I don’t see the practical side of using this link. Its a very hard 1 frame link that could be replaced with the much easier cr. LP x3 ~ cr.LK. I think the most practical starting with no charge combo is c.lp x3 ~ s.lp xx jab straight rush because of far standing jabs great reach and ease to link into. In saying that I may put up a list of difficult combos involving strictly timed links and stuff. Thanks for the input tho If there was some special way to make 1 frame links easy this would be a great combo.
Isn’t it good to use the c.lk at the end because of the slight increase in range? plus I think it’s good practice for when u need to link c.lp and c.lk after an EX rush upper or an overhead charge (just c.lk in that case).
On that note, can anybody please help giving some tips as to the timing of c.lp x2, c.lk, headbutt? As somebody said before, it works for me once in a while, but i’d obviously like to get that up to 95 - 100%.
I usually work backwards when trying to get a combo. I found it much easier to make progress that way.
Instance: Do the cr.lk -> HB till you have it 100%. Then add a jab to it, then add the final jab.
The thought is that if you have the connection, i.e. normal > special down 100%, adding a few jabs or other things will be easier.
I have used this method for a long time and it works good for me. Not sure if it will help everyone, but it will help the consistency of your combo if you hit the cr.lk > HB 100%.
Chances are that isn’t his problem. A little known fact in this game is that you cannot buffer a special move off of a chained normal. The trick to getting the combo to work is to chain the jabs, wait for an extra frame or two, then do the cr. lk > HB.
Hotobu is right. When I first played this game back around Thanksgiving I could get cr.lp x 2 -> cr.lk -> fp.hb more than 75% of the time and that was just after a few days of playing. After you start to get comfortable with it, you tend to speed up and that will make the jabs chain each other. If that happens, you won’t get the HB at the end.
Could only play for a week so I lost all the timing I had when sf4 came out on console. I was having this same problem until a few days ago when I slowed down. Now I’m back to where I was in November :rolleyes:
i thought only cr. jab in this case would chain, but not the cr lk.
that was my problem - now i know that i always chained the lk after the jab lol.
what are the EASIEST combos to link up after a dash upper or an overhead smash?
c.lp , c.lk, headbutt
hmm… it seems to me there is no combo you can do with an upper dash… whenever I do a combo it only says “2 hit combo”, the upper dash never counts
always c.lp, c.lk headbutt after overhead, and if you have an ultra, use it after that cause the scaling isn’t too bad after the 3 hits.
And with the ex rush upper loop, the slower you input the easier it is. i link it all the time now.
eh?? i dont understand what u said about the upper dash… “loop”?.. i tried doing the upper dash to a c.lk, headbutt… but it doesnt combo up… do you have to do an EX upper dash for it to be able to be combo’d??
yeah do EX rush upper, and combo into c.lp, c.lk headbutt which is what i do. make sure you time it.
This may be a stupid question but headbutt -> ultra doesn’t work for me. The ultra just hits once then they fall out of it, as if it doesn’t have the juggle potential. Is there some trick to this that I am not aware of?
Hold kick.
This, but make the 2nd one a regular punch
f/ex overhead ~ c.mp xx ex rush upper ~ c.lpx2 (or c.lp ~ c.lk) xx f.hb ~ ultra = 475 dmg
j.hk/hp ~ c.lpx3 (or c.lpx2 ~ c.lk)(or c.lp ~ c.mp) xx ex rush upper ~ c.lpx2 (or c.lp ~ c.lk) xx f.hb ~ ultra = 475 dmg
i think this is the max dmg balrog can do for ultra. if you can pull this off, you pretty much won the match since you are probably midgame with both sides at 50% hp
beats saving for 4 ex bars for super combo thats for sure
j.hk, st.hk, c.lp, exRU, c.lp x 2 xx hb > ultra. 471dmg, 8xx stun.
your 2nd combo cannot be 475 for sure. i think your first one is close, but not over 420
i grinded these out the whole night, the first one has to be 475… unless im thinking of trial 5. the second one is 400 something i’m thinking 475 because i was trying to max dmg the whole night
trial 5 hits hardest im sure.
2nd combo has too much lp, which is screwed by dmg scaling. ill try tmr.
I’m having trouble with some of the BB combos, and i also can’t get passed the 3rd hard trial. I can do a single poke into an rush punch or headbutt, and i can follow that up with a super or ultra. But something like
C.LPx2 ~ C.LK xx HP Headbutt
I just can’t get the timing for the headbutt down. Does it come directly following the c.lk, or do you have to wait a second or what? It took me a while to get the rhythm for the first 3 hits of that, but i can do it now no problem. But going into a headbutt after that, it either comes out too late, or not at. I would appreciate any tips anyone has to get the timing down.