group the commands in your head like this:
c.lp c.lp, hp headbutt
your c.lpx2 will come out like normal. try to delay your by a hair and cancel that with hp headbutt.
if you want to use music theory as an example…
count 1 2 3 4
1 2 are your c.lp x2, and between 3 and 4 is your and your 4 is your hp headbutt. i hope this works.
I’ve been trying to read through and get caught up on Boxer, as he’s one of the few I like for online play.
Quick question:
Is there any reason besides damage to do cr.lp x2, -> HP headbutt over cr.lp x2, -> LP headbutt?
Mostly I want to know if there is anything unsafe about the LP version coming out. I’ve been doing the dash punch version of this combo for a while, and would prefer to get the knockdown in some situations if I can.
Still getting comfortable with some of the links and output the light version of stuff usually just to be safe.
like not getting cr.lp, cr.lp, cr.lp, s.lp, cr.lp?
haha, I sometimes do stupid things online.
But seriously is there anything unsafe about LP heabutt? I know it has shorter horizontal range, but is there anything else strange about it I should know about?
more like c.lp x2 ~ ~ c.lp or s.lp (it will miss). ive grinded this timing for so long, i know what ppl go through. the problem is human timing of lp (mashing) compared to hp
when you use hp, you will take more time pushing hp than lp because lp has already been embedded in your mind so you are expecting to hit a separate button, and also c.lp is closer to but if you can time it down properly, use it
ex overhead ~ xx f.hb ~ ultra (mid screen, if you can hit all of the ultras) = 502 dmg (MAX)
this is literally half life and super easy to do if you can somehow set yourself mid screen
i have been doing this endless amount of times and its ridiculously damaging
j,hk,,, exRU, c.lp 2 xx F.HB - 409dmg, 715 stun, NO ULTRA 1 Ex STOCK.
with ultra (471-475) on counter hit (499)
and psychedelic, turn off counter hit. it adds 125% to each hit, making your math wrong. i’d take ultras out too, since its dmg is dependent on life difference + amount of revenge stock you got.