Balanced Matchups

Next time you play, look for something, a fireball, a jump, or just something. Especially something that character is prone to do in a given matchup and see if you can’t react to it while looking for it.

It’s really not that hard to do if you want to do it.

I’m just wondering why people think Sagat v. Guile is so balanced? Does anyone agree with me that 'Gat beats Guile? Those fast Tigers coupled with Guile’s charge properties make it a tough match.

I feel at high level Guile beats Sagat. Muteki and Kurahashi agree :P.

Even O.sagat? I know that it seems that one of the best sagat’s, yaya? Always uses N.sagat

O.sagat? Hell no. That’s one of guile’s worst matches, right after sim.

N.Sagat is not HDR.Sagat.

I feel Sagat has a slight advantage against Guile but not a large one due to his buffs to projectiles and hitboxes.

So then in HDR they might be about equal.

From mid or close range after trading fb’s with gat guile gets a free cr mk but he has a hard time getting in range for that so like I said it all comes down to who is the better zoner.

It’s closer than it was in ST but I’d say Vega has a small advantage still. Unless the Honda player has the reflexes to constantly pull off jump back LP/MP to stop walldives, pro vegas can just run away the entire match after doing some random poke damage. God damn I hate this match.

Matchups confuse me sometimes. I used to have a really good anti-Honda game with Vega until I played alot of Thelo, he just played that matchup perfectly. Same with Chun-Li: never had a problem with any Chuns until I played Cvital 1-2 months ago. He did some things that I’ve never seen a Chun do in that match.

I have the same experience. I’ll feel like I have certain matchups figured out and then I’ll run into someone who consistently blows me away. This leads me to think that I don’t really have the matchup figured out at all. But it doesn’t seem unreasonable to understand the matchup and yet simply encounter someone who has a lot more experience. They’re operating at a more sophisticated level which makes the matchup feel different.

Blanka vs Dictator = 5-5


Gonna have to disagree on this.

Blanka wins the matchup against Dictator 6.5 or thereabouts.

Fei vs Ken it’s a great match.


I could see how someone could say that Dic vs. Blanka is 5-5. People overrate the Blanka’s jumping LK big time in that fight. Honestly I’d say its 6-4 Blanka’s favor but Blanka still has a pretty difficult time.


Can someone explain why Daigo beat Valle using guile several times and also came to a close match wtih DGV if Ryu is at a way higher advantage vs guile? If you pay attention closely, Daigo rarely booms within spin kick distance. If guile booms close enough, its hard to react to. If you guess your spin kick, you can be punished. I can see 5-5 even match, or 5.5-6 ryu’s favor, but not more than that.

But you think ken manages sim and rog on the ground too.