lol coth. so your saying that ken is free to sim and rog? splain?
Not free, but saying ken manages sim/rog implies that they are practically even.
I find these matches to be fairly even:
Sagat vs Honda
Sagat vs Ken
Sagat vs Fei
Fei vs Chun
Fei vs Dhalsim
What I love about these matches is that both characters have to take substantial risks in order to assert their will.
For example, if 'Gat mistimes a shot against Honda, it might be checkmate once fat boy gets in but if Honda mistimes a jump in order headbutt, he might be conceding the match.
It’s this kind of risk-reward balance that makes these matches fun unlike, say, Fei vs Balrog in which one of the participants (cough Balrogcough) lords a litany of high reward and low risk options over his foe. Hold down-back, dash punch, repeat. Grrrr.
I’m sure you’ll find plenty of people to disagree with you there. It’s at least 5.5 in Fei’s favor, I think. It just seems like it’s even because I’m so awesome. More seriously, though, I do agree that more balanced risk/reward match ups tend to be more fun, and this is one of them. It’s not like match ups between Guile, Dee Jay, and Chun (ignoring mirrors) where the best idea is to get a little chip and then sit full screen throwing fireballs at fireballs until time is up because any character that dares take a step forward is instantly hugely gimped compared to the huge amount of space their opponent can control. On the other side is Chun vs Chun, Dictator, and Cammy, where whoever gets the first knockdown generally wins, which just feels more random than fun sometimes.
I don’t know where Nipul Herr went but he seemed to have mastered Chun’s normal moves. He reminded me of playing a Ryu that was on point with his move set.
I really think Chun can zone Fei like her bitch. She can also take advantage of flame kicks and flying kicks (even on hit). On the bright side, Fei is still strong up close even with the nerfs and can make her pay tremendously for desperation psychic attacks.
Sagat vs. Guile is probably my favorite matchup, but I think Guile has he advantage in HDR. The sobat kick in combination with the hopping knee makes close/mid fireball wars a bad idea for Sagat. Long range, Sagat will throw tons of fireballs with a couple stiff arms (stand fierce) and Guile has to work to get closer. In ST, this was Sagat’s match, but in HDR, I think it’s 5.5 for Guile.
I thought Fei vs. Chun was insta-lose for Chun. Chun has no answer for short chikenwing and Fei can basically do it all day.
After any chicken wing, Fei doesn’t have enough frame advantage to land anything cleanly. His main options are to Flame Kick, throw, or chicken wing again. Chun has answers to all these: block, counter-throw, or SBK. SBK can sometimes also cleanly beat Flame Kick. The most damage Chun can take is getting hit by the Flame Kick or being thrown, but the damage she can do by landing the SBK or throw is much higher. So, yes, it is very easy for Fei to get Chun to block a chicken wing, but what comes after is, I believe, in her favor. This isn’t even accounting for doing an option select throw/SBK, which I kept botching the inputs for back when I developed it and forgot to try it again more recently.