Best Players

mio’s post is a joke.

if not. lol
or rather lol either way

Seriously, who donate for 3s for evo? Be realistic guys, it will NEVER be at evo. Sorry to be heartbreaking, i hate to write that but this is the truth.

I like how just because somebody’s from EU they must be UK. Corrections:

Marko (France)
Tome (France)
Otana (France)
Billy Kane (France)
AQH (Netherlands)
Bubblan (Sweden)

if other people are willing to donate I’ll throw a couple hundred in too. if any of you are putting any money towards it let me know. the top non-pony amount isn’t that high yet, definitely attainable.

if not I’ll show up anyway, try and play in whatever side tournament/casuals/whatever is going on.

I will donate $20 after this post just for good will towards 3s and boobs. Not sure its possible to win out against the pony empire but its a worth a shot.

Pro tip bob:
Andrew knows where the party’s at.

I think we should keep Flare on the list. Smart player. Very smart player.

You’re a console scrub just like the other 90% of people that started frequenting this forum after 3soe came out. Be grateful that I graced you and your type of forum regulars with such valuable, underground/historical information that you wouldn’t be able to find on ggpo/xbl/psn, youtube, from other console scrubs, or wherever else you obtain your extremely limited 3s knowledge. MM me at an arcade so i can take your money or go back to xbl or psn

Tebbo plays arcade though…

no dude im not from socal i dont know anything. :sweat:

More ‘play’ less shitting on other people for no reason please

This really isn’t a matter of elitism or exclusivity… Yes I happen to live in the best 3s region in the U.S., but I myself am still an arcade scrub until I can prove otherwise. However… Since I live here, I know the difference between someone who is really good and someone who is just a mediocre/decent player that beasts on all the megascrubs around his region. It’s just a matter of fact that almost no region outside of Japan can give Socal a challenge (exceptions are Norcal, Canada and Australia a few years back).

A lot of Socal players could go to other regions or online and earn a reputation like Therapist or Denjizz, but a good reputation in a low level region or medium doesn’t make them one of the best at their character. That’s what I’m trying to help you guys understand. These other regions aren’t playing 3s on the level that Socal’s best are playing at, just like how Socal’s best aren’t playing 3s on the level that Japan’s best are playing at.


“This is why the American Ba3sketball community is gay!!”

Probably nobody cares. However, on Jeopardy knowing Shaq making like one 3 pointer was worth like $400.
Those Shaq Facts $$$

Kobe Bryant isn’t even capitalized on their tags of player names.

I’ll see you at EVO, Igloo. And I’ll have a CRT with me, at least, so we can play with less lag.

Glad you gave pre 2010 Australia some respect. Many in USA don’t know how strong they were between 2005 and 2009.

youre calling us console/online scrubs as if there are still arcades out there with active 3s players around. =/
most of the best players are playing online now because thats the only sort of competition we have.
and how can we take you seriously when you include JR and frankie3s while excluding much stronger players like exo-tech, flare, billy kane, and therapist?

… How the fuck do you respond to that? Seriously. It’ like arguing with the insane crack head who hangs out behind the Dollar Store.

Turn into one of your other costumes, family man’s alien over there.


C, just average, or standard clause.

This guy is talking to who? I have to respond to my own post instead of explain it?

“I just think… this guy’s an idiot!” Rockefeller and then he laughs.
“But there’s so much more they could’ve done with the Character,” sigh- Renic.

S - Selling yourself short, you still responded to it. Like its a tag, “you’re it” from quoting you? Tagbacks. But, heads up YO <-- chun-li-hax said you should like write some words even in the post in the stupid topic where you put a meme pic.

Spoken from experience, I can only imagine, or since you’re asking questions out loud… you are the guy talking to nobody and some Alex player from the INTERNET came up to you and argued with you! Blackuma guys know what to do. Better talk to 'em.

I think the announcer on TV just called Carlos Boozer: “BOOZE CONTROL,” amazing. Now I can’t write the B++ response. Distracted.
