Avatar: The Legend of Korra - Book 4

Ok, I had thuoght Azula was using Lightning when we first saw her. Now is that not the case? Is it really just some dumb blue fire?

She can use lightning and blue fire. Blue fire is just hotter than normal fire-- but she sure as fuck can bend lightning too.

Anyway, Toph is so fucking hot. More impressions later!

she uses both

Is it just me or is Azula broken? I mean, her Prodigy-class skillset has certainly served her well, but dammit, Zuko’s a crying little bitch in comparison to her, and I’d been under the impression he was dangerous.

One absolutely kick-ass addition to the party is the blind earthbending chick. I mean, I’ve been missing episodes here and there, but I guess I was missing some good ones, because before this one, the power of earthbending really didn’t occur to me.

Ahem…“Toph’s SKILLS are hot” is what you meant to say, I believe.

preview of tomorrow’s episode

note that katara has her hair down, which is just haaaawt

but poor sokka gets so much shit, but it’s ok when he finally hits the silly FLEXIBLE gymnast

edit: oh yeah, season 1 box set this september!

Fucking great news. Now I shouldn’t feel at all bad for passing up buying the DVDs, even though one of my friends tried to convince me that Nick wouldn’t release a box set.

Thanks for clearing that up, Stabby, Zazz.

And yeah, Toph is awesome. =D

Anyone have links to season 2 downloads so far? I haven’t been keeping up with season 2 but I loved season 1(downloaded the torrent). I’d really like to continue watching but I never seem to remember to watch it on fridays. =/

Uh…does Toph know she could’ve accidentally killed Sokka with that little wake-up call?

Stabby’s site: http://www.voiea.net/things/avatar/

Yo Stabby: I click on The Chase, and I get a page full of this instead of bittorrent starting up:

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Every other torrent on your site opens bittorrent normally. And Return to Omashu needs seeders.

Should be fixed now. I’ll find another torrent for Omashu sometime when I’m not so lazy.

As for the episode–

Toph <3

Sokka had surprisingly good development, considering that he just sat in a hole the entire episode.

I like training episodes like this, even if there isn’t much development. And we’ll finally be able to see some earthbending from Aang. Even if he is still garbage at it.

And Katara is pissing me off more and more. I wish he’d mastered water bending already so that she could just go back to the south pole. Useless bitch.

Zuko needs to learn the art of firebending that gets its strength from bitching. That kid would be unstoppable.

And lastly, Iroh is a beast.

wow this latest episode KICKED ass

toph uses the old “get angry!” teaching method. she’s got some good original moves that shows she’s rather inventive compared to the rest of the earth users we’ve seen

iroh gets right back up and shows how AWESOME he is. he can shoot lightning, but because he is humble and at peace. i guess azula can use lightning because she is so emotionally cold. i can see someone beating her by just getting her so pissed off she can’t pull that shit.

zuko will get his lightning as a power-up when he finally puts his emotional baggage away.

and sokka gets SO MUCH SHIT its sad

I’ve been watching Avatar for a while. I’ll admit at first I thought it was another crappy pseudo anime but after giving it a full chance I think that it has a pretty straight plot and it gives a whole sense of suspense. I"m a bit shocked that Nickelodeon actually has a show like this. But so far I’m pretty satisfied and I think it’s a pretty sweet show.

So far I think the second season is pretty awesome. However i question certain things because they don’t make sense. I know that Katara already knew some water bending but in the beginning it really seemed that she could barely even lift it. She just did whip kind of stuff with it. NOthing great. Now, she did get the scroll and considering the time elapsed between the time they left and the north poll there could have been ample time for her to learn some stuff. But the fact that she improved that much in what seems like that short of a time seems weird. Like…it seems like she became a “waterbending master” too quick. I dunno…to me Katara seems lame compared to all the other “strong female benders” that the show tries to push a lot.

Toph is effing sweet.

Azula is a bitch but you can tell she means business and for some reason I love her herd of bitches (Ty Lee and Mai).

OH btw, how much do you wanna bet that Katara might heal that scar off of Zuko’s face? I dunno…just a thought.

Zuko: I know what you’re going to say. “I need to try to get along with my sister”.

Iroh: No…she’s crazy and needs to go down.

I was :rofl:ing my ass off when he said that.

And Toph is a bitch…whoo.

Yeah, that “Oh, I got a huge powerboost since the last episode” thing is kinda weird.

But Katara practices all the time with Aang, and she gets tons of combat experience-- and she had exposure when she was younger as well, she just never had a master to help her refine. And she still isn’t really a master, since she basically just uses her bottle of water to whip folks. Her level is below Toph and Azula, and I don’t think she is that far beyond Aang, but she has a better understanding of the fundamentals than he does.

The episode was magnificent. Iroh’s survival alone made it awesome, but all his parts were golden, in both terms of comedy and wisdom. Then we have the whole Toph and Sokka sub-plots as well, as well as Katara’s constant character presence (whether one thinks its for better or for worse). It’s weird how a thirty minute show can seemingly fit so much in, and yet many movies thrice as long, like the recent X3, seem “rushed”.

Oh, and I was laughing my ass off at the first cut to Iroh for both the quote that Rhio posted and Iroh’s reaction to Zuko’s “tea”.

As aforementioned, I liked quite a lot of what Iroh had to say, especially that whole “pride is not the opposite of shame” thing.

I agree seeing Katara at this level of skill is jarring but the foundation was laid during the whole North Pole arc, especially the fight scene between Katara and the water bending master. Still I like that she is decent enough in attacks now, it makes the action scenes better than just her and Sokka running away.

It would seem that fire benders always lose when they can’t control their emotions. Or at least that is what always happen to Zhou last season.

Katara sucks!

And I find it interesting that Toph made Aang use the same stance that Jiang-Jiang did when he began to learn firebending in season 1.