Best Players

In my super biased opinion:
Best Chun, Nuki
Best Gouki, Match
Best Ken, also Nuki
Best Makoto, Boss, altho lately he hasnt been lookin too hot.

Adolfos weaknesses is his inclination to humiliate his opponents. Thats it.

Also he thinks frankie3s is the psn player, not the ffa frankie we all admire. I still want to smoke him out.

I just want to reiterate that Tebbo is not an online player in my experience. In fact for a period he was very anti online/pro arcade (looking at you Dander).

It’s easy to make assumptions about people and pull a clump just because they post on SRK.
XBL/PSN/GGPO all have different scenes with different skill levels and arcade experience.

i got 3rd at evo east

on a ps2 pad

im the best

close thread

thats was a great Evo East .:pray:

nah it’s kind of awful

Forget EastCoast vs WestCoast, how old is that. & USA vs Japan doesn’t happen anymore.

This topic seems to be about “My dad could beat up your dad!” or something.

5Star vs Gootecks, dads Grand Finals. Place your bets now!!!

(so the mexican / jungle no limits gamble players know more?)

[details=Spoiler]like 2pac’s stepdad fathered Mopreme.
Mopreme underdog with his 3rd place dad[/details]

You guys are cocky as fuck and your attitude disgusts me. Go to hell with all your bullshit (prejudices, misconceptions…)

And i’m the best player on the world, scrubs, PERIOD.


I am willing to admit when I’m wrong, just like how I did for Flare and Billy Kane. If there is proof as to why those other players are better than I believe them to be, then I would be happy to accept it. It doesn’t matter though because theres no productivity or substance to the direction of this discussion… people are just getting their panties in a bunch because of my aggressive and blunt demeanor. I’m just pissing people off and making them hate me because of the way I’m saying what I’m saying, so maybe I’ll try a more rosy and fluffy approach next time. I’m sorry to have offended some of you so badly, please carry on

What you and dander dont realize is that i admired frank myself for many years starting out. I know the history behind him from all the dr.sub zero podcast
and also from talking to FFA guys who came down to NY. But like i said, i never questioned how good Frank was. We have better players now and thats the whole point ive been trying to make.

how do i know? i view him as Daigo from '04. everyone viewed him as the ‘best’ and certainly if he played again, he’ll still be pretty damn good with his talent. but flash forward to 2013, you really think he holds a candle to matsuken/deshiken? in a lot of ways, they’re both very similar. frank and daigo revolutionized 3s and won many tournaments and are still most well known in the community. but are they stronger than current dedicated players exposed to higher level? i highly doubt it.

This can go in like 3 topics around here.


Pad warriors for life!

I would add some of my friends on this list but nobody cares about Canada =P


People still replying to this thread?


Hope to see some of these friends at the Hamilton Ranbats. Look’n forward to check’n it out soon.

Samir, Jay YellowS4, and C-Royd for Toronto. Samir easily the best player in Toronto IMO since he can actually go back and forth with Justin Wong

The only important person to come out of Canada is NoMoreFunland

At EVO’12 AnurysmX, AdamB and C-Royd randomly showed up in the SoCal room. Those dudes are all pretty good but at one point one of them turned to me after talking about Toronto skill and said Samir is the scary one basically. The other two nodded.
Games against him would be great.