Like this:
I would but I would with the hook in the shoe of the hat but when it was decided to not go with the paper when the bitch said no I said yes she was like bottled water in a cash receipt made of horse’s tooth and I was like wat should not be the accident of yourself?
Some Aussie players are really scary (mostly from Melbourne), especially PaulT, Hong and BOC (Akira Hattori). I’m surprised that not many people even here on SRK know about BOC before he earned a spot in SF25 Grand Final??? I don’t know what they’re doing now sadly
I don’t know much about Canada scene, I know they have CRoyd but more about tutorial vids than tournament matches. Most of Ack’s footages I watched were from Hong Kong tournaments (that guy is a monster!).
Hong Kong had a very strong arcade scene back then. Some players like Yip(MA), Man(CH) or Hoi(EL)… impressed me a lot. Hoi also participated in SF25 Asia qualifier top 4 as “N”. Just YT “rsfcbattle” for their scene research (all the vids are in English don’t worry lol).
Korea, the E-Sports country had a pretty small 3S scene but they also have some great players like DBKoopa(YU), Assist Ryu(YA).
Taiwan (a community where arcade was banned in the country which is ridiculous, I don’t know if there’re any changes now) also have few decent players (participated SBO many times) but very dedicated to the game like Eric(GO), Larry(CH), Asika(UR) or Asahy(MA). They’re worth mentioning I guess .
TBH I didn’t watch much Europe and US tournaments (except FFA ranbat vids which I really enjoyed and some recently Stunfest tournies in France that hosted in arcade not PS2) because I don’t like console 3S tournaments (most of US/EU footages I found were on console).
“The World Warriors” - foreigners tournament in Game Newton back then was godlike, I hope we can have a tournament like that now
No, I call you console/online scrubs because that’s what you are regardless of whether or not there are arcades out there with active players.The best players rarely, if ever, play online. The best 3rd strike players usually would prefer to not play at all rather than to play console or online.
JR and especially Frankie3s were the best at their respective characters. The fact that you don’t understand that shows badly your console/ggpo/EC goggles distort your perspective. I would expect you to honor and respect Mr. 3rd Strike… the man, the myth, the legend that invented the style that your 3s career is based on. JR has been playing since the beginning of 3s and he’s always been the best akuma. Yi, pyro, and Pherai have better akumas than him, but he has the tournament record to have earned that title.
I’ve never seen exotech, Therapist or Flare beat pyro… I’ve never seen Billy Kane do well against any Japanese player. I’ve never seen any of these guys prove anything where it counts: in Japan or Socal. The burden of proof is upon them. I’m definitely not impressed by any of them.
The same thing we do on GGPO every night, stinky…
Try to take over the world!
A- as we stroll through the woods and see the bears my the stars are nice and neat and clean no more wire hangers ever oh my god xbla sucks, Gap sucks, I hate malls, Three Stooges, run on automatic writing in the heat of the night my mouse is dead the sun rises and falls insert pop culture cartoon references, dying manatee jokes, flying falling, Hori pro controller, Ken is for scrubs, I’m watching a move called Killer Nun with that chick from La Dolce Vita, pretty good.
*Akuma-HAX has infected us with a word-virus. God help us all.
“The difference between myself and a mad man is that I am not mad.”
Salvador Dali
When did i say i didnt respect Frankie3s?
When did I say JR and Frankie3s weren’t the best with their characters?
Keep in mind I’m also not agreeing they are. I’m asking where you came with that conclusion. Lack of reading comprehension skills? You should re-read what I type buddy.
Your logic = Most of the best players stay away from online so if someone decides to play on GGPO/console, they are considered online scrubs. Nice logic.
Flare went to Japan before and did well against the players there. Billy Kane has at least 10 years of experience in this game and beat Kuroda in some matches from 2010 kumite. But I guess since you havent seen them beat Pyro, they are scrubs.
You didn’t say it outright, you implied it. You said it was hard for me to be taken seriously since I put JR and Frank on my list. That implies that you don’t think they’re good, let alone one of the best at their respective characters. I have perfect comprehension, you’re just not owning up to the meaning behind what you said.
I view exotech and Therapist as being on the level of Metric. Metric is a good player online and in person, but he’s not quite at the level (though he may be close) where he can compete well in arcade tournaments against people like Pyro, Yi and Vinny. I didn’t use the “logic” you speak of. Tenren and NicaKO are examples of me defying that logic: they are online players but I did not include them in the list of people that need to be removed because I’ve seen that they actually are good in person at the arcade. Kuroda has “decided to play on GGPO” and is not a scrub. The term “online scrub” isn’t really the issue here and I’m sorry that you’re so offended by it. The evidence we have available for those players’ skill level is what is really at issue.
My argument is based on the following principle: those who have earned their reputation either online, on console, or by being the best in their subpar region, cannot be considered the best at their characters. We require better evidence qualitatively and quantitatively of their alleged caliber of play. I admit that I may not know enough about Billy Kane or Flare. I always see Billy Kane lose badly but I could be mistaken. I don’t know much about Flare at all. The rest of my removal list remains unchallenged.
ugh this topic
Quotes resonate forever.
“Man… I can’t even imagine that.” From FFA in 2012 there before it closed
“Don’t just do drugs in the parking lot, play the games!” -Rockefeller in the (Arcade relief) topic on here
What’s in the spoiler (his favorite) is only for Louis.
Left out Akuma, so he’s safe for now**![/details]**
Best Player: Roshihikari
That motherfucker made my favorite topic. Which of Dudley’s car is better?
“I dont know what this has to do with Akuma but the Green car. - That’s why Fujiwara uses 2p side?”
Oh and he shutup on SRK and won Co-Op cup, in recent events where you can’t dispute his greatness.
“I wouldn’t be the player I am today, without Michael Jackson.”
- Kobe,
who is kinda on that MJ tip, the one with the lightening of the skin over the years…
Nah man. I meant how can you include JR & Frank (old school/old skill) but not Therapist & Flare (stronger generation of players)
and call some of the guys on the list nobodies just b/c youve never heard/seen of most of them.
For their respective characters, we can assume most of the list are accurate.
Wow, somebody remembered Adolfo. That guy’s Hugo was a beast. He had a good Remy as well.
Yeahi agree HAX it was great to see Roshihikari finally stop trolling SRK and win Co-op cup
I dont agree with mio but you are failing to see how much weaker this generation of players is. They are all theory and 1player mode practice. Thats not strong, thats just conditioned. Players that are strong before their encounters with the best, before exposure to the top…those are strong players. I have only seen a few online players like that. Im not mio i dont need empirical data. I can see skill in play, talent even. Saying things like jr and frankie3s(not the psn scrub) arent good just shows how much you dont know.
Finding any situations where you dont know what to do, shows how big of a scrub you are.
The game is and always was much bigger than where it’s at right now. This is what a great game looks like in decline.
I’ll see about going to japan arcade soon to hopefully show you just how much you do not know.
Ill tell you right now, mio is no ambassador for socal 3s, neither am I…maybe…idk. Im just saying you guys all suck, thats not even a question anymore. I experienced it first hand. It was the worst 3s experience of my life. You guys were so bad, i actually stopped playing. Now if you knew me at all You coulf think on that for a second and know what that really means. But of course, as it is with every scrub, you wont. Go back to playing training mode sf43s.
If roshikari can beat rikimaru, then I’m sure some of the ggpo regulars can go up against socal.
What does that even mean?
Because St Pierre can beat Silva, that means you can beat Kuroda? What kind of playground logic is that?
I know ggpo regulars will win as many rounds as they have set ups. That’s it. You guys have no real defense because you are always guessing. If you do understand a player, it’s only because you’ve been playing that same player for years. I come on ggpo and play the supposed best, figure out their dumb shit in two matches and they quit because I"m lagging. mother fucker the lag is harder on my side, you’re just a bitch. You actually understand the throttle mechanics of the platform and use them to your advantage. I know I can hit you when you pop up on the screen. That’s it.
Also, stop watching the matches like it’s just something to do. If you truly care about getting better, use the matches as something to learn from not just something to talk about between ggpo lag matches. Like, you guys watch so much japanese gameplay yet no one on this entire board understands how they play. It’s ridiculous.
Lenin: if you really want to help people get better then get rid of this “I am above you” attitude.
There are plenty of strong players throughout the rest of the world. Havent we had this discussion before on srk? Lol
You know you’re my dawg, but you aren’t “big boy” enough to be talking the way you do.
Encourage! (^_^)
Jr and Frank do suck compared to the top players now. Jr was never good actually. Frank was, but that was 2003rd Strike.
If you ever come to Japan, you will see just how high of a level this game can be. I can’t even describe how good the 3rd Strike Gods in Japan are…Boss, Rikimaru, Kuroda, Nuki, Deshiken etc. Hell, if you think Adolfo is sick, just imagine that YSB is 1000x better.