Best Players

What do you want me to say? You were nothing before you spent months in Japan, then all of a sudden you’re the best because you memorized their play? It’s true. I’m not even trying to help anymore. Why do you think none of the top players post here except if they’re going to advertise a big tournament? It’s because they know these scrubs don’t want to/won’t learn. They don’t listen. They want everything spoon fed to them with a brand labeled across the jar. That’s why I’m sharing my ideas with nica, so he can hopefully make something worthwhile for the community instead of acting as a spokesperson for a community that doesn’t even give a shit about it’s overseas player base.

Frankly, you and I were on even keel when we first met, (06-07?) and I respected that. I never saw you as better than me or even as one of the top players. I saw you as a Urien player that looked only to land his unblockables. Stay away build meter and then retry unblockable set ups.

You had Urien before all this Chun Li nonsense, unblockables and head butt was your thing. You were cruise with an offline parry. I’m not saying you suck but you didn’t do it all yourself, it was teachers that made you good. I have never had a single teacher, just players whose style/mindgames/technique I admired. Never imitated. Everyone here that you are lording over has had to do it themselves. When you weren’t in Japan you were in SD but still drove up to random TOP players’ houses to play. When you went up north, you would play with Rom. Then you came back down and your friend had a cab. You played every day. You played with good players every day. You played with Pyro and them every other weekend because they were willing to drive down and play on your cab. You’ve always had good teachers. I only got to play top players on random fridays for about two years and between fridays within that time span I would have to play a friend of mine that didn’t give a shit about the game. What kind of an environment is that for learning? I don’t think you’d understand.

As for talking the way I do, I talk to scrubs like they’re scrubs. I wouldn’t assume to be able to tell you how to play your game because I don’t even see that you’re thinking. I see you are matching situations(I guess that’s thinking) because I have seen the Japanese players do some of that stuff, step by step by step by step by step. I don’t talk like I know what’s going on in Kuroda’s head. I don’t talk like I know what’s going on in any Japanese player’s heads. I can see what they’re doing and I can deduce a reason for why they decided to do that. I can’t say I’d know why they chose their first move, but I can explain the rest.

Anyway, you’re just going to respond with another casual wave of the hand like you always do “I’m the bess don’t need to prove nothing to you, I proved it with retrys til 10th Dan” kind of attitude and that’s fine. Enjoy your time in Japan but until I actually see you place in a tournament by yourself, I’ll hold off on calling you anything but just another regular player like me.

Also, don’t use Chun. Saying she’s not completely broken is a cop out. Kuroda beating Nuki Chun with Oro isn’t a testament to your skill nor does it debunk the idea that Chun is broken, it just shows how good Kuroda is. Isn’t it strange that you didn’t really win much with Urien but suddenly you pick this character that has everything going for her and you start winning? It’s not difficult. I’m almost certain she has a “perfect routine” that one wouldn’t be able to beat unless they pulled her out of it.

Also, sorry if that sounded like an attack but all you’re doing is enabling the dolts on the boards. They hear you say that I can’t say anything and they think “I’m going to ignore this guy and continue playing ggpo lag tactics.”

The 3s top players haven’t changed at all since way back when. They just have a few more runner ups now. It’s still Deshiken, Kuroda, Nuki, Boss, etc. American players, same. Pyro, Yi, Nica, Exo, Justin. It’s still the same people. The only thing that’s changed has been the mass player base. They aren’t even more, they aren’t better either. Also, popular opinion of what makes a top player has changed too. Now all they need to see is 1. name 2. name 3. name and we have new top players. I don’t see it that way. Top players are the ones that exhibit the highest level of skill. Some players don’t even care for tournament notoriety. If that’s all we’re really talking about, let me know and I’ll shut the fuck up. I don’t care about tournament rankings. I care about true skill. Certain levels of skill require one to take risks and no one is willing to do that, at least not like in the old days. There is some strange idea floating around that risk denotes a lack of skill. That’s fucking dumb. There’s risk in everything.

I’ll shut up now. I’m almost certain the only good players now are the ones with the heavyweight championship belts.

This is why I stopped watching wrestling.

I got better because I studied the game inside and out. I practiced combos until I knew Id never miss. I became familiar with every character. I studied videos for hours. I learned frame data and technical game mechanics. I never had a teacher either. I don’t believe that’s necessary.

Pyro has been to my house twice. I’ve never played at anyone’s house in LA except Valles house once in like 2005. I don’t know where you’re getting these ideas from.

I don’t think I’m that strong to be honest. Still learning more all the time.

Your attitude does more harm than good for 3rd Strike. I always ignore it but it’s really dumb man. Straight up.

Btw, I just won a tournament last weekend by myself!

My attitude doesn’t affect this game negatively or positively, everyone just ignores what I say anyway and that’s why I keep talking. Because there will come a day when someone who understands how to read will read these boards and they’ll be like “holy shit, this guy’s right”.

Congrats on the tourney but I still don’t like that you’re using Chun.

But I’m better than you Dander

Who are these supposed best you played? I’m 100% sure whoever you name, you will be laughed at.

ITT: stating the obvious; there are a lot of stupid players(when aren’t there?), chun is broken

and I just wanna mention that helgen X is absolute human garbage, the guy spent time living in japan but plays like the typical ggpo scrub, maybe worse

Bro, come on, bro. Wasn’t that last beating I gave you bad enough? And don’t give me that drunk talk, I wasn’t any more sober than you. :stuck_out_tongue:

can’t we all just get along? let people discover for themselves. those who are in the know need not say anything, those who don’t, do. this is such a great game, why are there such pointless arguments? spend your energy elsewhere…

i fully endorse GGPO btw. 0 smoothing, <50ms ping vs an opponent that has a good PC. closest thing to offline alternative.

I was listening to the chat and just challenged whoever the people in the chat were talking about. I don’t know who they were. Why would I remember someone’s name if they just walked out of a match? I don’t hold grudges like that.

Also, being laughed at by ggpo players because I don’t know ggpo players sounds fucking stupid in my mind. Laugh at me for saying I more than stand on my own two feet against Pyro and Yi.

My post wasn’t directed at the entire board, it was directed at Ryan as a response to his post to me. Stupid players, I don’t think they exist. It’s just play. There are varying degrees of requirements to execute in play but just the same that stuff can be learned. Certain elements to this game can’t be easily taught because it requires an understanding of one’s self outside of the realm of fact. I can’t say I execute combos better than you, if we can both do the combo. Fact of the matter is, we both did the combo. There’s nothing else factual about it and so you aren’t exactly inclined to believe me. It wouldn’t make sense for you to believe me. I can’t say I have better timing than you in general unless I can prove to you, outside of the set of explicitly required timings that is, that I can pull off anything that requires any kind of timing.

I only call a player stupid after he refuses to/cannot see that he is wrong. That is almost the definition of stupid:

[stoo-pid, styoo‐] Show IPA adjective, stu·pid·er, stu·pid·est, noun.
lacking ordinary quickness and keenness of mind; dull.
characterized by or proceeding from mental dullness; foolish; senseless: a stupid question.
tediously dull, especially due to lack of meaning or sense; inane; pointless: a stupid party.
annoying or irritating; troublesome: Turn off that stupid radio.
in a state of stupor; stupefied: stupid from fatigue.

I got called stupid, ignorant, dumb, scrub for the longest because I refused to see the err in my ways. That experience allowed me to see what I was doing wrong. I was looking at the game through a lens that I made myself, one that wasn’t originally part of the game, and so I couldn’t share in what everyone else was seeing. It was usually Yi and Papa Ray Ramos calling me stupid, btw.
This is what you are being. You are refusing to see that I don’t think ggpo players are worth the salt they churcn out. I don’t care if you scraped it off of a fucking diamond, you’re still not using it properly.
I played Dyne, Cruise, Tenren and I don’t know who else. It was Dyne that lagged out, though. The other two stuck around but only Tenren played it like it was offline. I know you guys think Dyne is god, but all he really does is run through the game like it’s an obstacle course. 1, 2, 3, lag, 1, 2, ,3, lag. He jump in whiffs at 3, waits for lag to kick in, lands at 1 and EX uppercut/grab OS mash super if they parried. 50/50 the rest of the way. It’s scrub ass shit. I know it sounds cool to say, “Lookie me, I macro dis” but that doesn’t make top level play. Top level play is all nuance, swimming in the sea as Rowan put it, not steamboating through it and pretending you just butterfly stroked the fucking Atlantic. Get it into your head, bro. I don’t even want to be the best, I just want 3rd strike back in all it’s glory. You guys have all the tools, I’m not saying you don’t know what the mechanics are and their results, but you aren’t linking them properly. This game was designed before it was made and it went through a series of tests to check to see if the design held. It did and was so sold. Obviously it’s a sandbox but there are very few random elements involved, those were called glitches and were since removed. Get this into your skull. Everything we are doing, has been done and thought of. Whether or not we can actually reach the point we are required to be at before being able to do this stuff is entirely on us.


I need to speed up this whole process. I don’t want to not play because then 3s as I once knew it will fade away along with the rest of the world’s lost knowledge. And the way things are, I can’t even play, without having to switch out my KAWAZAKI CONFEDERATE DUCATTI CROTCH ROCKET for a crappy pink and orange bmx sporting training wheels and some of those frizzy things at the end of the handle bars. It’s shameful to me. I know we’re not in Japan, but they’ve already had their effect on me.

What does it make you? You admitted you just challenged someone on ggpo because they were being talked about… and claimed you played ggpo’s supposedly best. And on what basis do you claim that there aren’t any other players like tenren/nica/exo who play “like its offline”, on ggpo? or what makes you believe that some people from ggpo/3soe wouldn’t be able to body you offline? Right, you encountered many scrubs which are in every game and everywhere, and come to a conclusion for a whole community.

For the record, no one is even refuting the points you are trying so hard to get into our skulls. dyne is bad, everyone outside of japan sucks, lot of online players abuse lag, dont adapt…

Then what exactly are you trying to say to me? You point out an irrelevant flaw in my post, not even my logic, simply to point out something wrong. Is that subtle dissent? My whole post says you don’t agree with me. Is that a long winded version of I agree with everything but this, when I can tell you right off the bat, had you just asked, that I don’t know who the top players are.

Would you like me to edit that part of my post out?

BTW, I didn’t challenge anyone, there was no HEY YOU LETS DO THIS, I just invited someone to a fucking lobby. I only challenged them to see how the good the people there were. Not because I really thought those players were any good. How else am I going to gather info on the player base if not by testing their “implied” limits. I even played some of the randoms there but that wasn’t very enlightening. I may have even played you once or twice. They, as the ggpo community, say this guy is good, I’ll trust their judgement as ggpo players and check to see what the community knows. You don’t see people going around saying, that wargreymon sure is a fucking awesome marvel 3 player.They talk about combofiend and fanatiq. Are those the best? No, but they’re damn good fucking players.

“what makes you believe that some people from ggpo/3soe wouldn’t be able to body you offline?”

This is how I know you don’t know much about the game. You’re new, it’s okay, that’s not even a slight against you as pheraigodgouki would say. I know this because I have watched the community, in general, in action. There were many overlaps, see similarities, in tactics, as it goes with communities, but there was no innovation for the most part. If playing at FFA/REGENCY/DENJIN arcade was like surfing at beach then playing on ggpo was like boogie boarding in a fucking swamp. STAGNANT AS FUCK. You guys are probably cool dudes and might have some very interesting things to say, but as far as 3s goes you might not be as interesting.

Personally, I don’t think everyone outside of Japan sucks. I just think it takes longer for something to trickle down over here. Where it takes the people in Japan two viewings of a certain match to figure out what a top player does/did, it takes 2 years here to figure out that tick grab isn’t the only other option after walk back walk up grab. Let alone even think to understand what those players in Japan are doing.

I have seen Flare using tactics like that, I have seen Tebbo pull off some interesting shit/made sick ass calls, I have seen Wong pull off some sick shit, majority of socal has taken the Japanese tune and made it their own. I have not seen ggpo do anything beyond what Watson and the gang did way back in 2002. I haven’t. Call it solid, call it whatever you want, solid isn’t interesting. It’s solid. So what? I have star, it’s solid too, it’s just not as prominent because you don’t see that too often. Maybe it’s not immediately apparent to you but I don’t even play “footsies” anymore because after a certain point you don’t even need to. You have zoned throughout the entire game. Then after having played an opponent at equal footing for a while, you don’t even need to “zone” anymore because you know that particular players style! Then when you have experienced many styles, you don’t even really need to know what’s going to happen next. Once momentum is broken, it’s really hard to make that climb all the way up again and this usually means the round for the one with the high ground.

Tell me ggpo sees the game this way and I’ll apologize, edit out anything I said.

Taking offense over and objective statement,( I don’t think less of you guys, I just don’t want to play that boring footsies/zoning game anymore. It’s unnecessary.) but I’m just stating facts like you guys like them. If you can’t understand that, then you aren’t well enough versed in the game, or I’m batshit crazy. Either way, you shouldn’t concern yourself with anything I’m saying because it’s not true, at least as far as you’re concerned.

TRY ME. If we can’t play some good games over ggpo, give me some non perfect frame dependent situations. I don’t play frameStrike, I play 3rd strike. Nothing wrong with frame strike, though. It’s useful for reversals and ambiguous set ups but I’m not about the easy way out for the most part. Thoguh, I’ll admit, the shippu blocked low forward reversal is pretty sick. I remember the first time I landed that at regency circa 08 and the uproar it caused. Felt pretty good.

Much respect to the Toronto and EU and EC scenes. These days I think there are many good players from around the world. But Japan is sososososo much better than the World. All hail the moon!

For the record, I know how Tenren plays offline because I have played him offline.

I don’t think Dyne and Cruise play the way they would offline because they didn’t once respect the punish that they earned. I couldn’t execute due to ggpo, but that doesn’t mean you should change offline play style to match the environment. It ceases to be 3s. That is what I hoping to play.

Excuse me, if it sounds condescending. This is how I was taught stuff. I had harsh teachers in regards to learning but it payed off in the end.

I would agree. Playing GGPO teaches you a lot and then you run into a guy who absolutely knows what works online and you have to adjust your gameplay to that retard level to counter it. I think the Japanese play at a level where the make reads, but they’re not nearly as reckless about it (JROD) and are able to adapt much quicker.

I think we broke dander guys…

I won the last couple of times I played him but awhile before that he beat me several games in a row. Probably just needed to adjust his play style.

You didn’t beat me last time, I trashed your ken in a mirror match last time we played! And I underestimated you when I played as Ryu… But no excuses, you got me. I’d be happy to settle this some time with more than just one game. First to 10 would be nice.

You two should settle your cat fight.