Balanced Matchups

which match ups do you think are as close to being perfectly balanced as possibe, for me, I’d say:

guile vs:


Rest of the cast I’d guile has significant advantage or disadvantage

Guile vs Deejay is in Guile’s favor easily, although not lopsided. He can keep Deejay out much easier than deejay can keep Guile out. Guile has much more range than Deejay, he also has better corner pressure. Deejay has better priorities on his normals, but all can be punished. Guile’s sobat works really well in this match.

Guile’s Sonic boom travels faster than deejay’s maxout, and I’d have to check but I believe guile’s horizontal charge is 1 or 2 frames faster than Deejay, meaning he will win the fireball war. Also in HDR, Deejay can’t sit outside of guile’s flashkick rank and do Cr. forward’s trying to bait a flashkick or cr. forward, he can roundhouse flash that.

He can also change his position easier and more variably than Deejay can while maintaining a charge (Sobat, Step kick, Bazooka knee).

Ryu vs Guile balanced? HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAAHA…this is so bad for guile. Ryu controls this match. Best thing to do with Guile is get the life lead and turtle. As soon as Ryu gets super, this matchup changes hugely in Ryu’s favor. Also, knock down tatsu is annoying to deal with as Guile. You must play really shitty Ryu’s, or you have a shitty Ryu if you think this matchup is balanced.

Dictator vs. Guile is pretty balanced. I’d say that’s a 5-5 matchup.

Sagat Vs. Guile…Bad match for Sagat.

guile ve ryu:

backfist the hurricane, ryu’s super has enough start time up to react to. the only problem I find is going lured into a fireball war and getting caught off guard by a super, other than that ryu’s super isnt really that much of a game changer, but I do agree it does change the pace and direction of the match.

guile - dj, doesnt dj’s projectile come out faster and travel faster than a boom, plus dj’s slide is quite effective

Ok, I’m convinced you have little to no experience in these matchups.

Yes, deejay’s startup is 2 frames faster on max out than the sonic boom, but it still travels slightly slower. Deejay can also machine gun upper a boom to eliminate it, but I don’t think it helps. Yes deejay’s slide helps, but guile’s sobat beats that slide, which is why I said the sobat is so good in this match. If you’re throwing booms at deejay point blank or while he is waking towards you and is close, you’re doing it wrong.

Ryu vs Guile, you obviously lack experience. You can’t back fist a reactioned tatsu to you boom. Backfisting a tatsu is risky unless you’re certain he is gonna tatsu, because at worst backfist gets beat, backfist can trade and it will be in ryu’s favor, or it can hit the tatsu clean which doesn’t happen often. Cr fierce can sometimes trade with tatsu in ryus favor all the time.

It also gives ryu knockdown, which is the key turning point in this match. Its why ken sucks vs guile but ryu beats guile, that knockdown tatsu makes all the difference. The recovery on it is very fast as well, meaning ryu can tatsu close, end up behind guile make him lose his charge and any normal guile puts out, it will go the opposite direction leaving ryu to throw him. Lets not forget safe jump cross up tatsu shenanigans when ryu gets a knockdown.

The super changes the match substantially, guile can no longer boom at close range with ryu when he has super because he can super on reaction.

Go get more experience, because this match is far from balanced.

I have heard strong players say that Guile vs. Dictator is near 5-5, which means I must be ‘doing it wrong’ because I think it’s a horrible match for Dic, probably 7-3 for Guile because he just controls so much space.

Yes, I’d have to say that you are doing it wrong if you feel that it is that uneven. It is pretty even and an argument can be made for a slight advantage either way. The key for Bison is to ideally remain in midrange (about the round start distance) to 3/4 of a screen away. From this distance, Bison has a ton of options and it’s harder to counter aerial moves. Generally, the further away Bison is from Guile, the worse of a matchup it becomes for him and vice versa.

It was about even in ST and that was before Dic had an escaping Reverse and the fake slide (which is awesome every now and then against extreme turtles):

Sagat beats Guile as well, definitely not balanced.

Definitely not true. Old sagat, but this is HDR.

Claw vs Honda.

talk to exposedd, i’d say he knows this matchup very well

Nah man, an experienced guile player is not gonna be throwing close range booms at ryu, so either u dont know the match up or are playing ppl who dont know the matchup and its only at close range that ryu can hurricane over booms and get a knock down, at medium-long range u can back fist the hurricane with confidence or just jumping fierce kick it.Best place for guile in this match IMO is far to medium range, from longe range u can jump over the fireballs when they get to much, while in the air you have several options depending on what the ryu player does:

1, if he jumps or hurricanes then fierce kick
2. if he walks in for the sweep on land or throw then u can kick him at the last second b4 u land
3. jump forward but do no attack and take advantge of a whiffed dp

if ryu traps guile in the corner or manager to turn the game into a close range fight, then it gets difficult for guile, but like I said a good guile player wont be doing booms close at ryu.

As for dj, in my experience sobat is not reliable against dj’s slide, just like its not effective against blankas or vega slide. If dj is just throwing MO’s then its all good for guile, but if DJ’ follows the MO’s with the slide and gains ground, them guiles options are limited, you can low forward but that usually loses to the slide, sobat? not convinced of that, not to mention how effective that low elbow move that dj can dow to shut down gui2le’s low forward or dj’s knock down medium sweep. I jjst cant see how guile has superior advantage in this matchup against dj

That’s funny because I was thinking Bison-Guile was in Bison’s favor. One knockdown from a scissor kick, a tricky devil’s reverse, one bad anti air on a jump in, or a headstomp followup hits you and it’s all over. Just blocking a scissor kick puts you in a terrible position. Safe jump tick throw all day. Close short pressure to throw or scissor kicks. Strangely enough, Muteki also played Chun vs. yuuvega after losing (in the vids KAOSPIDER posted) for some reason and I never knew he played Chun.

All that said it probably really is 5-5 and I’m just not good enough with Guile.

I’m done with theory fighter, enjoy your advantageous matchups vs Ryu, because your advice is the stupidest shit I’ve heard for the matchup so far… Also, I’ll be sure to “fierce kick”.

Someone telling Pasky how to play Guile. LOL

lol =P

I’d say Cammy vs. Fei is pretty even.

How does getting knocked down by Dic guarantee a loss for the other player? Sure Dic can then attempt to cross you up with the TOD but a relatively small number of people can pull that off and very few can execute it every time. If you block when he PC’s through you at the end of the combo it’s a reset. If he does a block string he gets pushed out and you’re ok. Sure, he can start his tick throw shenanigans but most characters can reset the situation pretty soon. And as far as scissors goes, if the Dic player doesn’t use the right strength scissors and does them too deep, you can just throw him.

And finally, the followup to the headstomp rarely dizzies by itself. Usually you need at least one or two more hits. And there are a bunch of counters to the headstomp follow up anyway for various characters.

I’m not trying to be deliberately troublesome, I just don’t agree.

Dude are u just dumb or ignorant? Where did I say that guile has the advantage in the ryu match up? I said I believe its an even match up.

If ur get hit by hurricanes over booms then u clearly don’t really know how to play this match bcos no sensible guile player will be doing booms that close for ryu to hurricane over then.

Perhaps u never learnt how to read at the schools u attended bcos you would have read that the options I listed applied to when guile is airborne. Guilds jumping fierce will beat ryu hurricane.

Lol I 2nd that.