I would just suggest to clean the keys and then make sure you press lightly. you dont need to put much energy into each key tap.
My wall is 10s/11s but I stopped playing for a while and my timing/placement went to crap
dominion [H] is pretty awesome though :rock:
I’ve definitely hit a major wall trying to finish the 11s and start knocking out more 12s. Now to do one of the best techniques for improvment. Take a week long break.
Beatmania’s gonna be a pretty expensive hobby.
What’s the best controller you guys recommend to a beginner in terms of price, arcade-likeness, quality, etc.?
I would suggest trying to find beatmania US with the controller. Honestly, it’s a good entry into the game because you don’t have to get a modded ps2 or drop big money on the import copies of the games. find out if you like it before spending that kind of money. Some people don’t like BMUS because you have to unlock the “another” difficulty, but it’s pretty solid. I especially love playing the 5-key mode for songs like Manmachine plays Jazz.
im a stepmania player and i’ve tried beatmania on the arcade. im not very good only 5’s and 6’s i can barely pass. buttons were shit anyways.
djmax ^^
The USKOC works fine, honestly.
That is a japanese list for 12s easiest to toughest (normal clear).
I’m I play 1-handed, and I’ve hard-cleared most 8s and cleared a few 9s. I think I’m done with that for now, though so when I start playing again in January I’m going to go up to 2. I’ll have to re-learn technique, but I still have my timing so that isn’t so bad. And things should be easier this time around. My goal is AAAing mei, but, heh, we’ll see what happens.
link is coming up a 403 (forbidden) is there any other way to look at it? I am very interested.
Copy/paste the link
The site apparently doesn’t like hotlinking.
The first pink column is the difficulty to normal clear, the second number is to hard clear. The descriptions are interesting, even google-fished. The CS songs are in their own tabs. Black Another for MENDES is rated 15 for normal clearing, with an infinity for hard.
I know quasar managed it, but I’m wondering about DOLCE… funny thing is, some of quasar’s scores are higher than DOLCE’s. Have you looked at DOLCE’s rival data? He has full comboed ever damn song except for 3y3s, himiko, and mei-- and I think he’s done 3y3s since they pulled the data. But mei and himiko probably aren’t happening ever.
Also, one of the new OMESs
since Empress had five, I hope there’ll be more than that.
Hold notes =/
Also, you need to see this.
Red: By Full Metal Jacket - DJ Mass Mad Izm
This song is impossible
I hate that song. I hate scratches, and I hate that song.
How do you feel about the sequel songs in parallel rotation? G59 is good, the scorp fire one is awesome, and even EXUSIA isn’t bad (though it doesn’t sound like a mei-follow up)
After I switch to two hands, we can be rivals. I mean, in a few months, since I’m not even that good with one. Where are you in Orlando?
Hey does anybody know what the criteria to get into Parallel rotation is?
If you know moonspeak, you can probably find it by following some of the links on that page. But I don’t know of anywhere in english that would have the info.
I live over by ucf near University and Goldenrod. And yeah, rivals sounds great.
I personally love scratching songs.
I’m so tempted to buy this game, i’ve been going to play-asia every other day and looking at it. I bought that drum game for the jp wii, but it got old fast. Didn’t seem like enough songs. I wanted to buy this and 2 beat controllers with the turntable. Is it two players? I’ve never played this type of game, but is it something that you don’t tire of quickly? Or should i wait for the ps3. lol stupid questions i know, just waiting to be pushed a little to buy that shit. All i really play is fighters so idk
Is there a PS3 version of IIDX coming out?
I always wanted to get into IIDX. Been thinking of buying a BMUS controller and puttin’ a cthulhu in it so I can play some bemani isos. :wonder:
well it is a possibility now due to the fact that EMPRESS is the last one on PS2 :sad:
Here’s hopin’, either way my cthulhu idea will rule!
If you are going to get a version, pick up empress. It has more than 2x the amount of songs on any other version.
Only get one controller, since you won’t need two unless you are going to play doubles.
And if you like the game, it is a hell of a time sink. I’d be satisfied if it were my only game, and I’ve been playing for five or so years now. Also, it is the toughest game in the world so you’ll never hit a point where you can just wipe your hands and walk away. Always more stuff to try to accomplish.