Bad lines to pick up chicks at an SF tourney

Want some pound cake?

“Hey, you Gun’ Jack me off? What, wrong game?”

Oh I thought girls at tournaments were just bored girlfriends wanting to go home soon.

“Wanna polish my stick?”

id like to hundred hand slap dat ass…

I hear you turtle a lot in the corner. I’m an aggressive player.

My favorite move to do is charging moves and Shun Goku Satsu. Whats yours?

I see you are ready to unlock the secret ending

You can set my difficulty by any level you want.

I like ryu


sex with a random hooker

“Romantic, Here comes Daredevil, You Win!!! six months later Destroyed”

Flame or Combo dp?

Hey, let’s go get a drink somewhere where you won’t get DP’ed for free.

…now that that’s out of the way.

Are you okay? BUSTA NUT~!
Wanna ride the lightning? My rushdown will leave you dizzy fo sho’
I’mma piledrive you like Zangief/Final Atomic bust in yo [insert hole here].

“Hey Honey, wanna go play street fighter and F$%K?”

After she slaps you in the face

“Whats the matter, don’t like Street Fighter?”

Tekken lines…

Let me show you my crotch dash!
Prepare to get Lei’d!

I’ve only seen a girl once at a tourny (incidentally the only tourny I ever been to). She probably worked for the University center. She came in and sprayed air freshner to balance out all the funk from the unwashed nerds in the room.

Anyways, here I go:

see girl

“HEy, YOU!”

Girl surprised

“Come on! Come on!”

Grab her and make out in the heat of the moment. Restraining order follows.

“Baby, if we we get together I swear I’ll never rage quit on you”

“I can pass all your challenge trials”

“Baby, when I saw you you hit me with a sneaky surprise attack at the start of the round.”

Look at her ass Now that’s what i like to call “big damage”.

This and only this…

“Damn, dat booty has got me in a instant dizzy! Could you jump on my lap so you can help me mash out of it?”

“Can I get a EX Foot Job?!”

“Mah dick has ‘Heaven’ on it. That means I have AIDS…”

“Excuse me, Excuse me… Could you move please, you are blocking my view and Justin Wong is playing my main, I drove 3 hours for this.”


“I have a perfect record in HD Remix online, so you know I will pull out in time and leave you unsatisfied.”

“So, how long have you been a woman?”


we’ll play a money match if i win you suck my dick if you win you suck my dick

^Those are the most realistic pickup lines for a fighting game tournament, ever.

“Just stay in the corner while I spam you with projectiles”


Edit: “…and if you try to get out, I’ll uppercut you”

probably said before but,

“can i take you for a riiiddde?” with complementary jazz music in the back.

actually thought of a better one

SF2 CE Ryu: “Id like to have some butt sex”. LOL