Best Players

cool. I’m down for more analogies on how third strike is like working out

lesson 1: do 1 finger pushups for improved dexterity and strength. Drink 50g protein after

That clap echoes.

Yi made a thread, bother him in there!

Whoops… scrolling down.

“that’s the point, of roshihikari”

thread on here. Batman quote?

Licking sacks? That’s definitely not my thing. You’re a lot more annoying online than in person, which I suppose is true of both of us.

I don’t come in here to say they good they better they let me win. I say look what you’re doing isn’t going to work. Then I figure they’ll want evidence so I provide them anecdotal evidence in the form of play styles I noticed from top players that they will listen to. If it didn’t take Yi 5star to come in here and answer questions we would be a lot farther as community. We wouldn’t be arguing that someone’s good tactic isn’t a good tactic. That has always been my point. But if I provide some advice, offer no Yi or Pyro or Japanese play as leverage to my tactic, you guys will just start parotting ryan again “UBRU RYOU NO WAN TOURNAM E” and my point will be lost to the newbies who will not even understand it yet. That is the only reason I get so hostile/combative right away and come off as “mean”. If I say you are not good because blah blah blah and ryan, yuuki or Chris there come in and start saying “but you no harbdem skills to be SAYING that”. It’s just…who are you trying to help? The community/The game or yourself?

Cut the bullshit and really think on this. Hopefully you don’t goad me into a response after this but there’s really nothing more to say on the topic.

It’s not like I’m saying these tactics will make you win tournaments. I’m saying they will teach you how to play the game well. I have never met an opponent, considering that they actually played 3rd strike against the opponent and didn’t just throw out combo strings they saw in match videos, that I couldn’t at least keep up with. NEVER.

…One time I was getting scraped by the scrubs at school, though, I’ll admit but that was because they were forcing their pace on me and they play sf4. But I would always come out on top. Though there was this one Chun player there who I’d always use Hugo against and whenever he finally got his match point on me, he’d run off.

Really annoying.

And you’re really easy to troll. Calm down and stop getting your panties in a bunch over every post I make. Or just ignore me if it’s too unbearable, like you said. It doesn’t matter to me how you perceive my IRL demeanor… if politeness bothers you then that’s your problem. As far as being a brown noser, or whatever you want to call it… no. I’m polite but I have a very healthy backbone. I’m ready to take you and everyone else on in 3rd strike and in debate, and I don’t care what anyone thinks of me along the way. I’ve never brown nosed and if you were around the arcades more you would know that. All I said was I didn’t understand some of the techniques that Yi does when I play him, and you used that as a prompt to start rambling your nonsense.

Most of your posts are incoherent and/or go on tangents that have nothing to do with the discussion at hand. You seem to believe that you have a lot of meaningful things to say but in actuality, finding significance in your posts is rare, few and far between. You speak to me as if you are my superior but I have learned nothing from your posts that I didn’t already know, and I’m pretty sure that’s because I’m better than you. If not, prove me wrong. Let’s play.

You just bounce around to topics where you can actually compete and don’t treat the whole argument as a whole. Really? Easy to troll? That’s how you start it? You want to win an argument based on semantics? Go be a fucking lawyer.Typical of a bolstered ego. Something good must’ve happened in your life recently and you’re really riding the rush. I know the feeling, so don’t fault me for noticing it, it happened to me before and I was put in my place. It was a set of simple words that put me in my place too. It was: “You might not know how much of ignorant fool you are today, but one day you will” or something along those lines. It was weird too because I scoffed it away, casually waved it aside. But it really kept coming back. I’d be doing something and I’d fuck up and BAM, there it was. This is not yet the da, it would say.

My point about your politeness is that you do it to make yourself feel better or to avoid a certain kind of topic. I’m saying, who are you, bro? You are politeness. Politeness is who you like to be. I want to know who you really are so we can get some real matches in. I’m not saying “let’s fight in the parking lot, mother fucker” which is really what politeness is all about, keeping hostilities at bay. You’re not some magic-human-hybrid-angel thing that is aghast and bereft of hostility. This is instinct. If you like being polite, then that’s cool but I take your politeness to mean you aren’t ready to be the real you and so I shouldn’t take you seriously. Politeness is a formal convention a social convention more-so than a human one. (Generosity is more human than politeness and in most cases usually comes before it. This is an aside not a tangent) These discussions are casual as fuck. They are about a game we all enjoy. Making it a serious affair turns it into something like work and as much as I am for “working hard and playing just as hard” I don’t think that’s what they meant when they made up the phrase.

You also seem to think that just because my points are using irrelevant terminology that they are “incoherent”, and though tangents they may be they are still applicable. Maybe I don’t know how you word things because I don’t know who you are outside of that polite person? It’s funny, too, because you ask me stop making tangents but make the distinction between IRL and on here. I think of it as a whole. The game is part of life. This board is part of life. It’s really as simple as that. The game and the board is not a tangent of real life.

When you brought up the whole you were “just talking about Yi’s tactics” and what-not I wasn’t even talking to YOU. I was talking to ChrisPBeast-guy. You brought yourself into the conversation and took on the suit, acted like it was yours to begin with and then defended yourself against claims that were meant for the suit and not the person wearing it. This is probably not going to make sense to you either and that’s just my point about most player’s with a play “style” that can’t be readily explained as simply “x”'s play style where x is a person’s name. They don’t pay attention to anything but the suit they are wearing or the role they chose to take on. Like pulling off Yi/Pyro’s combos off makes you as threatening as him. If you want real matches with me, you really have to put me on even keel or else I won’t take you any more serious than you’re taking me. And you aren’t being real with me, which is what I’m trying to be with you yet you slight me for asking you to let me know who you really are. I’m not some prejudiced idiot that’s going to run a stereotype the moment I lose track of who you are. I’ll just ask you a fucking question and the issue will solve itself.

Also, debate implies much more than just two people discussing. I’d rather call it a discussion because the word “debate” implies, to me I guess, that we’re playing by a set of rules. Premises to use as a guide. That’s what rules are. Guidance. In a debate points are deducted, or your credibility is reduced, if you don’t play by the rules. In a setting where a debate takes place there are usually even stricter guidelines that define those rules. Usually a dehumanized effort at being logical, or objective, but even an objective approach has its own element to adhere tp. Usually money. There is no money on the line here, bro. So how about being a little more human about the whole thing. You are playing a person, not a training mode dummy, not a book and not a green Ken. A person. Yet again that will probably make no sense to you or I’m just being incoherent. I lose. Hooray you win.

I still own you at the game. At least in a high/top level manner. No indecisiveness, just pure play. It is a game after all. When it comes to second guessing one’s self you’ll probably win but I for one don’t play that game. If I do, I lose. Them’s the breaks. That’s why I dislike turtle style. They are looking for some kind of error that isn’t really there. That tells me their ideas don’t change as the time does. They are textbook material, cookie cutter, traditional, or simply uninformed.They rely on the opportunity being spoon-fed to them and then call it a weakness on the aggressors part when the aggressor is the only one actually doing something besides waiting around for the other guy to make a mistake, or in sf terms holding down back. I blame the influx of new players because this community didn’t used to be like this. Potential was as real as the motion it holds a place for.

I don’t want to wait around all day and let the past catch up to me, I’m looking forward to the future.

Also, to touch on me talking to you like I’m “superior” to you in anyway is just another stupid attempt at dehumanizing the situation. How do I think I’m superior to you if I’m making the effort to “lift” you up to my position? Maybe we are parallel and I’m showing you which direction to walk if you really want to reach me. You’re better, like you said, but saying and doing are two completely different creatures. I don’t need to troll you to feel better about myself if I really believe I’m better than you. That’s just childish, but, oh wait, suddenly we’re playing a game, right?

Thanks for goading this response out of me, though. I feel like I learned a lot about myself in simply losing to a better person such as yourself.

And if you’ll read back at your post, all you’re doing is, in debate terms, applying ad hominem.

(lol: hominem was underlined as an incorrect word. I right-clicked for a correction and it gave me hominess and eminem as fitting words. Then it correct eminem to Eminem as if that made it any better.)

I WILL KILL YOU! PM me times or hit me up on facepage so we can get some games in.

Tetsugoshi…is amazing…anyone know any background on this Q player? If anyone hasnt ever seen him play you should check him out

<blockquote class=“Quote”>
<div class=“QuoteAuthor”><a href="/profile/46777/djdjw">djdjw</a> said:</div>
<div class=“QuoteText”>Tetsugoshi…is amazing…anyone know any background on this Q player? If anyone hasnt ever seen him play you should check him out</div>

He’s a Fukuoka-based player, and is definitely one of the strongest Qs in Japan. During casuals before SBO Quals in Hakata during 2008, he was the only one who could stop Suzu Chun’s winning streak.<div><br></div><div>I’ve played him, and he is ridiculous. He still has some ways to go before he reaches TM status, but he’s no slouch.</div>

What character or characters is Kuroda considered the best player of?  I’ve heard or seen that he’s great at Q, Akuma, Ibuki, Oro, and Hugo, but is he definitely the best player at any of those or other characters?

I would say Kuroda is one of the best players with any character he chooses at the chara select screen.

He is really that good.

Arnel is number 2 urien in USA

arnel was that dude. anyone spotted him lately?

I saw him at my church a few weeks ago.

I think it was his family and my family that were at this Filipino gathering at st Lorenzo

Anybody remember that video where some Oro player just goes off trash talking against some other guy in the arcades? I’m having a hard time finding that shit…

Just played Kenzo Yun a couple days ago for a couple hours. He’s still the best Yun. Yep.