Balanced Matchups

I play riz0ne and Ono-D often. You’d be surprised how often they land that TOD, actually if they get a crossup…I’m fucked. It’s not even hard to do. I think you need to up your game, sounds like you have no confidence. You don’t need to be Yuuvega to get a win with dictator. Work on your execution and Dictators TOD is essential to his game IMO, so learn that, and be able to do it on any cross up you get. His St. MK and St. HK are godly pokes and do tons of dizzy.

I wouldn’t talk about school and try to insult me when you can’t even spell properly…just saying. But hey, keep insulting me, I never insulted you, I just said your advice was stupid. Sounds like you’re the ignorant one. Whatever.

It’s humanly impossible to consistently hurricane kick and punish guile’s boom recovery on reaction on the higher speeds from mid-distance in an actual game. Guile recovers too fast and the hurricane kick requires too long start-up and travel time. You never see this at high level play where ryu’s will constantly hurricane kick random guile booms while you do see sims constantly drilling ryu fireballs (in st) since that is consistently reactable. A good guile will consistently punish random hurricanes when they don’t have charge, although it requires good timing and reflexes.

It’s extremely difficult to super guile booms on reaction and hit guile before he blocks. Almost all of the time you’ll see this it’s prediction.

I would personally say ryu vs guile is slight adv to ryu (mostly because of the super), but it’s not lopsided at all.

I always thought 'Gat beat Guile. Really fast fireball, SRK to beat jump-ins, TK fakes into throw. Guile pretty much has to jump.

EDIT: Ryu kills Guile. Fake FB, tatsu over boom, and excellent fireball game. Cross-up tatsus.


Honestly bro? Most people would be offended by that. I don’t mean to take sides but that’s not a wise thing to say. Its different when you say, “Hey, I see where you’re coming from but have you considered this?” as opposed to “That’s stupid.”

So let him be butt hurt, I don’t care.

Also comedy, you are so wrong, stevetren, s4v, dgv, all tatsu on reaction to booms and guile’s recovery isn’t THAT fast, and super on reaction is done in LOTS of matches.

Gotta say the matchup is definately in Ryu’s favour. You get a good ryu who can charge the super quick and its not pleasant. Totally game changing, really limits guiles options and puts him on the back foot. Guile doesnt sonic boom at close range? Of course he does. Ryu can hit with the tatsu knockdown but that isnt a reason not to throw booms at close range. That is where guessing games and footsies come in.

A ryu isnt going to keep chucking out tatsu cos he could get baited easily. Variety is the spice of life and every move has a counter, doesnt mean you dont use it in a given situation and repetitive behaviour of any sort will get punished. The main point here is that Guile cannot boom close when super is charged and that forces guile to alter his behaviour. The minute anyone forces you to alter your behaviour they control the match. It just so happens this is by design as opposed to just skill.

Ryu controlls the flow and pace of the match at this point and when u have the DGV’s and Phlushes who are masters at charging fast its a real problem.

That said i quite enjoy the matchup. I like to get life lead so i dont have to attack when he has super.

Maybe comedy plays Anniverary edition and uses CE guile. Faster recovery on boom and fewer startup frames on backfist.

That is the only explaination because his comments certainly dont apply to remix or ST guile

Guile sonic boom has 10f startup 20f recovery on Turbo 1.
If ryu is spaced such that he’ll hit w/ his second revolution, ryu will hit guile on the 24th frame. If you are close enough to hit on the first revolution, that means you’re within footsie range and guiles will be less likely to boom if they know you like to tatsu.
You would have to react in 6f to tatsu guile from mid range on reaction on turbo 1.
No human can do that.
The game is literally designed so that you can’t react punish booms in the ryu vs guile matchup.

That’s exactly how you play the match, get the life lead and turtle down and throw booms.

Even someone who doesn’t play Guile could give this advice :stuck_out_tongue:

LoL =P

Not exactly…this is what I’m talking about and this was reactioned, he tatsu’d after the boom was thrown. He’s at that perfect range where he has to make guile guess if he has to cr forward but he might eat a ryu godlike sweep, or boom and eat a tatsu.


Yes mid screen it won’t work, but this isn’t exactly in your face either, it just makes the match hard because tatsu gives a knock down and lets Ryu control the space.

Fei vs Gief is kinda even. On ST and HDR.

Guile vs guile is balanced unless u play me and then it’s unbalanced :stuck_out_tongue:

Yah that’s a pretty good example. I think you overblow how much people actually react to tatsus though. Most of the time it’s just pure prediction.

I was messing around w/ guile answers to random roundhouse tatsus. Ryu has no vulnerable ground frames! or c.roundhouse are not punishes! I do not think a throw is a valid punish either. If you block all of ryu’s attacks from the front, you have a +1-2f advantage. However, since you can’t throw until ryu fully recovers and you have no 2f moves, this is a bad way to punish random tatsus. Ryu can always try to reversal throw in this situation and be safe to anything you try to do. After ryu’s active frames, he has 15f on turbo 1 to fall to the ground. These are your options to punish basically:
1.) Finish charging and flash kick him. This is the best option if you have partial charge. If you kara cancel a crouching attack into the flash kick you’ll remove the possibility that you’ll block standing and mess up the punish…
2.) Standing block on reaction then immediately go to down-forward (so you can charge boom). Blocking will slow ryu down so that he won’t sail way past you so you can punish when he no longer has active frames. Simply time your attack AFTER all of ryu’s active frames so you don’t trade. Use c.fp or (for more frame advantage but slightly less damage). This eats small chip.
3.) Wait til he passes you and then c.fp him so guile faces the other way. If you do this randomly at the right spot, there’s ~1/3 chance guile will trade due to the hitboxes. If you mess up the timing you could trade as high as 2/3 of the time. Trading really sucks obviously due to knock down, eating a meaty fireball string, and letting ryu build meter.
4.) Wait til he passes you then backfist him. You ideally want to time the backfist after all of ryu’s active frames and this requires a certain spacing where ryu initially tatsued. If you dont have this spacing, then you risk trading or even just getting plain beat by the tatsu ~1/3 of the time. You won’t have charge using this method.

Shotos lose to gief. It really sucks to be shoto in that match.

Although in hdr, ryu’s fake hado is nice but he still loses to gief.

It can be argued either way who’s favored in guile v sagat but the fact is up close guile rapes sagat, and far away sagat rapes guile, this matchup is a great test each players zoning abilities.

Again: [media=youtube]N5CP7omY8OA&feature=player_detailpage#t=278s[/media]

It happens more often then you think, like I said, s4v, DGV, stevetren, all do this consistently to me, and it is reaction, maybe some of it is prediction but s4v in particular does this shit by reaction a lot.

If you are looking for the startup of a boom, it isn’t that hard to react to it, but if you get absorbed in watching for you’ll eat something else.

yup, I don’t even play Raul, and even I can react to that boom with a spin kick.

That guile player did a series of booms in regualr sucession to it was easy to react to cos it was expected. I doubt a ryu player can reaact that way to a 1-off boom, the same way guile can back fist any fireball ryu nullifies a boom with at a certain range

+1, only thing I’d add is that guile has carefuly advance past many tiger shots to close the distance, the damage he deals to sagat is probably balanced by the amount of chip damage he receives during the advance.