Bad lines to pick up chicks at an SF tourney

Kneel before your master.

“Pleased to meet you.”

“Now I’ve got you.” after trapping the scared…I mean uhh “maneuvering the playing hard-to-get” woman into a corner.

“…and that’s a rap.” after giving her the best 3 minutes of her life.

Hey baby you can use my stick this round.


this is funny because its true and ive seen it plenty of times

“I use Macro’s… is that a problem?”

Feel like proving some old axioms in bed?

Only works if you’re black. Don’t try it if you’re asian.

Also the classic flowchart ken

“I got commando’s on baby, I carry protection!”

Dunno if this has been said, might have

“They call me haduken cause i’m down right fierce” followed by “Girl, your name must be storm cause you’ve been runnin’ away from me…and all the dudes in here trying to talk to you”

Or you can just go up to her, say “unpredictable” and sex her right there.

“Damn gurl, you must use A-Groove, cause I think you r fine, and that’s fo SHO SHO SHO”

Since im a big fei long fan(i mean HUGE) ill try one out right quick

“Dont worry girl 5 minutes is all I need, you must learn to block or my speed will overcome you”.

Wow that was :lame:

oh well i tried

EDIT: Well how about this one

“Kneel before my might, you will tremble!!”

I want to apologise in advance for this one.

"Are you on the rag at the moment?"
What the hell?
Geese Howard Voice “If you are… I’ll stain my hands with your blood!”

“it’s suuuper dynamiiic f*cking time!”

leeeeets party
can anyone stop this fighting machine??
you can’t give it up!

this is too easy

also this [media=youtube]GuegpJeWv78"[/media]

Wanna see the rise of my robot?


Girl, you must play seth, cuz im about to be up in dem guts.

“How about I give you a wake up meaty?”


Heyyy there girl you ever had an EX special.

Whenever I see this thread, I keep recalling that one skit from the SF Flash Collab.


here’s one i actually used with positive results… it’s referenced in my sig:
i was jamming at the arcade with my friends on Tekken 6 when a top notch dime walks by, my buddies and i start to argue back and forth about her when she came back thru… I elbowed Brice outta the p2 seat and said
"Hey, sweetheart would you like to play a few games?" in a completely polite and civil way
she scoffed and spat “Whateva boi, you need to get a life.” my friends thought that was hilarious, but i collected myself and simply said “Baby baby baby… i’m a competitive fighting game player, so i don’t need a life… i just gotta hit start before this counter reaches zero” she thought that was rather cute, we played a few matches of T6 (i maintain that i let her win) and she wrote her number down on my bandana… paydirt!

this one is decent and might even get you some if you say it nice

“Hey baby. Wanna be my Rose? I’ll let you Soul Fuck me all night long baby.”


“Hey baby. Lemme put this Game Genie in your pussy and get dat cheat mode.”

when im at tourneys i liike to ask chicks if they wanna play, and if they say no i simply nail them in the back of the head with a brick… and if i have time i like to strike a pose and say ‘Do not enrage the King!’

but on a serious note… this is how you get gamer chicks when you have sufficient game like your man barzaad : [media=youtube]eW79y6XT9LE[/media]