave/Type X2/etc. then wouldn’t we know it by now? I’m sure it’s possible for them to agree to keep it secret up until the release, but what purpose does that serve?

I’m sure, one way or the other, I’m gonna need to put money into this. Well, it’s worth it.

Not necessarily.

When Arcana Heart first arrived on the scene, I don’t think too many were privy to the knowledge of what platform the game was going to be on…and then it turned out it was just on rather vanilla-flavored JAMMA-based hardware, defying those who thought that it was going to be another Naomi-based title.

But in any case, with a lil more than a month to go til release, and even less for these “loke tests”, I’m sure the truth will be told sooner or later.

i’m sure it’s going to be on the pc, for the sheer fact that the location tests are being held at doujinshi stores.

still, a notion that they’re actually going to conduct location tests for a pc-based fighting game is unprecedented and impressive to say the least. it’s just one of the many reasons that i am personally convinced as well that this game will become something significant in the long run, contrary to other recent releases like monsters and the latest akatsuki.

the resource and efforts they are pouring into the game just screams “professional” in almost every aspect.

Um, What are you talking about in regards to monster? Last i checked the game was really good. Akatsuki is one thing. No one even messes with that shit anymore. Monster is growing and keeps growing so i would like to know where you are basing your information.

What he means relates to the overall concept of how Big Bang Beat seems to approaching this issue of selling a Doujin fighting game in such a way that has never been done before. It has nothing to do with the quality of said games in comparison to the other.

EFZ? Monster? Akatsuki? Even Melty Blood? All of these games started out small, and were basically spread around by “word of mouth”. That’s how these games blossomed into whatever status they all enjoy now. While they’re all decent games in their own light, only Melty Blood went on to actually become a largely known franchise. Probably due in large part to how it had the “Type Moon” connection and its fanbase, but the overall commercialization of the product is what helped it become a more “legit” player in the industry.

BBB seems to doing something else entirely. Instead of starting with the obligatory small distribution of the initial release, they’re actually giving this title a “location test” of its own, prior to the release. To my knowledge, such a thing has never happened before, which, at least to me, showcases that they’re taking this seriously (and may actually have the backing of Alicesoft, the makers of the original game, too), and are probably not going to settle for what Doujin fighters have had to deal with for years on end. Thus, what I believe orka is talking about, in more words.

I, for one, am looking forward to this game now, more than ever. Not only because it looks to be a solid game in its own right, but if this methodolgy takes off, it could imply an entirely different modus operandi that may become the “new standard” for Doujin fighting games. And in light of how the overall fighting game genre could stand to use as much new blood as possible, this could only be a good thing, if the Doujin market truly does become much more “serious business”. :wgrin:

lol aya gets butthurt anytime anyone says something bad about monster

Im looking forward to BBB also. I hope it has online play because i know for a fact i wont be able to play anyone in it other wise.

DandyJ: Awww how nice of you to join in the conversation <_<

location tests got canceled out of the blue. release date became uncertain too.

what the shit, son :annoy:

why are the combos soooo long? THat shit is cool for like a minute, but after the initial fun in practicing long combos, it becomes extremely frustrating sitting there eating a 100 hit combo.

THats the beauty of SF, the combos are like two moves, its not about who knows the longest fucking combo, but how you set them up and so and so

i’m sure it won’t be anything like hokuto no ken. besides… that’s what location tests are for. to work out odds and kinks.

but i dunno wtf to say now since development seem to hit a hump on the road all of sudden. :wasted:

also… you gotta admit fireball traps or getting beat by one normal over and over again can be as gay (if not worse) as getting stuck in a long combo too.

fireball traps actually take something to get out of, call it luck or strategy adapting…whatever.

getting hit for half a round I can literally leave my controller.

its like the rom infinite vs crazy mixup, at least in mixup I have a chance to win…

same shit with melty and arcana, its like why are some of th combos that long? There should be no reason to have it that way, if they intended a char to be powerful just make him/her do more damage, its far more efficient and people pleasing.

Well I think the point was, in terms of combos, if you actually want to go so far as to learn long combos, then you will be rewarded for it. If everyone only had easy short combos, then emphasis on execution is somewhat unimportant. I think both should be emphasized.

Everyone’s BnB’s in MB do roughly the same damage, give or take JUST a little. Therefore everyone’s already on a equal playing field, leaving retarded characters who can hit you five times and take off 60% of your life out of it. On top of that, you get ‘bursts’ in MB and AH.

And for the record, certain loops in AH can literally take an entire minute, the longest combos in MB barely hit 10 seconds, if ever.

if my theory is right and this is the same developer / system behind Fate Sword Dance then the “ZOMG LEET COBMOX” thing might not be as bad as you’d assume from the video, that game doesn’t seem to have too much broken shit, at least not from what i’ve seen.

big WTF at the location test getting canceled though. Tora no Ana ( quite literally, “Tiger Hole” ) is a reknowned doujinshi fanatic’s dream, with like three floors of doujin manga and paraphenelia, I imagine their doujin game section must be equally HUEG. maybe they’ll reschedule? i’m sure anybody in Japan currently into MBAC, Touhou Iamp, Monster, EFZ, etc. would definitely be willing to show up.

If this game flops then I’m gonna head butt someone…

but at the end of the day everyone will learn the combos if its learnabel, this has been proven. You want to reward somethin, reward how strategic someone is, reward thier in game knowledge.

not sitting bwehind a practice dummy for a fort night.

I agree. =(

It was already pointed out that there is some sort of air-recovery, so it’s not an issue. The released video is just all about flashy crap for the hype, nothing more. I’m sure an actual fight would go very differently.