Samir can body anybody in Toronto. I think I played against AdamB way back at like T9 during 3s teams and I didn’t think he was that impressive. I know he’s a lot better now because he actually went out to Gety to practice while I only practiced at pmall so I had limited competition because most of the competition including Samir had migrated over to Gety.
And somebody told me a story once or I think Samir told me where he was in a corner with pixel health and a chun player was doing lightning legs on him and he parried like a million hits, while eating out of a ricebox, and still came back to win the match LOL
If it’s good ol’ Frankie3s we’re talking about, I’ll put it in perspective. I talked with him a while back when I saw him randomly at FFA (R.I.P. FFA) once. He told me that he and Yi were going even in matches.
so far I’ve got me, my friend, a Yun player who used to win all the 3s tournaments up here but now mains SF4, a guy who mostly plays SF4 Makoto but learned Genei Jin once and thinks 3s is a fun time, and another friend who doesn’t play fighting games but is a real cheerful guy.
If we save our strongest players for last the order will go
1 cheerful friend (Ryu)
2 guy who can perform functional Genei Jin and likes Makoto (Makoto)
3 ex 3s player (Yun)
4 buddy I play with every day (Ken)
5 me (Chun)
however we might shake up the order and have cheerful friend go somewhere in the middle. he is a wildcard. he can’t always successfully throw fireballs but when he does he is a force to be reckoned with. he once told me he has no idea what he’s going to do until his fingers have already done it. he is unreadable.
four top tiers and a wildcard. I think it will work.
Well damn Bob you got da crew I see. Find SoCal dudes and there is a good chance you will see C-Royd eventually if he makes it out this year. If you see him there is a smaller chance you will see a few other Toronto dudes not including me. I cannot justify spending almost half of what it would take to make a trip to the promise land to just hit Vegas again this year. Last year was really cool though. Don’t miss your chance to get in on visiting JP players showing up at drunken hotel rooms at 2 in the morning. Sleep is for the meek.
ive played Yi a shitload of times and Frank a shitload of times. Both are amazing but Yi slightly outclasses him. This is because Frank doesn’t play as much and when he does, he just fucks around