Best Ultimate Tech Talk Hang Out Loud Edition season VI, RIP MarkMan's #BeardStache

I’m glad people have better options than the GDEMU.
I have a knock-off from China and it works fine, but the MODE totally looks nicer. Not really worthwhile in my current situation to change it, though; I barely use the modded Dreamcast as-is already. :slight_smile:

I think that is most people as is near impossible to get the actual GD Emu, or Rhea/Phobe from the original seller. Guy only makes a few at a time, releases them for sale at unannounced times only a few times a year. He so hard to work with that its the only time I rather support the Chinese clone over the original.

It works, but using the clone you get no firmware updates as the official firmware will brick the GDEmu.
And its like to be able to drag and drop files without Folder renames or using 3rd party apps.

Yeah, I was following Deunan’s blog for a few years trying to get an official GDEMU, but when it became clear that he had no intention of better servicing his potential clients, I said screw it and got a knock-off for cheaper off of eBay. No complaints or issues so far.

I don’t even bother using large SD cards and having a ton of games on them; I’m in the process of collecting old and small SD cards from friends and family (mostly 1GB/2GB ones from old cameras and cellphones that are essentially obsolete at this point), and I’m aiming to put single games onto them. And print out a nice label for them. That way it feels more like a Switch or a Vita, with individual games on individual “cartridges”.

Not being a schil, just putting it out there.

Fellow SRKTT @TheBlackHombre trying to make like the brothers Wil (Don’t jump, My DP game is strong) Wright and Orv (My wake-up pressure is OP broken) Wright and get off the ground.


been through a few ups and downs since the last time I signed in. Went through the trouble of getting a new contract setup, only to find out 48 hours before the first certification class that … it’s for Comcrap Tech Support. I made sure to have another contract on deck first, then dropped that class. I’m only out $10 for the cost of the class, so it’s not all bad. Newer certification class is the 20th of this month, I’ll probably pick up a second contract for the holidays, to make sure the grandkids get their Nintendo Switch/PC along with the possibility of Secret Santa this year (fuck, is it August already?).

On the fightstick front, got this badboy done up:

Using Gen1 silent Sanwas for the 30mm buttons, and 24mm Sanwas everywhere else. It’s gonna take some time to readjust on how I play stuff like Tekken/SCVI, but I think I can make it work with time. First ever hitbox on top of that as well. Everything went well, except the USB panel connector I ordered didn’t come in the box; I was able to resolve that in short order and that will be here on Wednesday.

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Tried to get an Analogue Pocket this morning; sold out from right under me.
Oh well. I’ll get one eventually, I guess, though it does feel good not having to fork out $500 right now. :slight_smile:

I’m not to stressed anyways in the meantime. I have a GameCube with GB Player and an IPS-modded GBA SP, so I’m mostly covered for the basic Analogue Pocket primary functionality anyways.

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In the same boat, work was nothing but fire drills all morning, and when the smoke finally cleared, and I was able to get online, it was all gone :pensive:


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Does anyone have any suggestions or recommendations for a cheap-but-reliable HDMI audio splitter?

I’m planning on doing a revamp of my arcade cabinet this fall. When it was originally designed back in 2012, I was primarily using it via component cables with my Xbox 360, which obviously made it easy to split out the audio with the RCA plugs. But going on forward, I’ll need some way to extract the audio from the HDMI signal to feed it into an external amplifier.

Mind you, the existing (analog) audio amp that I have is kind of crap, so I’m considering replacing that as well.

Currently using this for my PC monitor + soundbar setup, can confirm it works great for getting video game consoles with HDMI to output to both optical and traditional red and white composite audio.

I’d also look for second hand Atlona brand equipment, it’s crazy expensive new, but commercial users dump their old stuff on eBay all the time. Have used these things at work for our a/v projects in the past.


Took a 2 year-ish hiatus from all things stick mod related and it looks like Jasen and Art’s online stores are gone and now I’m sad. :frowning:


Yeah, for sure.
I’ve gotten a few things from Jasen over the years; I haven’t used most of them (VLX replacement panel, aux panel, and EZ-mod kit), and he’s always helped me out with connectors and plates and whatever out of the blue.
I’ve always been meaning to get an all-clear case from Art, but the exchange and whatever always discouraged it. :frowning:

Even Elijah Wood can’t get an order in.


eBay reselling of preorders is filth-nasty expensive

Frodo could afford it tho, or will prolly get a free one nau, if Analogue’s community manager is doing his\her job.

Pray for the usual special edtion release 2 months after launch Orz


I saw his tweet! Frodo wants himself an Analogue Pocket! It’s amazing and hilarious at the same time! :slight_smile:


Found it!!!

Finally located my USB A to C adapter, Saturday’s gonna be güd.

It was burried with a bunch of other random PC parts. I knew I had one, promised myself I would find it vs. giving Jeff Bezos more of my $$$.

Can finally try my Retro-Bit Tribute 64 pad on Switch, WOO!!!

Y’all ever refuse to buy something, 'cuz you know deep down in your bones you’ve already got the damn part SOMEWHERE, just don’t kno where the F it is?

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How’s that Sega Saturn ?

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I assume it’s gonna be awesome!

Gotta make space so packing up Genesis, and excavating the HD RetroVision Component cables first :sweat_smile:

Yep running like a champ, thanks for the great deal, and thanks x2 for the new system battery.

Sorry for demo’ing some rando game in the pics, would have posted some of the system sooner, but could not find any of games, except for Winning Post, so gave up, and just took pics of that.

P.S. HD RetroVision cables are also freaking awesome.

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I felt the battery out intentionally as I know how this thing eats though CR 2032 cells.
I offten buy the batteries cheap in bulk from amazon.

I also don’t like when other people leave the batteries in a device before shipping. Often if I have a battery in something OLD I just purchased, there is a cell starting to corrode the interior. Usually I been fortunate to get the old leaky battery and the corrosion before any real damage starts.

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I notice you have a PowerBall.
I’ve had one for years as well, and in that exact same color too!


Yep mine’s gotta be +10 years old

Still great for a fidgeter like me, waaay more OP than the Cube or Spinner.

New refresh models looks cool too. Not sure about the self starting one tho, THATS CHEATING!!!