I never said I think he plays a certain way, I said he has advanced shoto technology. And anyways, the way i try to play is making my opponent adapt to me instead of the other way around. Im getting much better each time i play and i never asked for your help, i just said Yi is good. I never have and never will have any desire to be liked by anyone in the community—obviously, I talk shit on the boards from time to time and I rarely ever peep a word to anyone at the arcade. Enough theory fighter, lets play. MM ft7 for $10?
if Poongko played 3s he would guess all day. and I would blow him the fuck up.
i dont try to play a way i just play and it is a way because i play.
Incidentally, I heard that Infiltration is really good at 3rd Strike with Akuma.
Incidentally, I heard that Infiltration is really good at 3rd Strike with Akuma.
that would be cool to see. I’m curious. if Korea is the secret best at 3s too I will eat my hat.
I’m not talking to you but we can play if you want, idc. As for forcing someone to play your game, then once again you aren’t playing that person. You are playing your training mode dummy because you already know what you’re going to do. Yi, doesn’t play like that at all. He doesn’t even force you to play his game. Hence the term, gdlk like. Where do Gods watch from?
There is a middle ground you aren’t seeing or have at least taken for granted.
Yes, you touched on points that Chris did and no, I didn’t refer to Chris directly but it was right after his post and I did say Urien.
so much talk about 5-Star yawn
pyrolee is #1 in the world at mid match banter.
Ryan won’t ever say I’m good because my philosophy just so happens to work against his mentality in terms of the game. Also, please don’t bring up other people’s opinions as if it matters to me. You don’t even fucking know Ryan.
The only players I’m concerned with beating are Yi and Pyro. And that is who I focus on. The best. Not the supposed best because they have access to the goods. That would be like saying a student that studied at Harvard is more intelligent than a student that studied at UCSD. Where they went to school has nothing to do with their intelligence.
In case you haven’t noticed, Pyro and Yi aren’t about knowing more about the game, they are about knowing more about the player. They are intelligent players, not necessarily smart players, but they are smart as well.
To be fair, I hold them both in the same regard. It just so happens that I learned more from Yi than from Pyro because I used Ken when I decided to get more serious about the game.
You’re right, though. Pyro is much better at mid-match banter.
We were comparing Frank and Yi, thats why Pyro’s name didnt come up. Obviously he’s a beast
And every character in this game sucks except for Urien. In my opinion all Ken players are scrubs u mad?
Yi doesn’t rape Vinny most of the time. Also I don’t think Vinny is replicating Yi… Vinny is more of a finesse player while Yi is more of an aggressive/rushdown player.
So much for Dander’s resignation.
I agree this whole argument sucks because Ken is a piece of shit character to begin with
I said he can, never said he does. I don’t know if I said that Yi rapes Vinny, though, and I don’t want to read back. Alls I’m saying is stop licking nut-sacks.
And that was a good one ChrisPBeast. You had me going there for a second.
Vinny sucks.
Like what I’m saying is Yi and Pyro don’t think “I knbow he doesn’t know about this so I’m going to use xyz set up.”
That’s all I mean.
Pyro, Yi, Vinny and me do it. I know you can too! I’m sure there are more people in the FFA crew that can do it but we aren’t talking about them. Just three Kens and a Yun.
Hey guys… I love you both equally., you don’t have to fight over my love. I will teach you both. Lesson 1: Never argue on SRK
I’m not a rushdown player… I’m a defense first player. Dander, you’re right… I care more about the player than knowledge about the game, but knowledge about the game are supplements to me, I study those as well. It’s like exercising, you take protein powder to make your muscles bigger.
Frank is a beast, we do go even. His jump in fierce is too strong.
And the less time you spend on SRK bickering, the more time you have to study the game. Like me!
I dont want to learn anyone other than Urien, Q, and Alex. Ken and Yun are wack.
Everyone else can be removed from the game as far as Im concerned (Hugo can stay)
edit: alright fine Ken can stay -_-
Here… I’ll make a thread… it’ll be called 5 Star Teaches 3rd Strike.
I’ve been meaning to do this for some time.
Of course you supplement your play with knowledge about the game. My point was that people put too much emphasis on the combo/setup itself and not enough on the thinking process/player. It’s just not easy to bring the topic up because then they bust out the infinite numner of excuses, they start telling me I suck because Ryan said so, etc. etc. They’re lucky I care so much about this game.
I own you, btw.
Oh God Please Don’t