shut up faggots lets get taco bell
10am taco bell run
lol shinee is sick
Yeah but you suck. Yi sucks. And that was just a joke, Primm.
riveting tale chap
runaway scrub. scat , shoo, shoo, go away!
cool story bro, would read again
You already said that!
Your lack of ingenuity leads me to believed you can’t play this game very well. I’m going to ask Yi about you and if he says never heard of him or he sucks, I’m not going to say anything on here. Instead I’m going to continue like nothing happened.
I want one of those shirts Taemin is wearing
Trying to get this trainwreck somewhat back on course, my nomination for best player is:
AntiShoto on PSN
She/he and I go back and forth with Necro vs Hugo, and despite the lag it’s usually a pretty fun game. I play on GGPO 0-frame so the teleporting is pretty strong but I can’t use usually use that to take away from him/her.
for cereal, shinee swag is off the charts
I’ll tell you myself that I suck but I’d still probably wreck you
I know you won’t. I’m certain. If I didn’t stop taking you seriously after a few games of shit play, I’d probably sweep. But whatever, this is the internet and I suck.
you guys can have a playoff and the winner can join as part of Team Alaska
that might not sound that great but every member of Team Alaska gets a free polar bear so
Authentic Mexican > Taco Bell Ken?!
Americans need to level up.
(That doritos taco is for hipsters and it sucks)
those dollar dorito burritos were the shit though
I will own chrispbeast
i want to be on team alaska
I have the greatest psn urien and alex in america dawg, come at me bro u mad?
I will win and lead team alaska to SBO championships
Anti-Shoto is definitely solid. I agree on a good sense of pressure coming from Anti-Shoto and good ways to break down the opponent.
my q and urien is pretty beast jus sayin~
You were definitely more intimidating with the blushing boobs aku.