I don’t think I should be on any kind of list (I play for fun these days, not to become the best) but just to clarify, I have played against Pyro and 5 Star in Japan in the past (just casuals but I didn’t do particularly bad but it doesn’t mean anything). I actually somehow had more trouble against some other international players at times due to playstyles. To be honest, I don’t see why anyone would think they should be the benchmark for anything. There are much better players than all of us out there…
AHAHAHAHAHAH that Ken was you!?!?!?!? I thought it was that other white guy that played there. I didn’t want to “trash” him. I hate pushing away new competition by scraping them. But now that I know it was you, I don’t feel bad about thinking the guy sucked. I never thought I would say that out loud, but that match was garbage.
I will play you any number of games. It doesn’t matter really. But if you get turtley and boring, don’t expect me to keep going. I know this means you’re just going to turtle and be boring, but seriously, I may just walk away from the machine. A TRULY skilled player doesn’t need 3 days to figure out what to do next.
Also, tick grab walk back walk forward tick grab. Soooooooooooooooooo 1999.
Youre probably thinking of a different match. I was the purple ken and beat you pretty easily with short short super and low strong hit confirm super. You didnt “let” me win, you just werent playing well. The white guy that plays there is a blue ken and has a lot of improving to do.
And I never turtle. My playstyle is always kamikaze/jungle.
I don’t recall then. I remember losing to a red ken but not a purple one.
1 is enough, won’t go to 5. Maybe these 2 more, with clotheslines like Hugo:

so what is the point of all this
is it like a giant mountain, and shit flows downward?
top Japan > lower Japan > top So Cal > lower So Cal > best of the rest of America > GGPO people > OE people > etc etc
so if you’re above someone in the inequality, you waltz into topics people are having a good time in and yell “HEY GUYS JUST WANTED YOU TO KNOW THAT I THINK YOU’RE SHITTY AT THIS GAME!” but if someone is higher than you, you can expect them to say the same to you?
it’s an awful attitude to have. cool, you’re better at a video game than someone else. instead of helping them get to your level, or just enjoying the game with them or having discussion, let’s make sure they know they’re bad. that’s what this should be about.
Yeah when you make a list, someone might take it too seriously. And have no idea how to make his own list, contact the OP about his opinion on changes, or even just find out this was just for looking up more videos maybe, for finding new players he doesn’t know about and catching up with old players he knew.
bkfst was a crappy person to me, but he’s still a person. but look at what you’ve done with this crappy topic now everybody’s mad & soapboxing it!!
Chinese players are the best, possibly stupid story for later, or hypothesis.
Once again when did i say JR and Frankie werent good? … …
To answer your post: They WERE good. Not as much now.
Frankie3s fought at a time when players were still playing 2nd impact, a time with no youtube, and nobody knew the matchup; let alone parry denjin.
Skillwise, he didnt know how to kara grab, cr.FP xx mk.joudan , or maximize denjin charge.
Thats the difference of using Sourai-rengki over Genei-jin.
He was good because he had natural talent and fought a bunch of new to decent players making himself look proficient.
It also doesn’t help every match uploaded were of him winning. Where were all those times Ed Ma destroyed him in tournaments? Nowhere.
and JR is self-explanatory. Very basic 3s.
Before anyone jumps into more conclusions, this is not to hate on them. They WERE good but players are better now.
Dander - we never played before.
slip up on my side.
ryu - If you play psn, of course not. If you play live, yes we have.
JR should locate a shower imo, dude stinks every EVO
Not that it matters now, but in the first post under Akuma, Urakan should be Uraken.
mio definately posts the way he plays.
I was on a list next to JR once. Then I had a spot all to myself. Lists are funny, what are they for again other than laughs?
reminding? No thanks i like to recall.
I appreciate the kind words, but I’m not close. I’ve held my own, I’ve put up a good fight against them at times, but that doesn’t mean much to me. I’ve played Yi 15 games of Ken mirrors one night, sure I put up a fight, I still lost 10-15 straight. Everything I thought I’m strong at, he was stronger, the same applies to Pyro. They’re good against every god damn character too. If I had to choose the titans of american 3s right now, they would definitely be at the top of the list. Obviously I’m biased towards my area, hell, some of the most talented players I’ve fought would be considered “unknown” to the Shoryuken community. For example, Bean and Vinny aren’t known much because they don’t post on here or play online, but they are easily in the top ranks of the US. At the end of the day, this was all for fun, you all shouldn’t take it seriously. Doesn’t hurt to admire someones dedication, even if they don’t ‘belong’ on the list, they’ve put in enough work to be be considered by someone. Which is cool in my eyes.
Make a list in your head. Also, 10-15 straight? Didnt see that coming.
I’ve always felt that regardless of overall skill levels, some people just clash style wise.
This is what I don’t like very much. You know very little about JR and Frank, have probably never played either of them, but you speak as if you know exactly what skill level they’re both at. Let me comment on both players since you really have no idea what you’re talking about.
Frank is a 3s legend forever. He was the best during the golden age of American 3s at FFA (back when even nobodies were pretty damn good), and no people werent still playing 2nd impact at that time you assumptive noob. I don’t recall Ed Ma ever “destroying” him but that doesnt negate the influence he left on socal and american 3s. I played him as recently as a couple months ago and he’s still right there near the level of Pyro and Yi… Which makes no sense because he hasn’t played consistently or against good players for years. The only reason he isn’t at or above their level is because he would always go to FFA when the big boys weren’t there, and he’d play on the American (scrub) cabinets rather than the big boy Japanese cabinet. He wasnt playing seriously, he already had his time and just wanted to go have fun beasting on scrubs. What makes him good is not the game knowledge you speak of (although he can and does do all of those things you mentioned), what makes him good is the raw talent he has for the game. Incredible mixups, execution, reactions and mind games. He doesn’t play super flashy even though he can, he just outplays you and exposes all of your weaknesses. That’s what truly good players do. No shenanigans or tricks, just playing better. He’s still one of the best even to this day.
With JR, I know he’s not a particularly good 3s player, and I think that’s what Ryan was talking about. Ive beaten him several times and im not at a very high level yet. JR isn’t into parrying, new technology or game/character specific combos… The stuff that true 3s fans love. He just wants to demon the entire world. But what makes him one of the best is simply his tournament record. He’s the only American akuma to win as much as he has because he’s just good at street fighter. It’s as simple as that.
To this day I think Adolfo is the most talented 3s player I’ve ever played.
you realize this statement applies to everything you’ve said so far. replace JR and Frank with whoever.
players who you have absolutely no idea about but think you do. which is why its stupid.
the only reason people agree on japanese players without any contention is because very few of us have played a variety of them.
for instance, who here would say vanao is a good player? probably mixed reactions in that case actually
but only a few people have actual experience enough to make any kind of statement. good or bad.
The difference is that jr and frank have the tournament records to prove their skill levels at their prime. All the players I attacked do not. They only have word of mouth vouchers from scrubs, which isn’t saying much at all.
you don’t know that. which is the point.
and actually in some cases you’re wrong, but whatever man. if you don’t want to know, you won’t. nothing more to say.